I keep reverting back to my bad eating ways...HELP!


I ate so bad yesterday and felt just horrible afterwards. DH wanted to meet me and Pierce (our 5 yo son) for lunch yesterday, while he was working (he works for UPS). Anyway I told him to pick the place. He chose Long John silvers. Well I looked for something decent to eat and gave up and ate the 2 chicken planks, fries, cole slaw and a piece of fish. Then when i came home later I guess I thought What the hey, and ate about 1/2 a chocolate bar, and a mini reese egg. x( I'm almost ashamed to post this. Then today I did ok, but was hungry.It got late so I made a quickie supper for the kids, Tyson breaded chicken strips and fries, spinach. Well I was gonna make myself something healthy but I kept piecing on the fries and finally just ended up eating fries and the chicken too. Now I feel all bloated and sick!!
What is wrong with me...I want to lose body fat, and then i eat bad stuff.
Just wanted to vent and hopefully get some encouraging words ;(
I so hate that when I do that . I think "Old Habits Die Hard " So dont be to hard on your self . Get back at it right now .It will be ok !!!! You can do it ,Toss the junk food if you have to !!!Good Luck ... I struggle bad the week after I ovulate !!!:) :) :) :) :)
Please please please don't keep beating yourself up over this - you will fix it over the next few days by eating light and as clean as you can. Remember, it is just one day in a lifetime of eating.

This advice, courtesy of the Queen of Beating Herself Up.;)
I do this too...I know how to eat clean & truly enjoy it more and feel better. I'll eat well for quite some time, then it's as if I have a bad behavior explosion x( }( Then it takes a while to psych myself into behaving again. I'm not sure why I do it either...I think it's just years of bad habits that don't want to let go.

I think it'll get better over time...practice makes perfect, you know? Every time you recover is another chance to succeed. It's also another chance to forgive yourself and move on. It helps me to keep up with my workouts...I feel successful at that and this gives me hope.

Be kind to yourself, Cheryllynn! :)
You know what I do when I find myself eating the kids' greasy fish sticks or entire packets of cookies with no ovulation or PMS to blame it on? I ask myself, "why am I eating like there's no tomorrow?" I tell myself, "I don't have to eat those fish sticks. If I really want fish sticks I can eat them any day. There's plenty more in the store. They're not going out of style."

And usually, this voice of reason calms me down.

Another trick: brush your teeth. The thought of eating grease once you have that minty freshnesss in your mouth, well, it's simply a huge NO-NO!

Another trick: I load up on fruit, fruit, fruit. My mother always eats fruit BEFORE any meal. It helps get the fruit portions in for the day and also stops her from overdosing on the main meal. A recent study where a whole town ate an apple before each meal lead to a huge communal fat loss. So, fruit can be the answer.

And as the others say: we all have days when we are totally disgusted with ourselves. You have to learn to forgive yourself, acknowledge your temporary weakness, remind yourself that you are only human and move on. Tomorrow does not have to be a repetition of today: tomorrow has not been written yet.

I saw that Long John's has baked cod and your can get a salad, so you really CAN eat somewhat healthy there. You just have to keep the junk out of your house. If it's there, you'll eat it. Don't finish the kid's left-overs. Yeah, it's sad if it goes to waste, but you DON'T have to eat it. It's tough - I got into some ice cream last night - I wasn't hungry, but it was THERE. I gotta be sure it's not around except on my cheat day. You just have to make up your mind that it's a trade off, and you have to eat right if you want to lose weight. No way around it, but you don't have to starve or deprive yourself.
I have found that it's not the eating the bad stuff one day that makes me fat, but the "oh! all is lost" feeling that accompanies it. When I was overweight, it was from that all-or-nothing thinking that I had going on. If you could just shrug it off and not waste too much time feeling guilty, you will do much better. One or two days will not amount to a hill of beans if you're eating the right stuff most of the time. But if you insist upon perfection, then the bad feelings will lead to more bad eating, and more bad eating.
I think that eating is all in your head, so don't give up. I also think that you have to retrain you "head" and your body. Fat, sugar and caffeine are very hard to give up; I think that they have an addictive element. Have you tried completely omitting one culprit at a time, like fast food? I know it's hard, but I can't eat fast food because of food alergies and I just take something that I can eat or don't eat there. It's not that bad to sit and watch people eat greasy, unhealthy fried food! It becomes real when you look at all of the grease on the containers, yuck! My son has constantly battled a weight problem and just quitting eating greasy fast food has worked miracles for him. He's switched from greasy fast food to Chipotle and lost wegight without even trying.

Keep working on it, you'll find something that works for you.

As easy as it is to say this just keep on keeping on. Today is a new day and you can't undo what you did yesterday so don't even try. Don't beat yourself up, it's not worth it. Just do your best today and let it go. :) We've all been there....


I smoked my last cigarette on 8/5/2004.
Hey, $hit happens, you can't beat yourself up or lose sleep over it. Like Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day.

But boy that meal is making my mouth water! :9

OK, here's a little tip that I use this time of year, b/c it's kind of a strange time of year, being cold & nasty & in between the holidays & the start of spring. But summer is coming. So I pull out one of my bikinis & hang it on my bedroom doorknob. It's an excellent incentive.
I'm reading a book called the Joy Diet, by Martha Beck. The book has nothing to do with food, it's a diet for a happier life. I was amused and enlightened by this discussion:

She was using the fact that you can train about any animal to do about anything using food treats to make one of her points. She used a behaviorism study on teaching pigs to push shopping carts to demonstrate this and went on to say that animals respond very well to instant gratification.

Then on why deferred gratification doesn’t work:

"I've been taught for decades that restricting my diet to organic vegetables and exercising diligently would make me healthier, smarter, better looking, and more beloved by the masses. But did that help me from eating 6 chocolate chip cookies by 9:00 this morning? It did not. My reasoning went like this: On one hand there's my health, on the other, there are cookies. Health / cookies. cookies / health... COOKIES! In short, I literally think like a pig."

My behavior while somewhat modified by long term planning, is powerfully shaped by immediate rewards. This is understandable when you consider that I am, after all, an animal. No offense but so are you. Your body, including your brain, has a highly specific inborn agenda, and this includes pursuing short-term rewards even when they may not lead you to your long term objectives. Compared to other animals, humans are amazingly good at deferring gratification. But like every other creature tested by our behaviorists, we eventually tire of doing things that bring no apparent gratification at all...."

I think this is a simplistic approach to humans and their food issues, which are all tied up in emotions and other non-food things, but I thought it was enlightening just the same. This whole discussion in the book is to show why we need to give ourselves treats (not food) every day to "provide enough consistent short-term gratification to sustain the trust and happiness of the well meaning animal that is your body"

I hope this makes sense out of context from the book I thought it was interesting enought to type it here.

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