Okay, I wasn't going to respond to this and sit on my hands to keep me from typing - for a change

but I am getting a little unsettled by this.
Our country has so many problems right now from the economy slumping, exorbitant gas prices, food prices, mortgage crisis, foreclosures, lay offs and a war that costs countless lives and billions of money that we don't have, etc. and we are talking about fist bumps, purple dresses and plagorized cookie recipes ???? Good grief!!!!!
Since when are we voting for a First Lady instead of policies of their husbands??? Now, I have to say, whereas I do not like GWB, his policies, his demeanor, his arrogance, there is NOTHING I like about this guy, never have, never will and it is NOT because he is Republican. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he was elected and supported him as our president, but he squandered any good will that I had. I have liked previous Republican presidents and I would support them in a heart beat again. I liked and supported Ronald Reagan despite of not agreeing with all of his policies and in fact, I admired and supported George Bush #1. Unfortunately, I don't think that any of his brilliance has been passed on to his son.
The one and ONLY thing that I admire about W is his wife, Laura Bush is a class act! I am putting her right up with Eleanor Roosevelt and Jackie Kennedy. Laura Bush as a First Lady will be VERY large shoes to walk in!!!!
That being said, I think it is easy for someone like Cindy McCain who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth to fly on her private plane and do charity work, I think it is admirable to get in involved in charity, no matter what walk of live you are from. But it sure is easier to be "charitable" if you have millions in your bank account, in oppose to someone who is trying to raise two small girls, keeping them out of the public eye while your husband is running for political office, keeping them down to earth while still paying off your student loans. I think there is a LEEETLE difference there.
Laura Bush once again has risen above partisan politics in June 2008 by indicating she thought Michelle Obama's words had been misrepresented in the media "I think she probably meant I'm 'more proud,' you know, is what she really meant," adding, "I mean, I know that, and that's one of the things you learn and that's one of the really difficult parts both of running for president and for being the spouse of the president, and that is, everything you say is looked at and in many cases misconstrued. Kudos to you Laura Bush, you ARE my hero!!!! I wish I could say the same thing about Cindy McCain, she has gone on a different path.
In summary, let's focus on the issues, shall we??? Fist bumps, purple dresses and cookie recipes won't make an impact on the HUGE issues we are facing as a country.