I just want to dump :(


Hey Cathletes,
I've been having a pretty crappy past few weeks and I think it just culminated in me hitting rock bottom today. Sorta. I feel the need to back up a bit and explain where this all started:

So, I moved out to CA last fall for graduate school. Met this guy in my department who was a year ahead of me. Over time I found that he was flirting with me a lot, and admittedly I kind of did it back because I was interested too. Anyway, the whole academic year kind of went like that...we were friends, we flirted, but that was pretty much it. I never made a move because I'm Muslim and he's not, and I figured, we probably couldn't have a long term future. He never made a move either, and I figured he was thinking the same thing as me. Nonetheless, we kept flirting.

One thing though that made me uneasy throughout this entire thing (apart from me developing feelings for someone I knew I'd never actually be with!) was that now and again he brought up this other girl in our department, who's also a year ahead of me. Something about the way he'd mention her only in passing and say as little about her as possible..made me wonder if there was something going on between them that perhaps he was keeping secret. But again, there was a lot of flirting, so I was very quick to dismiss it!

Anyway, I found out a few weeks ago that those two have been dating. A mutual friend told me in passing, but b/c I didn't want to put him in the middle/make him uneasy, I didn't ask him for any details. I was just...angry. How could he be dating someone else? He's been hitting on me since last year! I thought, hmm, maybe it's a new relationship, and he just sort of gave up on me because he saw me as unattainable. Ok...I'd understand that. Well...at a friend's suggestion, I met him for lunch today, and the moment the opportunity arose, I abruptly dropped the question: "why didn't you tell me you two were dating?"
His response? A brief pause, an awkward/uncomfortable expression, and then him casually going, "er, I told you."
"Really? when?"
"Last winter I remember I told you that she and I were going to Colombia together. And I always tell you when I'm out with her."
"Was I supposed to assume that meant you were dating?"
*silence* "I suppose you couldn't be expected to assume...I guess people usually say it more explicitly.."
"So....I dunno...were you expecting me to get your blessings or something before dating her?"
*dirty look in his direction* "Hardly."
"Well.." he shrugs, "I'm dating her."
"Yes, you are."
"how long have you guys been dating?"
"Um...since the spring of my first year here..."
"Oh, so before I even got here?"
*dead silence*
"Farah, what are you thinking?"
*long pause. I want to tell him that I'd still like him to explain why he's a freaking eunuch around me if his GF is around, but can't seem to keep it in his pants in her absence* ...."my water is too icy."
"mmm. Yeah. Makes me think, I'm really thirsty..."

And that was that. We never got back on the subject because he changed it pretty quickly. I am completely unsatisfied with my confrontation, since I don't feel that I really got to stick it to him. Sigh. I really hate him. All this time...for over a year...I thought he was available and...I don't know. I don't know that I had any expectations of him since the whole dating thing would have been complicated...I don't know. I just feel really deceived by him, mad at him that I wasted emotions on him...I let myself be freaking vulnerable around him...and I don't trust people easily. In fact, he's the only person in my department that I ever felt comfortable opening up to. And now I'm just angry that I let myself get like that. Also angry at myself for not being more aggressive in confronting him. :(

And now..I don't know how I should act around him. I hate him, but I feel like, we're done now with that discussion..I can't be the crazy chick bringing up his gf again...I feel like I have to either pretend I'm fine with it and just fake it with him, or treat him the way I feel: distance myself and verbally b-- slap him if he comes near me in any way. I just don't want to take the high road. :( Also wish I could just find a reasonably attractive Muslim guy to distract me from my pain and possibly marry some time in the future. :eek:

Rereading this I think I totally sound like I'm 16, not 26. That can't be good. :p
Reading this made me think of when I was 26 (and honestly even though i am the dreaded 40 and have some wrinkle i would never go back)
The situations were sort of similar in that he was Muslim and I was not. We used to hang out a lot, seemed like good frinds , dated fooled around a little but funnily i never had his phone number! We would always communicate by computer (in my day..lol sounds so funny saying it it was ICQ) This went on about for around 6 months and then finally over that summer break (teacher) i sort of stopped emailing etc him. Miraculously he actually called me at home (never had happened before) but i wasn't home and well i was fed up. Back in sept of that year (new year at work) the flirting starts again but this time I flirted knowing he was just an idiot, Met my husband (he was a cute younger (5 years younger than me) electrician putting our school into to internet era)

Since then 10 years later we are buds at work but nothing more, although he had never acknowledged that we ever dated at work before now he seems actually proud to let people know we had something (its all the cathe workouts;)

I honestly have to admit that, to this day I often think of asking him what the heck was his problem. He was generally shocked when i announced my engagement it was really too bizarre. On his side he was married and divorced (non-muslim so that wasn't the issue) by the time i had my first kid! and is now working on #2!

Seems to me like i luckily avoided that train wreck.

