I need Ideas for cooking Collard Greens


I sent DH grocery shopping and asked him to pick up kale... he came home with collard greens (he said, "Well, they're green aren't they.." (Men, you just gotta love them.) He just didn't have a clue. How do I cook them?...I've never made them and would hate to throw them out (I just know my mother would just roll over in her grave and haunt me if I did that!).

You're wonderful...you just got my DH out of the dog house. I'm still out my kale, but I guess I can make due until Thursday (when I go shopping). :) Heck, he only came home with half the items on the list anyway.


ETA: Do you cut off the stems???
Hi Robin,

I didn't look at the link Shelley provided you, so I'm not sure how you are going to prepar them, but I usually trim the stems when I make my collared greens.
Am now craving collard greens and it is 11:25pm. I actually have some growing outside, I may have to go raid them.:9
>Am now craving collard greens and it is 11:25pm. I actually
>have some growing outside, I may have to go raid them.

Poor Shawna........I can just picture her at 11:25pm in the dead of night, tip toeing outside her house into the garden grabbing a bunch of collard greens looking just like this------>:9

Thanks for making me smile.


ETA: I think I'm going to try Shelley's Braised Collard Greens...it doesn't look too difficult and maybe even a "culinary challenged person" like me could do it. I may have to pick up some sesame oil at the stupidmarket as DD likes to say.
>ETA: I think I'm going to try Shelley's Braised Collard
>Greens...it doesn't look too difficult and maybe even a
>"culinary challenged person" like me could do it. I may have
>to pick up some sesame oil at the stupidmarket as DD likes to
LOL, Stupidmarket, that is too funny!:D

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