If I have to see Michelle Obama give the


fist bump one more flippin time, I am throwing my flippin TV out the flippin window. How the flip did this become flipping NEWS???????

Whew. Thanks for letting me get that out.
THANK YOU ... me too .. it is amazing to me .. something like that spreads like wildfire .. and it is so juvenile!!

Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts even did it on GMA .. I bout tossed my breakfast cereal when I saw that!! {{ ack }}
I think it became popular "news" for two reasons. A) it's too genuine of a move/moment - politicians are usually too busy posing, so it looked like an unscripted moment (I guess), but more importantly, B) Fox "News" had a lady broadcaster refer to it - I kid you not - as a Terrorist Fist Bump!! Even for Fox that was extreme - they've taken her show away from her (for now) due to the backlash. As a result, everyone else is interested in it. I personally thought it was a really cute, geniune moment. Certainly much ado about nothing though. You gotta love what our journalists consider newsworthy topics. ugh.
Oh geeh, I think you guys are so demanding :+ :7 :p

The "terrorist fist jab" as a Fox News reporter called it, is really news that EVERYONE should know about, especially since we don't have any other news to report, our economy is just fine, the gas is cheap, America is on a roll ......

I thought it was pretty genuine and affectionate by MO but I am tired of getting her gesture dissected by the media. Good grief!
My kids karate instructor started doing the fist bump thing with his students oh, maybe TWO YEARS ago so this is hardly a trendy gesture. Are these reporters on the moon that they've never seen this before? Do they have children? Have they ever seen a sporting event? What a ridiculous waste of coverage.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Did I miss something? Obviously yes! And we have Fox News going on 42/7....I used to like Edie Hill when she was a Fox and Friends host, but she got a little "snippy" or something when they gave her that spot she does now...is this referring to a remark she made?

Oh and what ever happened to Lori Due? Did they give her the ax because she disagreed with Bill O'Reilly and proved him wrong on his own show? Heaven forbid.:p I always kinda liked her.
So E.D. Hill's show was taken off the air?? I knew she had used the term 'terrorist fist bump' but I thought she was quoting someone else. Hmmm....

i have got a gesture for both of them lately and their dumb ideas of MORE taxes. do you really think taxing oil companies is going to help US!!! no oil companies will just increase the price on us to cover cost. i was for him at first but when they revealed their tax ideas it frightens me. the more you tax business the more apt they are going to take business over seas and no money will come back to this country. yep one big shopping mall of un-american products instead of american produced products and mom and pop business. but unlike michelle i keep trying to have faith and comfort in my country.

ETA:nothing personal just venting. seems i can't turn on the tv without the two of them on their. media darlings and the other canidate isn't getting nearly half the coverage they are getting. seems unfair to me. i want both to have equal say.





You know it's funny, I didn't even know about the Fox news thing.......CNN actually did a story on it the day after the night of the purple dress & I almost emailed them b/c it was so fluffy & frivolous. I mean, I watch CNN for news, if I want fluff I'll watch GMA.

The media is just so freakin absurd, yet they're so influential when it comes to politicians' images & I'm simply mortified by this.

And let's face it, the first time it might've been spontaneous & genuine, but that hasn't stopped her from capitalizing on the attention they recieved from it.
You know, I like Michelle Obama, but it's time to let the fist bump GO....

The first time it was kinda cute, but no more. It's affected and juvenile in my opinion. Move on Michelle!
Are they not playing this on the cartoon network? That's all that is ever on in my house so I definitely am missing something.

My husband is a soccer referee who does the fist bump with the players before the game instead of a handshake. Why?--because he's a germophobe and learned this from Donald Trump, also a germophobe who doesn't shake hands.
LauraMax .. on GMA this morning .. they showed a clip of Michelle Obama on the view .. OMG .. I just about fell off the couch .. yes she was "showing the other ladies how to do the FIST BUMP" .. It made me sick to my stomach!!

It is silly AND juvenile .. I see nothing spontanius or facinating by it .. it is absurd!!

Howie Mandell (Deal or No Deal) does it b/c he is a germaphobe .. no one ever made comments about him or thought it was such a unique and heartwarming gesture!! LOL

.. and BTW .. while they covered M. Obama and the View's fist bumps.. Mrs. McCain was doing volunteer work and visiting her favorite cause ... Project Smile .. (of which she has work with for years and adopted one of the children from there in 1991).. MUCH MORE deserving news coverage than the silly M. Obama fist bump . GEEZE .. GMAB!!!!!
This is one of the reasons I watch the BBC news channel on cable and go to their online sight. American news is so silly, they hardly ever focus on the issues, it always seems to be a popularity contest. Disgusting......

Really. Cindy McCain is SO above doing some lame show like "The View." And talking about something stupid like that? She wouldn't lower herself...

Uh, oh that's right, she WAS on that lame-o show. And when she was a guest co-host last year she was doing something really important, like clearing her name for plagerizing a recipe. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-weiner/cindy-mccain-responds-to_b_97848.html

But at least that horrible experience (blame the intern) inspired her to write a book.
Okay, I wasn't going to respond to this and sit on my hands to keep me from typing - for a change :p but I am getting a little unsettled by this.

Our country has so many problems right now from the economy slumping, exorbitant gas prices, food prices, mortgage crisis, foreclosures, lay offs and a war that costs countless lives and billions of money that we don't have, etc. and we are talking about fist bumps, purple dresses and plagorized cookie recipes ???? Good grief!!!!!

Since when are we voting for a First Lady instead of policies of their husbands??? Now, I have to say, whereas I do not like GWB, his policies, his demeanor, his arrogance, there is NOTHING I like about this guy, never have, never will and it is NOT because he is Republican. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he was elected and supported him as our president, but he squandered any good will that I had. I have liked previous Republican presidents and I would support them in a heart beat again. I liked and supported Ronald Reagan despite of not agreeing with all of his policies and in fact, I admired and supported George Bush #1. Unfortunately, I don't think that any of his brilliance has been passed on to his son.

The one and ONLY thing that I admire about W is his wife, Laura Bush is a class act! I am putting her right up with Eleanor Roosevelt and Jackie Kennedy. Laura Bush as a First Lady will be VERY large shoes to walk in!!!!

That being said, I think it is easy for someone like Cindy McCain who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth to fly on her private plane and do charity work, I think it is admirable to get in involved in charity, no matter what walk of live you are from. But it sure is easier to be "charitable" if you have millions in your bank account, in oppose to someone who is trying to raise two small girls, keeping them out of the public eye while your husband is running for political office, keeping them down to earth while still paying off your student loans. I think there is a LEEETLE difference there.

Laura Bush once again has risen above partisan politics in June 2008 by indicating she thought Michelle Obama's words had been misrepresented in the media "I think she probably meant I'm 'more proud,' you know, is what she really meant," adding, "I mean, I know that, and that's one of the things you learn and that's one of the really difficult parts both of running for president and for being the spouse of the president, and that is, everything you say is looked at and in many cases misconstrued. Kudos to you Laura Bush, you ARE my hero!!!! I wish I could say the same thing about Cindy McCain, she has gone on a different path.

In summary, let's focus on the issues, shall we??? Fist bumps, purple dresses and cookie recipes won't make an impact on the HUGE issues we are facing as a country.
all the kids around my area greet one another that way and have for somt time. As a result, a lot of the adults do the same. Thought it was a common thing!

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