If you could thank Cathe...


Being that this is the week of Thanksgiving, and I am just so excited about the Intensity Series, I thought I'd start this thread. If I could thank Cathe (and we all can right here on this forum!) I would thank her for:
1. The level of commitment she displays in the products she puts forth. She really puts thought, feeling, and care into each workout she creates. And that is what makes her the best there is, barring none.
2. The fact that she listens to her fans. Other fitness companies will promise "our toughest workout ever!" so you shill out 25 bucks and it doesn't even compare to a Cathe warm-up! Because she cares what we have to say, I am willing to spend my money because I know I will get a great workout from her.
3. I would like to thank Cathe for changing this sedentary person into a gal who now loves a cardiovascular challenge. I also look forward to strength training, something I never enjoyed doing before discovering your workouts. (And thank you for helping me lose 25 lbs!).
4. For being so darned fit and energetic. It is very inspiring and motivating.
5. For paying attention to detail: music, clothing, set decoration, etc. Her workouts are on a level like no other. The production quality is amazing.
6. I could go on and on but I will just end by saying thank you Cathe for your unparalleled talents and the fact that you share them with us.
Great thread Jilly! You pretty much said it all but I think MOST of all for ME is that Cathe has kicked my level up to level I never thought I could achieve. Fitness has been a way of life for me for the past 20+ years, but finding her tapes has definitely taken me to new heights! Another thing I have discovered thru using her tapes is that my form is sooo much more perfected which we all know is VERY important. Her cueing is superb. I also like the fact just about the time I think I MIGHT possibly start to get bored with my tapes, she amazes me and puts out a whole new series. Last but not least, she makes exercise FUN and the results are so rewarding. THANK YOU CATHE and we ARE so VERY THANKFUL for you! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Just like Debbie H, I would not have achieved the level of fitness that I have now, without Cathe. Cathe, your knack for encouraging us and trusting us to learn on our own is self-fulfilling. We become the educated crowd.

Your form in your videos is really the best. I like following the example of a pro who practices what she preaches.
For everything Jilly already said, plus for melting the hundreds of pounds off my frame in record time, thus making me healthier and fitter than I've ever been my entire life.

NO OTHER WORKOUT IN THE WORLD could have done what Cathe's have done in such a short amount of time! Not only did Cathe keep me motivated mentally, but her workouts challenged my body to a degree that in order to keep up with her, the fat had no choice but to fry and melt! :) For the first time in 38 years, I LOVE being me and I LOVE the skin I'm in!

Thank you Cathe! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Dear Cathe,
If I had the opportunity to personally thank you, I would first have to say: Thank you Cathe for having faith in your fans/market to put out a product that does not underestimate or demean. You have great courage and expect it from us as well. I really sense this with each workout you produce! Then I would thank you from woman to woman for all your efforts. For all the sleepless hours I am sure you have spent thinking, creating, and yes maybe even stressing about your business, a business that has benefited ME and my husband ( and so many others)so much. It must at times be difficult to be all you must in life and also be such a loyal teacher and friend to us all. I really appreciate you Cathe and I really appreciate the woman on this forum for they have learned from the BEST...they have learned from YOU!

Happy Thanks Giving to you and yours!


Debbie Dailey
Ditto to what Jillybean said. And thank you for having the type of personality that is not only bearable, but a pleasure to wake up to, at 5:45 each morning. I can't tell you how many videos (not to name names) I have tossed or traded because of the instructor's deadbeat, annoying, grating, goofy, ditzy, etc. personality.

Vielen Dank Cathe!
She is a very class act, also. What a great role model for all of us who aspire to be personal trainers, fitness instructors, or whatever. I hope she reads this.

Just Do It! :)
Not only am I thankful for the great workouts, I am just so thankful for the way she cares about her fans. I think it is so awesome that she takes time to listen to us, answers questions, and is just so nice. She is a great role model. THANKS Cathe!!!!
Lori S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-02 AT 05:01PM (Est)[/font][p]I completely agree with everything the others have said. In addition I would like to add my thanks to your commitment to being a total professional in every aspect of your endeavors. Your efforts in listening to your consumer base and then addressing those needs and then your ability to tantalize and market your product in very admirable. Your skills as a business women are something that I make certain to point out to my own daughters, besides your fitness marvels. It is easy for someone to put their name on a product and just as easy for said product to fail and thus bring down the individual involved. Your name and products are above reproach and quite frankly just don’t disappoint. So my thanks goes beyond the personal fitness achievements (which are numerous) that I have made. My thanks also goes to you for being an positive American women role model for our daughters as someone who decided that they wanted to succeed and achieve and have more than done that. I am sure that you get a huge satisfaction from knowing that your work is helping women and men to become more healthy and live longer lives. Not to shabby of a legacy to leave for your fellow fitness compadres eh? Have a happy thanksgiving because we sure will at my house in huge part because of you.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-02 AT 05:02PM (Est)[/font][p]Opps!!! Sorry for the double post. My bad.
The girls have said everything that I would say, (only perhaps better).
I would just add my feelings. The workouts are challenging, I always love the workout crew, they seem like they are my friends because of the warmth and feeling that comes across in the workouts, the videos are top quality, the sets beautiful, I love the clothes, and the attention to all the details ie: the instruction, the encouragement the motivation and making sure the videos and DVD's are edited to perfection.
Cathe is in a class all by herself. Cathe is Queen of the workouts...step, circuit, weights, hi-low. + Cathe has business savvy. Cathe is approachable. She listens to our questions and responds with caring and patience.
Cathe always makes me want to try harder to be the best that I can be. This reflects in all the other aspects of life as well.

