
That is, until the DOMS kicks in tomorrow ;-)

I just got done with this workout, and it's already won the title of favorite lower body workout! It really creeps up on you, doesn't it? I stayed a bit lighter than usual since it was my first time out (I went 5# less than Cathe on all exercises, except for the deadlfts, which I matched her on). I didn't do too badly on the ball work, either, but I cheated (um...modified?) by dropping all the way down to the floor between reps. Still, that THIRD set of froggy pull things was a bit unexpected, but I made my way, painfully, through them. Wonder if I'll be able to make it out of bed tomorrow? I'll make sure to get some extra stretches in before bed. It would have been nice to have an extra stretch on this DVD.
Hi Kathryn! I just did (my version of ) this workout for the first time today, too. My version is much easier, since it excludes all the leg presses, lunges, and squats!! My knee has been painful for quite a long time, so I have removed these culprits from my workout vocabulary ;-) It kind of stinks, but I am still able to do all deadlifts, calf work and floor work from this and other Cathe DVD's, and also include a glute exercise that is difficult to explain... Anyway, my legs were quaking just from doing the deadlifts on through the floorwork!
Do you find your support leg just about giving out on those ball-supported leg lifts?!? I am obviously not trianing my legs as hard as many, so maybe I'm just weaker, but those things were killing me!!

Anyway, I loved it too :)
I love this workout, too. Yesterday, I did PLB floorwork w/ PUB abs, and I "modified" the same way you did, Kathryn. ;) My hamstrings were burning during that first part. Ouch!
Me too! And I loved PUB just as much, if not more. PLB just flew by for me and that stability ball floor work was tough stuff! I was thinking, phew, now the standing works over, no problem - but whoa was I mistaken! Everyday my favorite intesity video changes!
I know what you mean, Jillybean - I don't know which one I like the best!!! And I haven't even done IMax II yet!!!! What am I waiting for?

The first time I did PLB, my hamstrings were sore for days - this has NEVER happened before! I just did it again yesterday and the stability ball work was just as challenging - and FUN! I am so loving the stability ball! I think I'm going to add the stability ball routines to my other workouts, I just can't get enough of it!
Girl what are you waiting for - you will LOVE Imax II! Cathe looks like she is having so much fun and you will too! But warning: this workout sneaks up on you. You're like, 'hah, this is easy' and then all of a sudden, you're tired! Plus, the music is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD! Just from reading previous posts of yours Barbie, I really think you're going to like it!
Thanks Jillybean - I'll do it! I really like IMax (the original) but all of these new workouts... I've done them all except for IMax II, it's hard to figure out where to place them all in my rotation. I think I'm going to start doing a two week rotation! Plus, (I hate to admit this!) I bought S & H a few months ago and haven't done that either. Truthfully, I could barely bring myself to do the Pyramids instead of Pure Strength - because I'm still seeing results with that series! Oh, the many choices we have!!!

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