Now I know this doesn't help your situation, Even if you confront him more they generally seem to turn everything around and find a way that it was your fault, that you should have know, or that you are too sensitive. You will never know or understand because he will not let you because well then ...you have the power.

Please take or leave any advice and without trying to sound (sorry if i am) sanctimonious.

Btw your story didn't sound at all like a 16 year olds.. I would not relive my 20's for anything! so much of what you are saying happens to every person who isn't with a special someone. I have to admit. Once i found my guy, my carrer was stable and I had my kids (all in my ealry 30s)...well wrinlkes and all i am loving my 40th year;)

So...hold your chin-up as much as you can and think...this to shall pass!
Farah, take the high road and don't give him anything more to feed his ego. Since he is flirting with you while seeing someone else, do you really want this person in your life? During my MBA, it was great to have people that were in the exact same situation as myself. Be strong and sending hugs your way. JT
I don't think my comments were helpful, so I'm deleting them, hope you feel better soon, I would not let this guy get you down, probably best to just move on anyway since you can't see any possible future with him.
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I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time. He's a jerk.

I was once the girlfriend. Actually, I was engaged and my fiance did way more than flirt.

You are much better off without him. You are hurt and angry but "sticking it too him" isn't going to change him or even bother him. It's only (IMO) going to make you angrier. Run away fast.
Thank you for your comments. Having sat with all of this for a bit I think I've managed to cool off a bit and am thinking more clearly now. I suppose just letting it all be is the best thing to do. And there is some comfort to be had in knowing that I'm better off without him. I know this might sound silly, but one thing I do wish for though is that I just bounce back quickly and do find someone special...to able to say (well, not *actually* say to him) "I'm not alone. I found someone even better than you!" ....though that is definitely not my sole reason for wanting to find someone. It would just be a fringe benefit. :p
Plus, take good care of yourself. Really, you run into him in 10 years and you look hot and he looks old, gratification..just saying. I look about 10 years younger than my ex and a lot healthier.
I agree, you do not want to end up with a guy who has a girlfriend and is flirting with another woman or worse. As a friend used to always tell me when guys were being idiots, "thanks for showing me crazy early". Focus on your studies, your health and just you because your "right" guy isn't far away and will most definitely be worth the wait.
Farah! I am so sorry you are going through this right now. Back when I was in college I had a very serious crush on someone that I had known for 4 years. Then, he met a gal and married her within 2 weeks. I was heart broken and crushed. I had been a loyal friend and confidant for years and then he goes and marries someone else. My love for him vanished because I just realized he wasn't the guy I thought he was, because the guy I had feelings for wouldn't do that. He just wasn't that guy after all. Anywhoo, if you feel sad, its ok, you are allowed to experience your feelings and to let them pass. In a while you will get to the point where you don't even remember what his name was. He will just be a blip in your rear view mirror.

He may not have taken his flirting to be that serious. For non-muslims, flirting is often a harmless activity. The fact that you flirted back just encouraged him. He didn't perceive that as cheating on his gf. So, while I agree (what a jerk) he is probably just an ignouramous and pegs into the stupid side of the intelligence meter, keep in mind that if is that dumb, you really don't want him anyway. You are way too cool for him. ;):cool:

Sorry, I didn't notice the later comments til just now! Thank you, ladies. It's amazing to be able to just...come on here, cry about a problem to folks I don't really know, but still get support. Hooray for Cathletes. :D

Well, since writing last, I definitely feel better and kind of moved on from it all. We're in the same dept and have a class togeher once a week, and also teach at the same time next door to each other, 5x/week...sooo, we still see plenty of each other. And he's the same. Ignores me/is barely civil with me during our weekly seminar, in the presence of his girlfriend; friendly and chatty at all other times. I've decided to just let it go, and let him be stupid. All I can do is not encourage it/show my displeasure at his behavior and downgrade him from "the only friend I felt close to in this town" to "just an annoying colleague who I can't really trust." It makes me a little sad to close that friendship, but whatever. I'd rather cry into my journal than lean on him.

Also since writing the above, I am now currently...er...mulling over two new potentials, lol. Muslim guy #1 is an acquaintence who has recently gotten friendlier, particularly since I shared this whole debacle with him. When I think of him liking me, I think, "he's such a practical choice. He's nice. He seems keen. He's actually older than me and is almost done with his phd...he's closer to financial stability than anyone else I've liked!" But as far as attraction goes...not sure I'm feeling it. Muslim guy #2 is from my Arabic class. He's an undergrad (and I'm a grad student) so automatically I feel like Mrs. Robinson :p and I can't tell if there is any potential there. But he's just so...yum. Like...myseriously handsome, could-be-in-one-of-those-black-and-white-cologne-ads type of yum. :p Anyway. Trying to sort all of this out, and hoping something favorable comes out of it. I could do with some favorable circumstances. :p

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