I LOVE Rhythmic Step!


I just got Rhythmic Step and previewed it today. Even though it wasn't on the rotation for today, it looked like so much fun that I had to try it. I told myself I was just going to learn the choreography but I got so into it that I actually did the whole thing. What fun! That was the funnest cardio tape I think I've ever done. And the choreography was not that complicated. I had to stop and rewind a few times and had some trouble with the challenge at the end (had a hard time remembering the earliest combinations) but overall it wasn't too bad.

I predict that I will be doing this one a lot. Way to go Cathe! I have had such a hard time finding good cardio tapes by instructors other than Cathe. Nobody else lives up to her. If I find a fun tape with fun choreography it's too short (ex-Kari Anderson's United Steps - fun but only about 40 minutes). I like Christi Taylor's Happy Hour Hi/Lo (also fun) but it's only about 40 minutes too. In my collection of tapes, it's only Cathe and Powerstrike that provide a good hour long workout that's fun.
I'm with you JenniferAnn

I love this tape I have had to "retire" it for a while as it a killer on my knees. But once you have the moves down you can just go, my favourite move is the knee, kick, knee, kick with the 3 knees around.

I have a couple of Kari Andersen step tapes but find the choreography hard I can't seem to get into her way of stepping.

I too enjoy Rhythmic Step. I've had it for just a short time but have managed to almost get all the choreography down. Some days I find I'm right with her and other days I'm totally out of it. Everytime is fun though. I laugh at myself alot! :D
Glad you had a good time and congrats on tackling the whole thing the first time!! Susan
I love it too! Congratulations on getting through the whole thing on your first try!

These days I mostly run for cardio but I still pull out Rhythmic Step (or Cardio Kicks) every few months when I'm in the mood for a change. It's amazing how quickly I can forget some of the RS moves, or if I'm just not as focused as I should be I find myself on the wrong foot. Mostly on those shuffle-down-the boards--I'm often shuffling in the wrong direction. What a hoot though!! I laugh a lot too when I do this one. :)
Hi Jennifer Ann:

welcome to the Rhythmic step fan club! I love this workout too and often reach for it when I'm too tired for anything else or my spirits need uplifting, and it makes me feel great again really quickly. Something about the music, the up-beatness of it all, something abut those turns, and when Cathe says: "oh, it feels like we could do this all day, doesn't it?" I have to agree with her!


After reading this thread over the weekend I had to put RS in yesterday. Just when I think I'm so cool and got it all down I flub up :D! She keeps me on my toes with this one! As I said before I laugh a lot during this tape and have a good time! Stay strong- Susan
This is one video that always leaves me happy! Ilove Rhythmic Step and have to watch myself that I don't do it all the time for cardio days......the choreography, the music, the cast, the set, everything make this video a winner!
It's awesome! And It's a nice break from the intesity of MIC and IMax when you want to do something really fun.

The first time I did it I decided it was my dream workout. I've always wanted to find something with really creative choreography that was long enough to be a good workout and didn't have any segments that I didn't like. Rhythmic Step is it! It has replaced Kari Anderson's Danceworks as my favorite easy day fun workout.

Ariel :)
I love it too! Each time I do it I really enjoy it. I have just now started to use 2 risers instead of one. It's a whole new workout!

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