I pulled my groin muscle


Active Member
I pulled my groin muscle on my left side. It actually happened about 3 weeks ago and everytime it starts to heal I do something exercising that hurts it. Over the weekend I didn't do any type of exercising... which was torture mixed with guilt... now it's Monday and I told myself I was going to start back up with my normal routine. My groin feels about 80% better... should I give it another day and just do upper today? I feel guilty... like I'm making up excuses to give myself an easy day. How long does it take for a muscle to go back to 100%? Also is it bad to take off 3 days?
Hi Daryl, I'm not Cathe, but I pulled a groin muscle well over a month ago so I know what you're talking about! Mine has not completely healed yet but it's at 90% now. I read that exercising and stretching is the best thing to do, I just didn't push it too hard when I felt pain. And I seemed to reinjure it alot, to the point where I thought it would never heal! I finally found it felt best when I did a plie squat so when it flaired up, that's what I did.

I read that it can take up to 6 weeks to heal and mine is taking longer. I'm glad it's healing, period!

I only workout 4 days a week at the most so taking 3 days off will be good for you IMHO!

Hope this helps you. Tracy
Thanks for the advice... I'm gonna start back with my routine today but I'm going to take it easy. I can still feel that there's a problem but it's much better then it was 3 days ago. I think power lungs with the step (from hardcore extreme) are what aggrivated it so I'm going to stay away from that dvd for a couple more days.

Thanks again...
Please be careful and smart with this! I had a groin pull on my right side last year, rested it for a while and like you, it felt 80-90% better but instead of letting it heal all the way I raced with the injury and aggravated it to the extent that it took 6 months to heal rather than a few weeks. Just a friendly word of caution....
listen to your body:)

Thanks for the advice... I did imax 2 this morning and I was very careful. I could tell, even after giving it a few days rest, that there is still an issue there so I'm going to take it easy with my afternoon workout! I saw your picture on your profile...you look like you are in excellent shape... you muscles are so defined! How much do you workout and what do you do?
When my son was 5 years old he pulled a muscle high in his groin area and ice packs every hour for 10 minutes really helped him heal in no time at all.

Hope this helps.

I pulled my right groin a little over a year ago also and I found that once it could finally tolerate exercise again, stretching thoroughly and icing afterward really helped. My PT told me it occurred to due a major muscle imbalance in my legs- i.e., thighs and hamstrings really strong, inner and outer thighs very weak. I still do the exercises she gave me and I found that when I stop doing them, it feels 'annoyed' again. Good luck! Those things take so long to heal and are re-aggravated easily.

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