I'm a S&H whimp!!


New Member
Hi all!

OK, I need some major motivation here. I've had the Slow and Heavy series since day 1 BUT have yet to even open them!! (I know, I know....) Not sure what is going on with me but one of my excuses is that they are so long. I'm used to doing MIS or PS with all body parts on one day but these workouts are too long to do that. Soooooo what are all of you doing? Are you doing one S&H video after cardio? Or (as I saw mentioned in another post)are you breaking them up into one body part a day? If so, how long is one body part per day taking? Please give me your thoughts on how you've managed to incorporate these videos into your routine after having used MIS and PS. Maybe someone can actually kick me in the butt and I'll try them this weekend....the funny part is that I LOVE strength work so I know that once I try them, I'll love them. I just hate to give up any cardio time and am not sure how to go about using them yet.

Lisa :eek:
Now this is just me, what I do. I combine PS tapes with S&H because I don't need to get bigger in the chest & back (chest muscles....we're not talkin' boobs!). Also, I don't do S&H legs very often because I'm into high reps and low weights. SO......I'll do a long cardio tape and then do PS Chest/Shoulders. Another day I'll do cardio then PS Back. These are work days, mind you. THEN on my days off I'll do cardio plus S&H Biceps or Triceps.

You could also incorporate S&H very easily with CTX Cardio. I will take any chance I get to push the CTX series!
RE: I'm a S&H beginner....

Lisa: I'm new to Cathe and just starting back on weight lifting. I picked S&H to start with to really concentrate on learning proper form. I do 40 or 45 minutes of cardio first thing in the morning followed by one body part of S&H. It usually takes me 70-90 minutes to finish depending on how quickly I'm moving. On a push week I add 40-60 minutes of cardio at night too. I'm sure some more experienced exercisers will have other great ideas for you. Katie
I've used S&H straight up - each video 1x week for 3 weeks & been pleased with the results. Actually found that M-W-F worked well & allowed for complete recovery. Did shorter cardio on weight days - sometimes before & sometimes after depending on weather, energy levels, etc but usually at a different time of day.

Lisa, I can't guarantee you'll love S&H. Some people just don't like the tempo (e.g. the long rests) but there's also a large camp that loves it. So jump in & find out.

I let my S & H dvd collect dust for 3 months too because I knew it would take so much longer than the PS workouts. Now I'm addicted to S & H. Yes it takes a full hour, but with all that rest time between sets you can throw in a load of laundry, sweep the kitchen, empty the dishwasher in phases, pick up clutter...I get a lot done between sets when I'm letting my heart rate come back down and letting my muscles stop shaking.

After I finish the S & H workout, I do only ten minutes of cardio, either on the Nordic Track, or learning a segment of a new tape--right now it's Rhythmic Step and it's hard. And actually on leg day, I drop the 10 minutes of cardio.

So I'm spending an hour and ten minutes on Mon-Wed-Fri and that works just fine. I do 50 minutes of cardio on Tues-Thurs-Sat.
I do cardio, then one body part from S&H. The day after I do a leg workout I rest my legs. On that day I can do a whole S&H upper body tape C/B or T/B/abs. On another day of the week I do MIS or PowerHour so each muscle can get two sessions a week.
Hi Lisa! I'm like Debra... I do S/H on a MWF with running on the in-between/recovery days. I also run in the afternoons sometimes on the same days as S/H. I do the full hour-long tapes. It works very well for me and I don't skimp on any cardio. I like having a full recovery day in between. I love the S/H series, others don't care for it. Pop in a tape and see what you think! Let us know...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-02 AT 05:36PM (Est)[/font][p]I use S&H for as long as I could keep at it... I stayed on it for 6 weeks, took one week off started another 3 weeks and now I'm doing cardio and one day of LL + Upper body (either GHAS or a Circuit from Muscle & Fitness Hers) and one Body Pump class at the gym. It felt good to shake things up a bit with the fast and light lifting...OMG, Body pump really fried my biceps that day, I could actually see it ball up for awhile (shake shake shake shake the room...boom boom boom boom)and the low ends in the squat track on a Saturday morning had us all groaning while our instructor "cackled" at us. Lots of fun though...but this week I used S&H Legs with GHAS. Cathe said it was ok to use parts of the series...and I love the LEG workout in it.
Dive in, the water's fine!!

I LOVE S&H! The beauty of these tapes is in their versatility. You don't have to sacrifice cardio either, depending on how you use them. At the moment, I'm doing the S&H series a week at a time, once a month, and then mixing and matching other weight and cardio tapes (including the PS series) for the other three weeks. When I first got these tapes, I used them for two weeks at a time and got good results doing a S&H tape one day, then cardio the next, and alternating that way. Or, you could do, the tapes consecutively one after the other, three days in a row, and then hit the cardio hard the rest of the week. For me, that was a good one for shocking the ol' body.;)

I know it can seem overwhelming because the choices are seemingly endless. But I think the key is to open 'em up and try them. They're wonderful, and I can't help but think once you try them, the ideas for incorporating them into your overall workout plan will start pouring in. Good luck.:)
Hi Lisa,
I currently use S&H series on MWS. On Mon-S&H Legs & shoulers, I add on two ab sections from the CTX. On Wed-S&H Back & Chest-I add on CTX-Kickboxing (cardio only), On Sat S&H Bi-Tri and I do all of CTX Power Circuit.

The other three days I will do Tae Bo Get Ripped Series Advanced and LL on the third day. I ensure I take a full day of rest one day a week.

I hope this helps. Try them you will love them.


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