Sometimes I like to eat ice cream. It's my one junk food indulgence, and it hasn't done me any harm. Anyway, I love it. The problem is my DH. He has the worst sweet tooth I've ever seen on a human. By the time I get around to eating MY ice cream, not only has he been eating it, but he's been diving for the chocolate chunks. The ice cream looks gross when he's been picking at it, and it ruins it for me.
To try to deal with the situation, I buy two containers, one for him, and one for me, figuring he'll leave mine alone. But by the time I get to mine, he's already done with his and started on mine.
The worst part is, he doesn't buy ice cream, I think because he knows he can't handle it. So I feel guilty for buying the stuff. His doctor says he's bordering on pre-diabetic. But I love my ice cream so much, if I had to decide between it and him, I honestly don't know what I would choose! Any ideas??
To try to deal with the situation, I buy two containers, one for him, and one for me, figuring he'll leave mine alone. But by the time I get to mine, he's already done with his and started on mine.
The worst part is, he doesn't buy ice cream, I think because he knows he can't handle it. So I feel guilty for buying the stuff. His doctor says he's bordering on pre-diabetic. But I love my ice cream so much, if I had to decide between it and him, I honestly don't know what I would choose! Any ideas??