I think my pomeranian had a seizure


We were nearing the end of our walk. My DH had our mixed breed, and I was walking our pom, when I looked down and saw him laying on his side, limp, but with his limbs convulsing. I picked him up, and he was limp, and vomiting. Finally, it stopped. We're all so upset. He seems fine now, but it scared me. Has anyone else had any experience with this type of thing?
I have a cat that has seizures and is on phenobarb twice a day. If she misses a dose, she's very likely to have another seizure and occasionally has a short one every now and again even so. She had a series of life-threatening seizures 3 or so years ago and almost died. That's when she went on the drugs.

I'd keep an eye on your dog and if he has another one or exhibits other signs of being sick (excessive drooling, refusing to eat, difficulty walking, etc), you might want to go to an emergency clinic. At any rate, I'd get him checked out by your regular vet. Phenobarb controls the seizures quite well. It's rare for cats to go on phenobarb, but more common for dogs.

I agree, I'd get him to the vet. In addition, seizures present in many different ways, something April touched on when she mentioned excessive drooling, etc. So the little guy could be having other types of seizures that you might be missing.

(My dog doesn't have this issue, but my daughter did for a few years.)

I don't mean to scare you, of course. But it's best you get him evaluated. I wish you much luck and your little guy a speedy recovery.
That sounds scary.
I'd get him to a vet ASAP for a check-up.
What if this was due to poisoning? What if it's something that can happen again, and the next time he doesn't come out so lucky.
Better to be safe than sorry: to the vet first thing in the morning, if not sooner.
My heart goes out to you......I do know that heart ache when you watch your beloved pet seize. I have a mixed breed dog, Katie who even after being on Phenobarbital has a few cluster seizures every few months. During the seizures, she becomes totally disorientated, paddles her little feet wildly, foams at the mouth and loses all bladder control. After the seizure she is so frightened, has no muscle coordination for about 3-6 minutes and is blind for about the same amount of time. Katie was diagnosed with idopathic epilepsy about 6 or 7 months ago (there is no cause). We have learned to talk to her during her seizures because we know she can't see. The seizures are fairly well controlled, but we know this is something she (and we) will always live with. To us, we just love her more because she needs more love.

If it is an older dog....sometimes the vet suspects a tumor, but if the dog is around 2 to 4 years old (Katie's age) usually they suspect idiopathic epilepsy. They often will do blood work.

Please let us know how your vet appt turns out. Feel free to drop me a PM.

Sounds like a seizure. My dog gets seizures but only about 2 a year. They are very upsetting but afterwards my dog goes right back to his normal self. I would take your dog to a vet and just have him checked out. My dog is not on medication since they don't have to be unless they are having many frequent seizures...maybe you'll luck out and your baby will only have one once and a while. My heart goes out to you and hope your dog has nothing more serious going on.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'm going to take him to the vet asap (I wish they were open on Sunday!) I'm worried about him. We had gotten him for my DD, who begged and begged for a pom for the longest time, and now, he's totally my baby! He falls asleep next to me on the sofa at night.... don't get me going. He's even on my biz website: http://www.pleufbeachwear.com
I'm going to take him to the vet asap (I wish they were open on Sunday!)

If you have any doubts about waiting, you can go to an emergency vet (In my town, the local vets work together to be on-call on a rotating basis. When I've had to take cats in for emergencies, I call my vet, get linked to the emergency number, and see a vet within 30 minutes to an hour).

Just wanted to put that out there if you're feeling leery about waiting (and can spare the extra $$ it will cost for an emergency visit).
Well, I called the vet "on call" and he assured me that my pom would be okay until the appointment tomorrow. So I'll have to wait until then. In the meantime, he seems okay, but he did miss out on his walk (we had to sneak out of the house with our mix).
Well, I called the vet "on call" and he assured me that my pom would be okay until the appointment tomorrow. So I'll have to wait until then.

It's good to have confirmation that the wait won't be harmful.
I'll send good vibes doggie's way, and wishes that whatever the vet finds is easily treatable and of no effect to Mr Pom's (I didn't see his name anywhere) continued health, happiness and long life!

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