I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!!!!!...


(I moved this post from the DVD questions section)

SO........I bought this Onkyo multi disc player and I think I got one with too many bells and whistles.

I've read thru the different posts and for the life of me can't get it to do(or I'm too DVD player stupid)what I want it to do.
For example, I CAN pull up the menu but for some reason I can't figure out how to pull multiple parts of one workout to make my own--when I choose one and hit enter it starts playing and I can't make another choice, and if I remember reading somewhere that once that section is done you pick another one--who wants to do that when you've gotten your HR where you want it and you've got a good sweat going on??
PLUS..........., trying to do multiple discs--UGH!

TO "DOGONYX" or anyone with a multi DVD disc player that's relatively easy to program from different discs----(I see that Dogonyx's post is from 2004 but desperate is as desperate does, I'm trying to find out which DVD player you bought(hopefully someone still sells it!)

BTW my remote does not have a "program" button on it--that should have been my first red flag!!!!!!
Any advice you guys can have would be a BIG help!!
I'm open to buying a new one and I'm ready to go shopping!!!!!!!!!

Hi Mary,

I understand your frustration! I had a two DVD player that said it was programmable and got outrageously frustrated the first time using it. I soon learned that it didn't allow you to program from both discs! Crazy.

If I were to buy a new DVD player, I would do what I did last time and email Crutchfield's customer service. Their website is: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-vNTlyd1PSoO/ . I would tell them exactly what I was looking for (i.e., mention the exercising and that I want to program between disks) and include some info from Cathe's website about her DVD technology. I would also see if they had a DVD player where you could "save" your programs. I do a lot of the same "mish moshes" over and over again and I have to re-program them every time.

As a disclaimer, my DVD player purchase is my only Crutchfield purchase. The only thing I know about the company is that the guys at work highly recommended it and the customer service seemed very knowledgeable and helpful when I did contact them. I would assume (but I don't know) that they might be a little more expensive but to me, it's worth the extra expense sometimes to deal with someone who knows the product.

Good luck! (You're really going to enjoy your purchase.)

I shop at Crutchfield through their catalog. I have always gotten excellent customer service with them.

I don't have a multi-disk player and would be interested to hear which one you end up buying.:)
RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

So here's the DVD dilemma update:
I actually called Crutchfield and talked to Dillon(very nice person).
He helped me with the Onkyo DV-CP702 that I have(got it at circuit city but Crutchfield also has it) and I actually have semi-figured out how to program it--pg 33 of the instruction booklet.
HOWEVER, I haven't quite perfected it yet, BUT I've gotten it to change discs into a "mish-mosh" but once I figured out I could do it, I moved on to dilemma #2.

WHICH IS...............
Hubby said last nite(before figuring out my mish-mosh today of course)that I could get that 400 disc Sony CD/DVD player and off to the store I went. While out running errands this morning hubby set it up(easy, he said)but holy moly, this thing does SO MUCH it's scary. And of course, I called Sony yesterday and they said that of ALL their DVD players this is the ONLY one that you can program and make a mish-mosh--anyone out there confirm this?? I have seen that others have a Sony model but they've since updated these models as they are no longer available.

Do I keep the 400 and let hubby keep the Onkyo in the living room like it is now or return the Sony?? And to the young lady--"rjroubi"
I sent you a private email--if you can tell me how to program it in 50 steps or less(JUST KIDDING)because hubby REALLY likes this SONY.

And so the saga continues here in BLISTERING HOT SOUTH FLORIDA--you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, I'm not kidding--I think I need to go whack a couple of golf balls to get my frustration out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all in advance!!!!!!!!
RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

Hey Mary,

I'm following your dilemma because I am interested in the Sony player you talked about and know Robin (rjroubi) has one. So keep us updated.

RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

AJ has a good Sony, maybe she'll jump in to describe options.

RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

I'm thinking positive thoughts:)

FYI--I'm not promoting a store or anything BUT I got $$ off when I ordered my Sony online at Circuit City and picked it up at the store(you can choose what store you want to pick it up at)--just trying to save you guys some $$ on the Sony if you decide to get it.

I'm also a Food TV nut--I don't have 400 workout discs yet(I'm working on it--lol)and I've got some Food TV discs to stick in there too--I'm going to meet Giada DeLaurentis tomorrow for a book signing here in south florida--woo-hoo!!

I'm patiently waiting for the info updates, keep your fingers crossed!!

RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

I thought this 400 disc deal sounded great not only for storing and mish-moshing (love that word) workout DVDs, but also to store the kids' DVDs to keep them from being handled so much and possibly damaging them.

Will keep reading any updates and thanks for the CC heads-up.
RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...


I have a Sony programmable DVD player, it does
a mish-mosh of workouts by using the discs
that you have previously selected when programming your workouts, once
you have chosen the segments,length time of workout it
plays automatically, on few ocassions I did all cardio
portions from CTX only, just to change things a bit in my routine,
this feature is neat as it allows you to do anything
you want.

It is very easy to program as well,
if you have any more questions, I'm sure there will be
others to chime in with more input.

RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

Was it the 400 disc Sony or what product # is it because maybe if I look up the instruction booklet online it may have some similarities--hopefully!


RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

These are the model #, Sony CD/DVD 5 disc DVP C660
Sony DVP-NC600.

For further information you could go to Video Fitness too.

I have a Kenwood. If I take the time to program it it goes through everything quickly. I just don't do it that often and then have to get out the book. If I remember right it has to read all of the dvd'z first before you program it. Then it is excellent. I am always in a hurry so just do them individually or put the dvd's in in the order I plan to do them.
Diane Sue
RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

I have a Sony NC665P 5 disc changer. Almost a year ago I purchased it new off ebay for $46. It's programmable across all discs. I'm sure it's no longer a current model. However, you can still find this one on sale on ebay every now and then. I had to do a lot of digging to find the models that allow you to program. It wasn't easy! I just wish that I kept the list of those I found that can (believe me it was a short list).

I used to use the program feature a lot but found a lot of times if I cue up each disc where I want it to start and just press the disc skip button. That works well most of the time.

This has been one of the best fitness purchases I've made so far. Since Cathe's DVDs are chaptered so well and contain a huge assortment of premixes, you will find many new and different ways of hurting yourself LOL.
RE: I need a new programmable multi disc DVD player!!!!...

Thanks to all for the great info!!
I decided to return the 400 disc Sony--as great a unit as it was I guess I was a little overwhelmed by it, BUT,hubby said given enough time we could've figured out all the bells and whistles--I was starting to, but decided to move on. I happened to find the Sony NC665P on Ebay(great advice!!) and it's getting sent out today.
I was able to figure out the programming on my Onkyo(mostly, anyway, while I wait for the new one to come) but we're going to move it to the living room, so at least it'll still get used.
Thanks again!! I may have more questions once it gets here--LOL
I did find the "chapters" on VF though I'd like to find it here on Cathe's site to compare.


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