I just recieved P90X


I just got it a couple of days ago and have been viewing some of the workouts. I think that I will keep it, but I am at a toss up as to whether to attempt it any time soon. There are just soooo many push ups and pull ups. I don't have a pull up bar and will have to purchase one before beginning, but part of me says to stick with Cathe for a bit longer. Not that I will give up Cathe except for the 90 days of P90, then it will be back to Cathe. I just have this feeling that is telling me that before I go on and try this new workout, I need to put all of my effort into the workouts that I am doing now. If I have this feeling I must know that I am not puttig 100% into my diet and exercise. I just don't see that the P90X program could do anymore than what Cathe can with the proper diet and 100% effort. Sure it would be a great switch up, but I am just not sure that I am ready to switch until I feel I have put all my effort into Cathe, and need a different style workout. Any words of advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
if you didn't think that the p90x program could do anymore for you than cathe, why did you buy it?
regardless of what system you're using, if you don't put in the effort, it won't matter what you do.
>if you didn't think that the p90x program could do anymore
>for you than cathe, why did you buy it?
>regardless of what system you're using, if you don't put in
>the effort, it won't matter what you do.

She probably didn't realize there were so many pushups and pullups in there, but maybe she should have researched more? That can be intimidating for some that have a hard time with these. Now that I know there are alot of pushups, probably won't buy it myself as I was thinking about it too. Nice to know, think I will save my money.

I checked into P90X a few weeks ago and decided the same thing - too many pull ups, and I just don't want to invest in a bar. The plyo workout sounds kind of interesting, and I've heard lots of good recommendations about the Ab Ripper too. But the one thing I didn't like, was how many people here said that the instructor, Tony, just drove them nuts. I think he'd probably bug the crap out of me, so I'll just say no.

I'm finishing up my first P90X rotation. When I first watched it I thought, Hmmm, don't know about this, and not just because of the push-ups and pull-ups. BUT, I have to say, I have seen fantastic results. I'm seeing more definition (and I don't eat 100 percent clean) and my strength has definitely increased. I love Cathe - and am looking forward to returning to her during my next rotation - but I have to say that P90x really challenged and motivated me. I'm amazed at the number of push-ups I can do now. As for the pull-ups, I don't have a bar. I have bands and used those, or used alternative back exercises.
I'd encourage you give it a whirl. I've really enjoyed this rotation.



Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I'd hate to see you guys miss out on a great rotation because of the push ups and pullups. I admit I was "scared" at first too, but his pushup sequences are nothing compared to Cathe's dropset sequence in GS Chest and Triceps!!!! He breaks them up in a way that make them VERY doable...I promise. I was a big 'ol wimp when it came to pushups when I started and I was absolutely shocked at myself at the progress I made during that first 90 days.

Don't let the pull ups discourage you either. You don't need a bar...you can either attach resistance bands (the ones with the handles) to your door hinge and do them that way (this is demonstrated on the workouts) or you can use your barbell or dumbbells and do deadrows in their place...no biggie.

I love Tony...he doesn't at all bug me, and if for some reason he does end up bugging you there's a feature on the DVD that lets you cut out the talking. Trust me when I tell you Cathe's style and Tony's styles are very much different. And now having done quite a few of Cathe's weight routines her style pretty much carries through to all of her workouts. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just that your body could potentially plateau and changing things up is always a good thing...therefore changing to Tony's style for a few months could jump start all kinds of progress, but you'll never know unless you try it!!

Give it a shot, don't be worried about the pushups and pullups (plus there's so much more to this program then those two exercises), and mute him if he bugs you...but I would definately say you should give yourself the opportunity to relish in some amazing results by using the X!!!!

Wow, I was just headed over to Beach Body to place my order and saw this thread!

I'm not that worried about the pushups, since I've already impressed myself with how many straight leg ones I can do. :) I want to get even better with them!!!

I don't have a bar and don't plan to get one, but I might get the bands. I do have access to a place I can do pullups, so maybe I'll try a few there sometimes. I'll see the workouts first.

I'm most worried about the boring factor, and that I really want to see Cathe instead! But I want to see what's out there and get ideas for what I can have the bootcampers do, and all the variations that I've heard are on the workouts sound ideal.

