Maybe we should start a chat or blog or something so we can keep up on it . . ?
I'm interested (again...I've explored raw foods several times in my life, and never stick to it: I just never get to the point where I have the right stuff on hand and the prep becomes automatic, and start adding more cooked foods, then veering farther and farther in that direction).
Summer before last (my last foray into raw food), I got out my food processor (that I hadn't used previously!), picked up a Vitamix, a dehydrator, a soy/nut milk maker and a spiralizer (cool zucchini noodles!) and did about 3 days of all raw, a week or so of high raw, and then stuck with incorporating more raw foods in on a daily basis.
Right now, I'm again adding more raw food into my diet (which tended to get a bit too 'unraw' over the winter---ideally, I'd go at least 50% raw in winter and more in summer, but ended up less than that this past winter).
I just discovered a new food co-op on my way back from a conference, that's about an hour away (it's actually a longstanding co-op that I visited once when it used to be in a basement and seemed very 70's--at least like the co-op I used to work at back then, before we went above ground!--, and now has greatly expanded to grocery-store size).
I picked up some organic produce (including kumquats and three types of kale!) and found some locally produced raw-food products. I had the raw 'lasagne' yesterday (it tasted very much like real lasagne!).
So far today, I had some 'save the chicken salad' romaine wraps (well, they didn't 'wrap' so well, as the leaves started breaking, so I turned them into 'sammiches' instead, using 1/2 leaf on each side of the filling (the 'unchicken' salad plus broccoli sprouts, shredded carrot, and red pepper, all organic).
Baylian: if you make almond milk (though almonds are now problematic...see below*) or other nut milk (macadamia is yummy!), you can save the pulp (which becomes defatted) and mix it with coconut, a bit of raw agave, a pinch of sea salt and maybe some vanilla (not raw, unless you start with the bean), form the mix into balls and dehydrate for some yummy coconut 'macaroons.' (you could also add some shredded carrot--and reduce the sweetener---or some cocoa powder).
*On almonds: the US Almond manufacturers association passed a resolution in 2007 to fumigate all US produced raw almonds as a precaution against salmonella, starting with the september 2007 crop. Non-organic 'raw' almonds are treated with a chemical that is a known carcinogen, while organic almonds are steamed at a temperature that makes them no longer considered raw. Raw almonds from other countries, however, aren't subject to the fumigation. (Organic farmers tried to appeal the decision by taking it to court, but their case was just recently thrown out.
