I'm in love with CTX Kickbox!


I did it Monday, pairing it with S/H Legs. My shoulders and lats were so sore the next day, I had to change my plan to do S/H Shoulders and do biceps instead. To be honest, I am in love with Slow and Heavy too. My body is nothing but sore muscles but that wonderful sore, a little painful, a little pleasurable! Cathe just amazes me throughout each segment. She's so funny and so great at what she does that I survive each set and feel so happy when it's OVER! Now that I've mentioned it, I'm in love with these forums too. There's such a wealth of great information and so many different types of fitness buffs here, each with their own expertise. Life is Good!

So thank you to Cathe and to the Catheites who make my life a better place and make me want to be a better person!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif
Hi Bobbi,

I just wanted to say that I started doing the Cardio Kicks tape the end of December and I am just hooked on this one. I do it 2-3 times a week.

I also love reading your posts, they inspire me and are always helpful.

Hi Bobbi,

It is ALWAYS nice to read your posts! Hope you are doing well!

I love Cathe's kickbox experience! If you don't have Cardio Kicks, then it is a must! I feel tough and focused when I do them. Really hope she has more planned.

The first time I did slow & heavy I didn't think I needed all those rests. I am really glad for them. Because even with them I am sore the next day. Sometimes at night the muscles worked feel hot.

P.S. Those men in her Cardio Kicks are terrific! Hope to see them again!

life IS good!

Hi Bobbi!

Great post! I love this forum too. Always a source of great motivation. And S/H... this series rocks! Don't you feel so powerful after your'e done? Do you have cardio kicks? Talk about sore lats!! I love muscle soreness too. You just know you kicked butt the day before! :)

By the way Laura, those two awesome-looking guys show up in CTX Circuit Max too... what fun :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Agreeing with you all. I love to come here and hear all your comments, encouragement and support. BTW, Cathe posted back to me in a thread some time ago that she was planning to ask the guys (Steve & Mike) to join her again for the next set of vids depending on sheduling & rehearsals!!! She may even use them in the strength videos!! I cant wait. It was fun having them sweat with us even though we ALL needed umbrellas as the sweat was FLYING!!;-) Thanks everyone for making this a NICE place to come!

rYour-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes!

I will be so delighted when Cathe's new workouts come out! I was fantasizing about it a few days ago. I already get great variety and intensity from the ones I have now but I can't wait to add to that. And in spite of the fact that she's 7 months pregnant, you know she'll be back in superb shape and going into production before we know it!

The Slow and Heavy series floors me. It's just so excellent. But mostly I love how Cathe jokes and makes even such a tough workout fun! I think it's my favorite although I love so many of them it's hard to have a difinitive favorite! And since I am a stay at home mom who's time is mostly taken up by kid stuff, the forums are my link to the world and help me stay on the cutting edge of so many things! I got the nicest e-mail from another Tucsonan who lurks here! I e-mailed her back and I hope she gets it. The world is full of such lovely folks. Bless this website for letting me get to"know" so many of them!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif
RE: Yes!

Hi Bobbi,
Cathe is killing me with Circuit Max. I just got over my Cardio Kicks phase and right now am not speaking to her after all the mean things she did to me yesterday with the step.
I love S&H...honestly this series is what really hooked me.
What makes me laugh was this line of hers in Legs where we finish one set ( i forget if it was squats or lunges ) and she says that felt great..."well maybe that's a lie" that always makes me grin. You're da*&ned right it is!
RE: Yes!

That's funny! I can see why you're not speaking to her. This TORTURE is good for us?! hehe. I read a post where someone said she couldn't be a background person in a Cathe video because she was such a mess when she was done. And I thought I couldn't be a background person because I yell and groan and carry on like the dickens to get through some of the sets! I know the exact place you're talking about. Ain't no "maybe" about it! You know the part in Kickbox where she takes you into something a "little lighter" starting with a boxer shuffle and moving through ski hops, bell hops into power scissors! That's lighter? :)

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/yellows/rotaeye.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/love/luxlove.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/tiere/popworm.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/tiere/sheep.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/natur/petals.gif

I just did Xtrain Kickbox for the first time this am, and although I LOVED IT, at one point I thought I was going to drop dead on the spot! I even posted earlier today and remarked that at the point of the "power scissors", my only thought was, "does she KNOW I weigh 210lbs? AND that this might kill my big a**?" INTENSE, INTENSE, INTENSE! And this was lighter? I was so happy to see the arm drills words cannot express it :) And how about that "back fist" move? I LOVE THIS SERIES! Well, so far, I do have Leaner Legs to do tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to crawl to the computer afterwards :)
And you know what the best thing about Cathe videos are? They will ALWAYS be such a bargain! You don't "outgrow" Cathe cardio or weight training like you "outgrow" other cardio videos. I have a crate with videos that no longer challenge me (aerobics) but not a Cathe one among them! I can't imagine ever saying, "that Cathe video ... just doesn't get my heart rate up there anymore!" PUL-LEEZE! I thought I needed paramedics this morning! :)
And this forum goes without saying, is the best!

You can actually get through all those plyo scissors??? I did Kickbox for the first time yesterday (LOVED IT!). I weigh 205 (I have 40 to lose) and couldn't do all those plyos! My legs just got stuck in the "down" position and refused to budge any more!! I slapped them a few times, but they no were no longer connected to the rest of my body! I am in awe of you!! Ah well, something to work towards, I guess! I love all of the CTX workouts - great, kickbutt workouts in 60 minutes - what more can you ask for (well, maybe more oxygen!).

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-02 AT 02:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I am laughing so hard I pray I don't pee on myself before I can finish this :)
Kaz, yesterday was my first time trying ctx kickbox, so I wasn't expecting them, so when she started leaping in the air with the "power scissors", my legs not only stuck in the down position, my mouth dropped open and I went completely still and said, "you have got to be sh--ing me?!"
I had to jog over to the remote, jog in place while I rewound to just where the plyo scissors began, and start again.
Trust me, there wasn't nearly as much space between me and the ground as there was between Cathe and the ground! :)
CTX was an experience! I LOVE IT and can't wait for it to come around again, but as I said before, I thought I would have to call the paramedics when it was over!
Donna :)
RE: Ha!

"you have got to be sh--ing me ?!"

LOL!!! I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's saying this while working out with Cathe.
RE: Ha!

Heretofore, CTX Kickbox shall be known as the Rolling On The Floor Laughing (ROLF) Workout, Donna, because that's what I'll be doing when I get to the plyos and I'll be thinking of you!

P.S. I can't wait until you try Maximum Intensity Cardio. It makes the Kickbox seem like a Denise Austin workout by comparison When I start it I dial 9-1- so all I'll have to do is hit the last 1 if I collapse!

B http://www.plauder-smilies.de/love/heartface.gif OBBI http://www.plauder-smilies.de/love/heartline.gif
RE: Ha!

OOOHHHHH NNNOOOOOO! MIC and IMAX are 2 videos I plan to order in my next ordering spree (next month :))

And see, I can now judge the intensity of MIC by your comparison to Denise Austin :)
WOW!!!!! but of course, I still plan to order it :)

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