I love Kickmax


and want another kickboxing Cathe workout. What can you seasoned kickmaxing fams suggest? I think this is the funnest workout I have ever done. And to think I never got involved cuz I figured I was too much of a clod. I can't wait to do it again!
If you liked Kick Max you should get Kick, Punch & Crunch (known around here as KPC). I also like Cardio Kicks but the format is way different than KPC. I think that KPC is on backorder (I'm not sure if it's in stock at the moment but a couple of weeks ago it was still on backorder). It keeps selling out so if you're interested keep checking and when it gets back on stock order it pronto!
You will LOVE Kick Punch and Crunch. That wokrout is the workout that finally got me actually liking Kickboxing. Huge fun factor and a really good workout in general.

If it's on b/o you can look on Active videos, collage or amazon. I ended up cancelling my b/o here for KPC and getting it at Active Videos.

I do like KM. The more I do it the more I like it. You'll love KPC, too!

I had been wanting to do kickboxing and had purchased Billy Blanks Tae Bo instructional and Basic Tae Bo. I know it's the substance of the workout that matters, but I didn't care for the loud screaming roomfull of people counting in the background or how Billy stops demonstrating and starts walking among the people. At the advice of many of the other Cathe-ites on this forum here, I've just ordered KPC and Kick Max and I can't wait to get them! Just knowing from her other workout videos that Cathe is so great with cueing and careful with instructions, I know I'll enjoy them.

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