I'm 14 and I just wanted to say that Cathe workouts are...


New Member
Judith McCrae

I have already posted this twice but it was in the wrong forums and people have replied to me telling me I should put it in this one if I want Cathe to read it so here it is :) haha.

Alright so Cathe, if you are reading this I just wanted to let you know that I love absolutely everything about your workouts, they are so amazing! You, your workout buddies(Jai, Lorraine, Cedie, Brenda, and any others I left out), and your workouts are like the beastliest things EVER! I love 'em!...in case you didn't know, beastly is quite a compliment among my friends and I. I've been doin your workouts for a good solid two or three weeks and I'm so thankful to have something this challenging to do. It keeps me busy when i'm not in sports but I might even do them after sport practices just because they're so much fun and invigorating. My mom's a big fan and told me about you becasue I wanted to start doing something that could get me in shape and keep me there year-round. And since sports like soccer and b-ball aren't year-round then I was so happy when I first did one of your workouts because I can actually stick to these workouts becasue the challenge just never stops:D:7:D. I first started with KPC and that... oh goodness it tuckered me out but afterwards I felt so beastly}((that's my beastly face)haha. My mom got us both your new 4-day split that's coming out and yesterday i got my hardcore series that she ordered for me. I can't wait to do them all:7.
I think out of all the workouts I've done, Butts and Guts would definately be my favorite. I just love all your core work:). Your step routines are pretty fun too once I can figure em out, like I'll get so mad at the fact that I can't learn that, but then I finally started doing them in slow motion all the way through or in bits and pieces and then not being satisfied with the fact that I hadn't done it all at your speed, I went back to the beginnning and did it all the way through at your pace. After finding out that they weren't that hard I just got even madder at myself but I used that energy for the rest of the workout haha:D. I just wanted to let you know though that I think you have the greatest workouts ever and to pleeeeeaaaaase keep it up hahaha :D :7 :D :7 :D
RE: I'm 14 and I just wanted to say that Cathe workouts...

I wanted to put in a follow-up on the above post; please tolerate a reply from a "proud Mom". Obviously the above post was written by my daughter; I just wanted to tell Cathe how much I appreciate all that she is doing through her wonderful workouts. My daughter and I have so much fun comparing notes on our Cathe workouts, and it has been a great bonding experience for us. We love your personality Cathe, and the encouraging and humorous comments you throw in. Of course, we absolutely love the challenges that we get from your workouts; we are so looking forward to the 4 Day Split DVD. Anyway, thanks again Cathe, for making workouts that even a 14-year-old enjoys over and over. She has learned all of the 2006 Series and is fast getting down the Hardcore Series. I did not have a stability ball yet when she first started, so she had all the cushions off of the furniture to use during the abs on KPC; she promptly informed me that it was not a good substitution, so I went out that night and got our stability ball.Now we can't do without it. Thanks for all that you do, Cathe; we love you!
RE: I'm 14 and I just wanted to say that Cathe workouts...

Awwww! This is so nice :) :) I hope Cathe sees it!
RE: I'm 14 and I just wanted to say that Cathe workouts...

Hi Eulanee and Judith.

I have to tell you that I share your enthusiasm with working out to Cathe together. I have a 13 year old daughter who often joins me and we have a blast. I also go to Zumba classes and I took her with me last night for the first time. I was so proud of her. She catches on so quickly and the instructor was amazed at how good her form was in the exercises for someone her age. I've tried to teach her the correct way to do things so she doesn't end up hurting herself and having issues with anything as her body grows and ages.

It really is an awesome feeling to have your child working out with you!


RE: I'm 14 and I just wanted to say that Cathe workouts...

Hi, Dianne! I loved reading about your daughter; it's so exciting to see them discover all the benefits of working out! And their energy is amazing! I envy your being able to actually exercise together; we don't have enough space to do that, but we do have a lot of fun discussing our workouts. I get so amused at Judith; she'll say, "Look! Here's a new muscle; how awesome!" We both get amazed at how Cathe can make the simplest exercises, even the ones without weights, to be so tough you feel like your muscles are frying! Well, have fun with your daughter; wishing you both lots of great workouts together!

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