I need help with Core Max segment #2


Hi...I just did Core Max segment #2 tonight for the first time and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Here's my problem: I can't remember the name Cathe calls this move, so I'll try to explain it the best that I can. It's when you're on your back and you are passing the ball back and forth between your legs and your hands. So as your legs come up, your arms come up and as your legs go down, so do your arms. How do I prevent my back from arching off the ground? This is VERY hard for me to do this move. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Reduce your range of motion, and don't let your legs go down beyond the point where your back starts to arch. As you get stronger, increase your ROM. If you focus on holding your transverse abdominals (the ones that activate if you cough or laugh HA-HA)while lowering the legs, you can push to the place where you would arch if you went farther (you may want to slow down the move as well, to have more control).
You can also reduce the length of your lever (legs) - bend your knees and hold the ball between your knees. Shorter lever and reduced ROM will reduce the intensity of the exercise. As you get stronger you can straighten your legs and use a larger ROM. That's a tough move!
Kathryn and Stephanie...

You two are wonderful!! Thank you for the tips. Now that I'm thinking back on the move, I realize that my back arched as my legs got closer to the ground. So you're right, I need to have a shorter range of motion. Bending my knees is a good idea to start with. I think that will help me with my form and keeping my back from arching. Thank you both...I will use your suggestions next time I do this segment.

After hearing this in a Pilates workout, I always think about expelling ALL of my air as I try to pull my belly button all the way back into my spine (DON'T try sucking in your stomach!). I don't know why, but telling myself to do it this way makes me concentrate more on keeping correct form.

We all have our quirks . . . .
I too struggle with that move and keeping my back flat, so I am finding Kathryn's and Stephanie's suggestions useful. And I can't even begin to do the pikes on the ball also in that second section of Core Max.

I agree...doing the pikes is hard for me. I think I have a fear of falling on my face! x(
Just doing the roll ins and the roll ins with a twist is challenging. Hopefully one day I'll accomplish this, but for now, I'm working on just doing the roll ins.


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