I'm curious. Women, which are you....

I'm curious. Women, which are you....

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I go to school full time at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno. Then I'll be transfering to University of Nevada Reno in fall of '06! Yay!:eek: For a business degree in advertising and marketing! woo woo!:D
I'm sort of in-between. I'm a full time mother of two, one a college freshman who will probably be living at home next semester and commutuing, since she would rather sleep than get up and go to class. The other is an adult son with Prader Willi Syndrome, who will continue to live at home until we can get the county to cough up the funds to place him in a home specific to his syndrome.
I have 3 kids and started working last January around 15 hrs/wk as Co-Director of Development at the Y. I job share with a good friend who also has 3 kids. I can pretty much determine my own hours and often work from home. It's pretty ideal.
Sorry Jes and Robin! I should have had an "other" category. :-(
Robin, if you're not working, you definitely qualify as a SAHM.

I'm not sure if I would be categorized as SAHM or other. I run my own business in my home (small daycare) and I have two children.
I consider myself a SAHM. For the last 15 mos., I have only taught an independent study. Well, there were 16 hours of NP work I did. :) I will be teaching NFP 6-8 hours a week in the evenings, but the majority of my days are spent with my kids. :7
Full time work - IT Director and Accounting Manager... computer and numbers geek.... 2 boys - 12 and 11... divorced/single mom too... I seem to have a part-time job as a car shuttle operator, with all the sports... hehe... the pay sucks on that one... hehe
I also work in the IT field full-time with an 8 and 10 year old plus 2 furry children and a sometimes adolescent DH. ;-)

Oh Ducky, the WAHM reminded me of the singing group WAM. Now I have "wake me up before you go, go..." in my head. ;) Ok, now back to the regularly scheduled program. :)

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