It's my anniversary!!! I've been doing Cathe's workouts for one year now!!! (and the videos still feel fun and fresh!!) I've never felt better, and I've also never stuck to exercise the way I've stuck to Cathe!! She's the best and I feel awesome!!! Tomorrow's IMAX 2 day!!! Whoo-hoooooo!!!! Happy steppin' and pumpin' everybody!!
:7 :7 :7
Well...Happy Annivesary Dana! There are so many to chose from that they will never get old, not to mention she keeps poppin' out new ones! Have FUN and enjoy IMAX2 tomorrow, my fav right now!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Keep up the good work...and enjoy IM#2 - I LOVE the workout!

YAAAAAAAY Dana!!!!! Who knew that hard work could be soooo much fun!!! You Rock!! Enjoy IMAX2, here's a big Whoo-hooooooo right back atcha!!!!

Take Care
Wow Dana congrats, and enjoy IMax 2, one of my most favorites in the cardio setion of Cathe collection. But that is awesome and you have really have achieve a very good thing, and have stuck with it for over a year, since you probably won't read this until tomorrow. Which is something to be very proud of. Since a lot of people can't even stick to exercise in general for a year.

High ten, Dana!

We're Cathe-loyalists because she's so loyal to us. She gives us her best so our fitness journeys are exhilarating and fun!

Imax2 just rocks! That's the DVD I had Cathe & crew sign last weekend because it's my favorite. :D :D :D

Congratulations! It's all about finding something you love and you'll do! It's worked for me too! Enjoy IMAX 2!!!


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