Hi Jackie, everyone has given you good advice here. I'm glad that your upper body is responding to your workouts. Don't you just love those lean muscles? When you said your lower body is lagging behind, I just had to say something. Have you tried doing more kickboxing? I was amazed at the results when I put in more kickboxing to my routine. KPC is now my most used cardio workout, and thank goodness for the premixes, I never get tired of it. I've been stepping for more than a decade, and although it helped control fat gain (my diet in the 90s was baaaad) and improved my cardiovascular conditioning, I never saw a difference in my saddlebags. Enter KPC and some of Billy Blanks' Tae Bo and I lost 3/4 of an inch in a month. I just measured my hips this morning and found out I lost another quarter of an inch over the last three months. A very small difference, I know, for such a long period of time, but there it is. I myself am amazed. My eating hasn't been very clean after going on a trip for almost four weeks. I hope you consider this. I sincerely hope this also works for you. Keep us posted.