If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results

If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results

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RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

Sorry, the forum won't let me edit so you can see the question.

So, here it is:

If you have strength training and aerobics back to back, which do you get the best results?
Has Cathe addressed this before in the forum?:7
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I've read in a couple fitness magazines that is better to do Strength before cardio. That's the way I like it. I'm to tired after cardio to lift heavy.
That's why I don't do Timesavers and Crosstrain Xpress much cause Cathe's got the cardio first.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I almost always do them back to back. Most of the time I prefer cardio first as it loosens up tight muscles and then I am really ready for the weights. Otherwise I feel like I am working up more slowly to feel like I am ready to go for the maximum weight I can lift. On the other hand if I do decide to go for weights first after the first set, I can get into the weights a little better, but feel like I need a little more at the end as I was not ready to put out full effort. If I am planning on a mostly weights workout, I do a short high intensity cardio first. Now another point for me is I start very early in the morning, anywhere from 5 a.m to 6:30 a.m. that may make a difference as well. I do this as I have found later in the day I am more apt to have interuptions in my workout.
Diane Sue
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I agree with Diane Sue--I prefer my aerobics w/o first b/c it helps warm up my muscles. But also for other reasons:

1) I enjoy the weight training much more than cardio, so I like to get the cardio over with early on.
2) Even though I like the weight training more, the cardio is more important to me. So instead of tiring myself out first w/weights, I put all my energy into the cardio workout for maximum effectiveness.
3) Personally I think I burn fat more efficiently by doing cardio first, b/c I get my heart rate up & then keep it up to some extent w/weights. Weight training doesn't get your heart rate up as high so IMHO it's not as effective if your priority is staying slim.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics ba...

I do weight training before cardio always. I read in Lean Bodies that if you are trying to burn fat, it helps to use up your glycogen stores first with the weight training. That way when you get to your cardio, your body gets to use your fat for energy sooner. But I don't ever do weights early in the morning. I'm just not wired that way.

This has always worked for me. I also don't waste too much time standing around doing weights so I stay pretty warmed up. Last of all, I SWEAT!!! a lot with cardio, and when I finish that I just really want to get in the shower.

My .02 worth.

RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics ba...

Chalk me up as another cardio before weights person; the cardio really fires me up core temperature wise and it limbers me up. I love both cardio and weights for different reasons; I kind of liken the cardio to the appetizer, the weights as the entree and the cooldown stretch as the dessert.

I know there's a lot of controversy among the fitness pundits about which method helps you lean out better. My position is: whichever way you LIKE is the way that will work best, because it ensures consistency. And considering the fact that I take a size zero in a skirt and jeans, I think that says something for cardio B4 weights.

RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

It's like the race for the presidency! ha ha ha
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics ba...

I've been running since I was 15, one hour 5-6 days a week. I never ever looked as good (size 2, 13-14% body fat) until I started Lean Bodies. So WT before Cardio also seems to work real good.

RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I definately prefer cardio before weights. I have been a runner for over 20 years, running between 25 and 50 miles per week and I have never been leaner than I am right now. This is since incorporating Cathe's strength training. If I do weights first, I feel very sluggish when I run. Also, like AJock, the cardio warms my muscles in preparation for weight work.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I like my cardio first because it warms up my body.

RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

It seems to work better for me to do cardio before weights. My muscles are pretty fatigued from the weight training which makes it harder for me to do the cardio.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I voted for strength before cardio but if I am lifting heavy or going to do an intense cardio, I will either do them on separate days or break the workouts up duiring the day so that there is at least a several hour break between the two activities.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

Cardio before weights for me too. Seems to wake up my body and get those endorphins pumping. My muscles are usually pooped out after a good weight session, so I can really give my all to cardio if I do it first.

But, as they say, whatever works best for you is the right answer!

Have fun,
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I prefer cardio first because otherwise you need to do a cardio warm up, then weights, then back to cardio which takes more time.

Also, I find cardio (with videos) more fun, and I just don't enjoy it if I am tired from weights, especially if I did weights for legs.
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

I actually like to do a long cardio warm-up (like the first 12 minutes of "Cardio Kicks") then do weights, then finish with cardio (the rest of Cardio Kicks).
RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?)

It is funny how we are all different!

I used to always do cardio before weights, but have found that I get better results doing weights before cardio. I guess that is because I am fresh when doing the weight work so that I can really focus on form and muscle contraction.

Also, if I am having trouble motivating to exercise that day, for some reason starting with weights doesn't seem as intimidating. Then, by the time its time for cardio, I am ready to go.

I guess the most important thing is that whatever order you choose, the fact that you are ACTUALLY doing it is truly the key! :)

Lynn M.

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