Thank you Cathe, for all your hard work. You are helping so many of us to be the best we can be and go that extra mile to become better.

Love this thread!

1. THANKS, CATHE, for valuing intensity and effectiveness over market share;

2. THANKS, CATHE, for kicking up my cardiovascular, leg and ab power to a whole new level;

3. THANKS, CATHE, for SNM's customer service, which is cutting edge in its old-fashioned philosophy of putting the customer first;

4. THANKS, CATHE, for this forum - I've cyber-met so many wonderful people here.

Lack of physical challenge, lack of physical variety, and loneliness can kill a fitness program, and Cathe's World ensures that will never happen!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Can I add Cathe thank you for using UPS and shipping to the UK. And again thank you for realising that we want workouts that not only challenge us but kick our butts. For thinking of all aspects of your workouts.

I would also say in reply to the post about music in videos I never notice the music in Cathe's tapes I only notice when it changes and that means she is going to kick it up a notch.

Cathe I would love to get your definition of what a notch is I'm sure its not the same as everyone else.

Jilly and everyone said exactly how I feel. Cathe sure has made me reach new fitness gains and keeps on pushing me. Thanks Cathe, you are the best!

Amazing post!

I echo everyone's sentiments wholeheartedly. Beautiful words for a beautiful woman. Cathe, I hope you take a moment to read this and understand how much we truly, truly appreciate everything you do. You have catapulted me into a new realm of fitness and more importantly, you have given me such a wonderful perspective on life. I know that may sound a little extreme to say about a fitness guru, but you have freed me from a world of obsessive compulsive behavior and given me complete and blissful control over my body.

I’ve exercised with home videos for many, many years before I found you and I have never been as inspired, motivated and plain ole’ happy to push my limits, reach higher and work, work, work! Your infectious energy and passion for what you do has spilled into all areas of my life…my career, motherhood and life in general. I am officially one of those women to whom people say “you just had a BABY?” and when they ask how…I simply reply CATHE.COM! As long as I have your tapes to load into my VCR I’m set for a lifetime of achievements.

I can’t wait for the “next step”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Well I agree with what everyone has said and would also like to add personally -

Thank you Cathe for providing a challenging workout I can do at home. My fitness level is the highest it has ever been. I use your workouts to supplement my martial arts training, I'm in class with mostly teenagers, and even though I'm pushing 30, THEY are usually the ones out of breath after we do drills. I always recover first. I'm getting close to my black belt training which is going to be very intense, and I overheard my teacher telling some students who are just entering that phase "This is where we start pushing you harder and harder to see how much you can take before you break" and a year ago before I started working out with Cathe tapes I'd have FREAKED OUT. Now, what ran through my head was "BRING IT ON!"

This Intensity Series is PERFECT TIMING i can use it during my last 5 or 6 months before I start the black belt training and I KNOW I'll be prepared.

So THANK YOU!!!!! And Happy Thanksgiving :)


I want to thank you for showing me that I really do have control over my body and can change it for the better.

I spent many years being taunted and ridiculed because I was too thin. I was afraid to wear shorts or dresses in public; I was afraid to try out for the drill team in high school - my big dream.

My mother assured me that both sides of the family were thin and I was built just like her, and thus would never be able to change. After several years working out with another line of fitness videos, it looked like she was right - a neighbor's friend asked if I had an eating disorder.

It wasn't until I found your Pure Strength series that everything began to change. I've got a long way to go, but I'm in better shape now at 36 than I was at 26. I feel strong and confident and proud of my progress. I feel really good about myself and my body for the first time in my life.

Thank you, Cathe! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankyou Cathe for everything. You are my cardio and strength training Queen!!! I aspire to be like you in endurance one day.

I believe everything has been said, but I would like to thank Cathe for being my role model and for making life fun! I'm thankful that Cathe comes out with new workouts that are state of the art and that she listens to her fans. I'm VERY thankful that Cathe is only about 10 years younger than I am......I know that as long as she is making videos, I can plan to workout for the rest of my (hopefully) long life and stay healthy!!;-)

Donna M

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