Morning ladies,
Not sure if you guys saw my late night post yesterday but we had a long day. Ellie (our 2 year old) fell and cracked her front left tooth so we had to go to the dentist. Hopefully it will firm back into its socket (it's a little loose now) and they can put a crown on it. Otherwise, they might have to extract it which would mean she'd be missing a tooth until she's about 6 which is sad to me.
Anyway, hopefully today will be better. The family that is renting our house and buying my min van is coming over for dinner (pizza, wine, dessert!) tonight.
This morning was supposed to be SJP but since it's not on DVD, it's on our computer and run through our TV I couldn't do it b/c Ryan's been messing with his new computer. Bummer. So, I decided to get outside b/c it was beautiful! I went for a walk/run and got to watch the AZ sunrise over the mountains which was gorgeous. I think now that the kids are up we're going to go back out for a while for a walk and let Annabel ride her bike.
Katie, keep up the good work with your WOs and hang in there!
Robin, I always feel like ordering Cathe videos!
Kate, I can't believe you're getting SO close. YAY! Are you doing a water birth or just normal? I was so determined to do natural births but had to be induced both times b/c I had issues so it didn't happen.
Nat, sounds like you have a busy day today. Hope it's a good one. Moving can be so crazy. Every time I move I say I never want to do it again!
We have a lady from the animal league coming over this morning to take pictures of our cats to put in the newspaper. So sad.
Have a great day all!