I Just Got My UPS notice for my BB DVDs!

I ordered on May 12 and just got my confirmation. They will be here Friday! Gotta love 2nd day air! I have a feeling Cathe and all made a pretty big dent today. ;-)
DeeDee - Have you checked UPS Tracking from the Home Page of cathe.com? I've read a few posts where people didn't get their email but when they pulled up their information from the tracking off of the home page that their order had been shipped. Check it out....;-)
still suffering dvd envy. i just checked and i didn't order until the end of may. :-( it seems that they are moving pretty fast though. maybe next week???
I just let out a big YIPPEEEE at my desk. I tracked by dvds and they should be there when I get home from work tonight!!!

I can't wait!!!!!!!

Donna:D :D :D
I'm suffering right along with you, BodyKat. I think I preordered mine right around May 30 and haven't heard anything yet either. Maybe this waiting will help build character. ;)
I ordered 2 DVD's one around the 20th of May and one on the 8th of November, so I will probably get them separate.... Oh well, I will get them soon anyway, I haven't gotten a notice yet, and I have checked the tracking, but soon .... Rhonda:7
I just got my notice, I will be getting a least one of my DVD's Kick Punch Crunch on Wednesday ... kewl... and I ordered mine at about the 20th of May .... Rhonda :7

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