I SO want a dog!


All these posts and pics are feeding my dog hunger. I love animals--especially dogs. My 10-year-old daughter wants so badly to get a dog. I would get her one in a heartbeat; because she is so responsible and I think it would do her a world of good (she's a middle-child, only girl). Plus, my youngest is now 7, so a puppy would be manageable (caring for an animal can be harder than kids sometimes).

But. . .my oldest son is allergic, and my DH is NOT an animal person. I had a Shih-Tzu when we got married, but I'd had her for 7 years previous--and I'd only known my husband for 3 years.

Every time I go running, there are all these cute dogs being walked. And now all these Puppy Posts: I guess I'll just have to live vicariously.

Keep the pics coming,

Carol F
I know there isn't anything you can do about your DH(although you guys would outnumber him:p )but have you thought about allergy shots for your son? I know lots of people that have done it. Not only did they personally want dogs but they found it very difficult to date/go over friend's houses with dogs.

I'm sure your son has already experienced this on some level but as he gets older he'll be continously exposed to new people and having allergies that keep you from doing things is no fun(I know:) ). Just a thought...
The DH will have to get used to it. Have you thought of a poodle? They are somewhat hypoallegenic & are wonderful animals in any of the 3 sizes they come in. If you do end up getting a dog, go to anyof the poodle rescue groups you can find online & adopt one. There are so many unwanted pets looking for good homes. Good luck whatever your decision is.

There are lots of dogs that are hypoallergenic. A friend of mine has a wonderful Wheaten Terrier and she picked that breed because she also has really bad allergies.

And I agree. DH will get used to it;)
I'll be the voice of dissent here. If your DH doesn't want a dog you shouldn't get one. Living with an animal in your house is something everyone living there should agree about. I am not an animal person either, and if my husband to me to "get used to it" I'd tell him to take a hike!

have you thought about a poodle? they don't shed, but if that allergic there is the chinese crested I know some people who have pet allergies can be around these dogs. my hubby is not an animal person but he knows I am and he loves my dogs.
Carol, One other thing, there is a big difference if your husand is not an animal person but a person that dislikes animals. Someone who is not an animal person will get used to having an animal around & maybe even get to like it. A person who dislikes animals never will & frankly, I would not trust someone who dislikes animals. that is just my opinion

Thanks so much for your kind replies. This is great advice about getting around the allergy problem. I'm not sure about the DH problem. He is kind to animals, but really is opposed to having another one. We'll see what happens.

For now, I still have to break it to him that I bought P90-X.}( We'll work on the dog-thing gradually.;-)

You guys are the greatest!

My daughter's boyfriend doesn't like animals and he's very trustworthy. He treats my daughter like a queen. I know a lot of people who love animals and are downright wretched and I could never trust them. Now if someone abuses animals, that's different but simply dislikes them? I, personally wouldn't force a dog on my DH. Dogs can be a lot of work. And I'd be afraid he would feel resentful if he had to take care of something he never wanted in the first place simply because I didn't stop to consider his feelings. I would be furious if he did that to me.
>I, personally wouldn't
>force a dog on my DH. Dogs can be a lot of work. And I'd be
>afraid he would feel resentful if he had to take care of
>something he never wanted in the first place simply because I
>didn't stop to consider his feelings. I would be furious if he
>did that to me.

Well said! That is the position I'm in. I don't think DH would ever "want" a dog for himself. But I'm hoping that in the future he wouldn't "mind" having one in the family. He was very tolerant of my Shih-Tzu, and even liked her--but that was a take-me-take-my-dog situation. This would be acquiring a new one. We'll see what happens, but it's not the time right now.

I just really enjoy everyone's pictures and posts about their animals.

Thanks guys,

Carol - My DH never liked dogs. He had been raised around cats all his life, but had never had a dog and didn't want one (although he would admit weiner dogs were cute). Four years ago though on Father's Day, I brought home a tiny black and tan weiner dog and presented him to my DH as a "Father's Day" present. For several month's there I thought I had made a huge mistake (DH was pretty po'd about the dog, lol), but now Dakota is HIS baby. In fact if anything ever happens to that dog, I honestly think I will have to get my DH professional help. I do not recommend that approach with your DH, but just wanted to let you know attitudes can change. Now, my DH can't stand cats! lol...

p.s. My mother is also highly allergic to dogs, but bought a weiner dog anyways. ;) She takes medicine and doesn't seem to have any problems.

Thanks for sharing! I love the pics. My daughter will freak when she sees them--she wants a Scottie. Cooper looks like a fabulous dog. Give him a hug for me.

Elsie, I'm just chiming in to agree with Shelley. My brother has bad allergies, and he also wasn't interested in having a pet. His family got a Wheaton Terrier, and guess what? My brother is fine and he fell in love with the dog! The whole family loves him, but my brother has a "special bond" with him. Too funny.

Here's he is, my canine nephew, the Wheaton Terrier (worn by my niece):


ETA: I forgot to mention that he's got the sweetest personality and is very smart, too!
It is funny how sometimes it works out totally opposite of what you might think. I have so many clients that get dogs, husbands are totally against it, but guess who that dogs picks as "their person"? Yep, the one who supposedly least liked or wanted that dog! I've seen that happen so many times - the dh gets all ga-ga over the new dog and talks baby talk to it, gets super attached....especially if it's some big, gruff guy attached to a 5 lb. poodle -- too cute! I'm not saying that's how your dh would react, just sayin' I've seen it happen;)


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