I hope you are glad, whatever you decide, that you tried them!!
Hi Shawna,

I did my first P90X rotation with out changing my eating habits (which aren't horrible, but far from perfect), and I still got very noticeable improvements in my overall strength and upper body muscle mass.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss these workouts without giving them a try. Especially since you already bought them! Don't be scared off by the push-ups - I had a definite love-hate relationship with them when I started P90X, and now push-ups are one of my favorite exercises. You can also substitute bands for the pull-ups pretty effectively.
I let P90X sit on my shelf for over a month after I previewed it because the push-ups/pull-ups were scary!! And the first workout in the rotation is precisely the one with all the push-ups/pull-ups!

Finally, I decided to jump in, but I started with SHoulders and Arms and continuted with the rotation from there. Since I didn't have a pull-up bar or even bands at the time, I just did heavy 1-arm rows (alternating sides with each set) and pullovers instead of the various pull-ups. Then, I decdided to get the bands, and used them (the heaviest set from Beach Body, plus a door attachment from www.sissel-online.com , which is much better than the lame one that you can get from BB). Both of these methods worked fine (even though I did eventually get a pull-up tower).

Don't let the pull-ups/push-ups keep you from trying P90X. Start with Shoulders and Arms, then cycle through the rest of the first 3 weeks of workouts from there before taking the recovery week.

For push-ups: yes, they can be intimidating, but they are more doable than they look. And Tony gives you more recovery time between sets than Cathe does (especially in GS) so the are even more doable. Do as many as you can on your toes, and then go down to 1 knee, then two. Some of the push-up variations, like the 'triangle' push-ups, are very tough to do on the toes: I did those all on one knee, going for depth rather than power.

Just take the plunge!
I have to agree with just about everyone here as well. I had these workouts for 2 years actually before I tried them. I was intimidated by the push and pull ups too. But then I just jumped in and tried them - and it was very do-able. There is good breaks between exercises and the way he sequences them makes it VERY do-able. I do not have a pull up bar - but the bands and use them for the pull ups.

I am just finishing my second full week of the rotation and really enjoying it. Tony is not bugging me at all - and I have been really surprised how quickly the workouts go and how hard you work. I would highly recommend them as well. Like Kathryn said - do the Shoulders and Arms workout first. It gives you a great sense of Tony and just how good the workouts are.
I'm into my third week of p90x, I just have to say that I'm really enjoying a change of pace. The pull ups and push ups aren't easier
for me either but I'll keep working at it. Garilee
I won Ab Ripper X on ebay. I'm really excited to receive it since I heard how challenging it is!
I don't think a lot of people here say that Tony is annoying...I've just said it so much and so often that it 'seems' like a lot of people say that.;-)
I just ordered P90X. I like Tony's style but only have a couple of his workouts. I generally tune his lame humor out and just focus on the exercise move. I'm willing to give these a try. If I don't like them after 30 days, at least I can return them.
I just received mine in the mail today. I have a different take on it How about incorporating what you do like in a rotation with cathe and selling the others. I know following the rotation is what everyone is speaking of but if you really do not feel comfortable with the push ups and pull ups substitute Cathes upper body for these.

I am looking forward to previewing these and jumping in. I do not have a bar for pull ups so I will be looking into bands as well, however, my downstairs I only have glass pane french doors so my situation may be difficult for this option.

I didn't buy it yet, I got the trial since, unlike Cathes website, there is not a preview for it on the Beachbody website. I probably will keep it and may attempt it one day, but I did not realize how many push ups and pull ups there were until I watched the workouts. In case you have not seen, there is a lot. I do however like the looks of the plyo workout and I think that his style would be a great change from Cathe since they are both so different. I do know that I need to put 100% effort to get the results I am looking for and will be working on that no matter what rotation I am doing. :D
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions, I think I will keep the workouts. Maybe if I do not do them my DH or DS will. I think I will finish the rotation I am on right now with Cathe and then try it. Thanks.
I really am horrible at pushups (and pullups for that matter) but they really aren't bad in p90x. Matter of fact, 'chest and back' is one of my favorites of the set since I need so much work in that area. And the others are right, they are broken up well so that even I can do them, plus there is a variety of different types not just standard. :) And I like Tony, amazingly enough. :)
The only workout in the set I don't find myself doing much is Yoga X - just TOO long and boring for me.

HEY SISTER!!!! YOU GO GIRL!! Getting P90X...YEAH!! Going hardcore...wahooooooooooooooo!! You will love P90X it is a great set of workouts. I saw bigger changes in my body doing P90X, than anything else..you can do the push-ups..just give it a try.

I am so happy to see how much you love Cathe, and how many worksouts you have..that is great!


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