I need egg white ideas!


I've hooked up w/ a personal trainer and it's helped tremendously in keeping me focused (my big problem when it comes to working out and eating wisely). I've had egg whites (1cup) just about every am for the past 2 wks. w/ vegetables tossed in to make an omlette. I'm starting to dread it and wondered if you have any other ideas.
I cook mine up every morning like scrambled eggs and top with a little hot salsa. I hate eggs, but you can't beat their nutrient value, and the salsa makes them a bit more palatable. I also have turkey bacon with them - now that's really good - much better than regular pork bacon, even canadian bacon. If you can do that you may be able to crumble it into the egg whites for a different type of omlette.

I just had some in an omelette. I use Brummel and Brown butter and saute spinach (OK, a lot of spinach) and then add the egg whites. Let that cook and then I add crumbled feta cheese. Add a little salt and pepper (I use cayenne pepper.) and breakfast is served. I also have one slice of multi grain toast with it.

I get tired of that too sometimes and switch to steel cut oatmeal for a few days.


I eat a lot of egg whites too. It helps that I do like them. I like to sprinkle Butter Buds/Molly McButter and some Mrs. Dash "Spicy" spice. Lately, I've put them on a bagel with a little melted cheese.

Susan C.M.
Believe it or not Two hard boiled egg whites go into a smoothie and you cant even taste it ! (Umm only a brief smell while you make it ).... Also hard boiled with Hummus instead of the yolk !!Also If I think about fueling my body instead of it being yummy ,boy I can down those hard boiled egg whites Fuel Fuel Fuel LOL Infact its time for one now !!! I keep hard boiled eggs in my fridge at ALL times !!! Ummm I wonder how many calories One egg white has Anyone know ?

I do this too! It is my favorite way to eat eggs. Sometimes I also throw in some cut up cherry tomatoes for color :)

You know, you are missing out on valuable nutrition by not eating the yolks. It's perectly helthy to eat one or two whole eggs a day.

All I can ever think to do with egg whites is make a hazelnut meringue with fresh raspberries and cream in the middle.

Of course, this would defeat all dieting purposes, but then, I don't believe in dieting and it is the most supreme dessert my mother ever made. People invite her to parties and specifically request that she bring this dish with her! You get to enjoy Summer fruit and the dessert is to die for.

Egg whites in any other form......BLEGH!

You can also combine slightly beaten egg whites with flavored/unflavored protein powder, oats, cinnamon, a little vanilla, and your favorite no/low calorie sweetener (if you're using unflavored protein powder) and cook this mix like pancakes. Spread with a little peanut butter or "butter" spray. These are also great as take along snacks.
Something to give you a break from the savory. If you're trying to go low carb you can always skip the oats and use a little soy flour instead.
I love egg whites (yolk optional). I use salsa, fire roasted salsa, ketchup, or Mrs Dash. I love spinach & mushroom omelettes. Fresh tomatoes, onions and jalapenos sauteed with Pam before you scramble in the egg whites is also delicious. Egg whites have so many possibilites.

Clare ~ I eat only the egg whites because high cholesterol (bad kind) runs in the family. I'm trying very hard not to go on medicine for it. I've removed just about all I can from my diet. I've added some things in as well that help lower it. I've just scheduled another screening to see where it's at now. It was 384 at it's very highest. My biological mom had a heart attack at 50 and she's very thin and small framed like me. Or I'm like her I suppose.

Sorry, didn't mean to go into all of that, but I would love to have the yolk as well. i didn't like just egg whites as first, but it kind of grows on you.

>I do this too! It is my favorite way to eat eggs. Sometimes I
>also throw in some cut up cherry tomatoes for color :)

I'm going to try that tomorrow. Yum! :9

don't worry, it wasn't a case of TMI!

Your caution with egg yolks makes perfect sense. I only take the position I take because so many people get faddy about food even though they have no health problems and there's really no need.

In your case there is need and you are perfectly sensible.

Sorry, I can't help you with egg whites recipes.

I mix one whole egg with 2 whites,pour in my small skillet sprayed w/Pam then sprinkle 1/4 cup dry oats on top. Flip to make omelette and lay a piece of 25cal. smart beat cheese on it. Fold in 1/2 and sprinkle spicy Mrs Dash on top....delicious and balanced too!

Must feed muscles, must feed muscles.:)

Clare I agree yolks are VERY healthy and I eat them almost every day. Sometimes though, you just want some nice pure protein without the added calories and fat of a yolk. It just depends on your goal for the day :)

I have tried to make the spinach/feta omelette using one whole egg and some extra whites before, its really just not as good. The yolk detracts from the taste... just my $.02 :9
>You can also combine slightly beaten egg whites with
>flavored/unflavored protein powder, oats, cinnamon, a little
>vanilla, and your favorite no/low calorie sweetener (if you're
>using unflavored protein powder) and cook this mix like
>pancakes. Spread with a little peanut butter or "butter"
>spray. These are also great as take along snacks.
>Something to give you a break from the savory. If you're
>trying to go low carb you can always skip the oats and use a
>little soy flour instead.

This sounds good! Could you list the quantities you use of each ingredient?

I haven't made these since I became vegan, but if I remember correctly I used 2 egg whites, 1/4c. rolled oats, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and vanilla, and a scant amount of stevia for a sweetener, with one scoop of protein powder. You double or triple this and make ahead to throw in the fridge and snack on later. If you added a little more sweetener you can also throw in about a half Tbsp. of unsweetened cocoa powder (besides the great chocolate flavor--do we need another reason;) it's only 10 extra calories and lots of antioxidants).
I know that you said you're getting sick of omlets, but here's one that I love which you might enjoy: saute onions and green peppers until done; add egg whites (2-3); top with black beans and salsa. I also use a little bit of cheese:)


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