I just got a chain saw!


I am so psyched! I've been making over my yard over the past 3 years, and so far have accumulated a mini-tiller (awe-some!), composter, branch chipper, and now.......a CHAIN SAW! How cool is this??

Now I can get rid of these ugly stumps of trees that are in the totally wrong place, like right against a fence. I woud have hired somebody to do this, but figured it'd be several hundred dollars, and besides, now I'll be able to chop up other stuff that gets in my way ;)

It's funny, if you would have ever told me I'd like to garden I'll say you were nuts, but it's really therapeutic. and I like taking an ugly yard an making it pretty!
I have been wanting a chain saw and checked them out at Lowe's but never could decide. What did you get? It is for the same reason--I want to trim trees and cut back some that are just overgrown. I could also use it on my wisteria which has become a monster. Recently we had an apple tree come down and my DH and I were cleaning up when a neighbor came by and I mentioned to him that my DH was buying me a chainsaw. He looked at my husband and said "I would rethink that." I am still laughing over that comment. Who would ever think I would be wanting a chainsaw.. Let me know what you got. I feel like I should congratulate you!
As a girl who does her own yard and garden, I congratulate you also!!! Too funny, really! How little things like this make us so happy.

Now, hand me a weed whacker and I'll go running for the hills......I just can NOT GET the hang of that thing! :)

Be careful with the chainsaw. We have many -- I haven't used often -- mostly that's DH's job. They are definitely a tool that deserves a lot of respect. I don't want to scare you, but I suppose you should have some fear. My husband's job in college was tree trimming, so he's been around chainsaws a long time but still.... last year he sliced his thumb with one, but it was almost his whole arm.
I LOVE my chainsaw. It makes me feel so strong. We were laughing the other day because my hubby and his best friend were leaning against the truck talking about canning and salsa recipes while I was chopping wood. We were all quite content. BTW, I have no idea what kind of chainsaw it is. I just use his. Do be careful, though. They can be quite dangerous. You can hit a knot in the wood, or a nail or something that has grown into the wood. This can cause the chainsaw to kick back unexpectedly. Never let down your guard or lose your focus. Also beware of poison ivy. Just because you've never had it before, that doesn't mean you won't ever get it, even if you're nearly fifty years old. (spoken by the cackling voice of experience.)

Congrat's Govtgirl! Chainsaws are very handy when you need one. I just *heart* my power tools. :p

ITA with others about the safety aspect. You do have to be mentally "on" at all times when using these. Don't forget your safety glasses! :)

Happy cutting!
I have a friend who does Chain saw art. He carves all kinds of things like bears, Indians and wizards from huge logs. He now also makes log benches for the backyard.He has a website that I ,of course, can't remember.
Good news, I tried out the chain saw today and still have 10 fingers and 10 toes! :)

The one I got (ref'd) above, works great for what I need. I cut down a tree today that had grown through a chain link fence. It was about 12 feet tall, and maybe 6 inches diameter. Once that baby plopped on the ground, I was able to separate all the branches, which I'm gonna run through the chippper next weekend. I never could have done it w/o the chain saw, and it would have been too measly a job to call in a tree guy for.

I wore safety glasses, had my serious face on (no iPod, all business here), and wore gloves to protect my manicure and bright pink nails! :eek:
I am so jealous of your chainsaw! I am thinking of putting one on my Christmas list. I have the cordless (rechargeable battery) edge trimmer by Black and Decker. I would now like to get their chainsaw. The batteries are interchangeable with all the products in the line. Is it weird to want a chainsaw for Christmas?


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