I'm falling apart - I have to vent!

Without reading any of the other responses, the first thought that came to my mind was that you are overtraining.

I, too, have suffered from little aches and pains in my knees, ankles, hand, neck, lower back, top of my foot, etc. You know what got rid of ALL OF THEM? I took about 3 months off from exercise. It wasn't really by choice that I did, but I got so run down that I got sick with bad bronchitis, and the pain in all my body parts got too bad. So I HAD to stop!

Best thing I could have done! I started exercising again SLOWLY a few weeks ago. It started with a few short, slow walks around the neighborhood (15 minutes or so); then I added about 15-20 minutes of Cathe cardio (modified to low intensity); then added 15-20 minutes of weights a couple times per week. And today, I actually worked out for about 45 minutes and felt GREAT! I go through a series of stretches for about 10 minutes before exercising now, and always stretch after for about 5-10 minutes, too.

Now, I pay attention to my body. I was doing squats today and my knee felt a little tender, so I stopped dipping as deeply and only did one set instead of two. And last Wednesday, right after the warmup of BM2, my left foot developed a painful ache. When I realized it wasn't just a cramp, I immediately stopped. I took the next 3 days off to let it recover, and today it was fine. I think a bone got out of alignment (a problem I've had in the past).

I know I've got to let the muscles and tendons re-strengthen gradually so as not to put pressure/stress on the joints. So, if something feels wrong, I stop. I suggest you do the same for a while. Let your body heal and in a month or so start back up SLOWLY!!! Don't do so much. Relaxation is just as important for your body as exercise.
>All right. I've about had it with my stupid joints, bones,
>ligaments... first, let me say that while I am venting, I also
>hope you all can give me some ideas about how I can work
>around my many little problems! So bear with me while I list
>them all.
>The Knee: I can't run, and I can't do barbell squats. I do
>squats against the wall using the ball, which works okay.
>BUT... now it's acting up when I use my elliptical trainer.
>This is not good because the elliptical is very important
>right now. You'll see why below.
>The Shin: I have a stress fracture. This happened sometime
>last year, and I followed doctor's orders and got his okay to
>resume my regular activity. But now it's back. I've converted
>as many of Cathe's workouts to low impact as I can, but it's
>still not quite enough. That's why I need the elliptical.
>The wrist: The tendon or whatever that goes from the thumb to
>the wrist can't tolerate full weight or being bent back, like
>when the hands are flat on the floor to do push-ups or pikes.
>I can work around this but am not thrilled about it.
>Okay, I guess those are the main issues. What would you do?
>I've considered taking a week off, but I expect I need more.
>The problem with that is that working out helps to relieve so
>much stress and kinks, etc., after sitting all day at work.
>Thanks for putting up with this long post, and thanks in
>advance for any advice.

dont give up http://www.egoscueresearch.org/questions.phtml the doctor pete egoscuer says in his book not to give up when you get hurt and he told me this he says not to stop exerciseing his theraphy exercises are on his site im in the same boat i walk out side alot more now when i do swats i listen to my body i cant use machine they always hurt me i use dumbells in front of me for push ups and do more reps with less weights you might have to make up your own workout routine without a dvd or use cath dvds for ideas of exercise that dont bother you but please work that musle slowly no fast jumping or fast anything for a while when you do any exercise fast you take a chance of doing it sloppy heres the qeustion and answer from the doctor but i ebcourage you to get the book painfree

me Question: pain in knees used to run still active but still get pain in knees i just do weights now wish i could run on treadmill or ride stationary bike again. i still walk outside but doing machines like treadmill and bike hurt

the doctor Answer: The reason it hurts on the treadmill is because your posture is compromised to the point where the mechanical inertia of the belt, or stationary bike, is more than the body can deal with. I recommend that you stay outside, where you get more bang for your buck. Go to egoscue.com, Where Is Your Pain? Knee Pain link. That is a start. Give it a try for a week or two, daily, then beyond that you can consider further options (Online Therapy, in-clinic, etc.) Let me know how it goes.
keep the musle strong work with little hand weights for your wrist like cathe does in muslce max wacth your diet (not crazy wacth your diet i think that leads to overeating because if your too strict on your self youll fall ) and work the muslce slowly....... work the muscle and keep posture straight while your doing it keep posture in mund pain can come from bad posture leave the cardio alone except walking outside or swimming

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