I love bootcamp!


I love this workout! I finally did it today -the entire workout - to learn it I did the pre-mixes only.

Those terminator climbs are challenging for me - but I'll get there.

It is so fun - Cathe is so motivating in this one. I love it that she keeps reminding us that we can do anything for a minute and she always lets us know when we are almost done.

I just love the intensity series -

I'm loving them so much I have to force myself not to do them everyday - I don't want my body or mind to get too used to the workouts -
I love it too!
I was scheduled for Muscular Endurance today, but I had to through in the warm-up and first section of Bootcamp just for fun!
I LOVE it too! Isn't the music AWESOME??? It's such a great, all around, really TOUGH workout!!

Danielle :+
I just now finished doing BootCamp for the second time. I really like the music in the cool down. I do love this workout yet hate it at the same time. It is so challenging!!!:7
I hope everyone has a great day!
Whoa, really a tough workout.

I did it this morning. It's one of those workouts that kind of makes me think in two different ways about my fitness level. The first way is... Wow, I must be getting strong, I can actually do this. Not perfectly, but I can finish it. :) The other way is that I have some room for improvement, because I am going to be stronger!!!

Cathe is correct, we really can do anything for one minute.

This one still scares me, just got it last week, did the preview and the whole time thought.....there is NO way!!! But it is still calling my name...so one of these brave mornings....

You really need to give it a whirl! It is so fun and the time flies by sooo fast! The choreo is easy to catch onto even for Miss "Two-Left-Feet" here!:p Just lookout for those Terminator Climbers...I am gasping bigtime after the FIRST set of them! Have FUN!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!
I've converted a sibling!

This workout is so popular in my home that one of my sisters, who's only 11, makes me promise to tell her when I'm doing it so she can join me! And she makes it through each cycle almost in its entirety!

Even my 5-year-old sister starts out all gung ho when I'm doing it...eventually, she gives up, though, and says she'll just watch. :)

I LOVE this workout with a passion!

Amy S. :)
I should mention a modification I've made to the workout, which others might like to try. I first do the "all but core" workout, then tack the core work onto the end. I feel better not having to go from standing up to lying down or vice versa for some moves, though omitting the core moves in the body of the workout does increase the aerobic intensity a smidge.
x( I cannot find my bootcamp, and me dvd, and my terminator dvd. I thought I had them in the back of my car, and now they are gone, gone gone. I just want to cry, I love these, waaaaaaa
Well I just got my Bootcamp in the mail today and preview it, omg I hope I can do this. Im going to do it on Wednesday}(
RE: Michelle!

No I did not throw it away, I cried when I couldn't find it on my little dvd cathe workout shelf :(. Then I said to myself, well I think I may have put them in the car to take this weekend to workout, but alas, no it was not there. I am sure they did not run away, but, I cannot find them, and I want them. I fear somebody may have stole them from my car. I live in a college town, and ppl like to steal things for giggles. I hope not. I will keep searching!!!!!
Wow! I was intrigued by this thread so I did Bootcamp yesterday, even though I'm in the middle of Jillybeans genius PS rotation. I thought it wasn't too bad while I was doing it, but today I'm feeling the pain. I am never sore anymore, so this is big news. Those terminators! Oh my poor aching chest!
I love Boot Camp - even though it has made me sick to my stomach a couple times. (I ate right before working out - a big DON'T!) Well today I got brave and did the premix of BC cardio portions. :eek: That was an interesting out-of-body experience. lol! I actually enjoyed it and the time flew by. Luckily, Cathe gives you a warm-up before the torture begins. }( It's a great 20 minute workout if you are pressed for time. I skipped the stretch. I think it's a 25 min. workout if you aren't lazy like me and do the stretch. Has anyone else tried the BC cardio premix yet?
>I'll bet this makes the abs work a lot tougher too, as they
>don't get to rest between exercises!

Yep! I did this version again yesterday, and I really like it. The ab work was even harder, though, because I finally figured out how to do the "hip dip" plank move the right way. Before, I was turning a lot at the waist to dip my hip to the ground. Last night, I paid more attention to Cathe's instructions, and I did less of a turn and more of a "drop hip to ground while keeping other in place" move and I REALLY felt it in my obliques (which were already steaming hot from my doing the previous ball move where you lean a bit back and rotate from side-to-side. I modify that one by going at a slower pace [half cathe's speed] and trying to touch the ball to the floor, using a heavier ball, and lifting my feet off the floor, as I've seen in some magazines. YEOWZA!)
BootCamp ABS!

I have added on all the Bootcamp ABS to two of my workouts this week! It is great and last only about 8 minutes.:7 There are 8 cycles total lasting 1 minute each. I really like the option of doing them all together. They hit every area too! Kathryn, I too, also got the hip dips much better today. (& that was AFTER 64 CT. plank hold!)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
LOVE Bootcamp. It's really doable in that you work hard hard on cardio then go to core work then weights and over and over but because of the constant switches you keep getting breaks in a way. Make any sense?

It's tough don't misunderstand but tough doable.}(

I can make it all the way thru and do it with Cathe and crew on everything but those thrust squats or }( whatever they are called. YIKES I got some real work to do on those.

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