<---I heard a fly buzz when I died


<---thanks Emily Dickinson for today's inspiring title
<---is feeling kinda low, but knows how spirits will lift after chatting here
<---had a super busy Easter weekend and is in post holiday slump
<---wanders off in search of coffee
<---thinks Robin really needs cheering up if she finds today's title inspiring ;)
<---hopes Robin perks up after the coffee kicks in
<---tried to sleep in on her first official day of vacation but was wide awake at 4:45 - managed to stay in bed until 5:15
<---is getting ready to do CleanMax today
<---can't believe the amount of pollen all over the place - floors, window sills, shelves, everything is gritty and yellow!
<---noticed yesterday while doing GS Legs that even the stability ball has a coating of pollen on it
<---hopes the wind dies down today so the pollen won't blow into <---'s clean house
<---tells everyone, yes, <---has an air conditioner, but it's too nice out to close up the house just yet, so <---will continue to endure the pollen
<---says enough of pollen for now
<---is going to take the dog out for walkies now
<---wishes everyone a very happy Monday, if that is possible for you poor non-vacationers
<--- waves good morning to Robin and Shannon
<--- thinks Robin needs to think to herself "five more sleeps, five more sleeps...":D
<--- is excited about Rochester
<--- is not envying Shannon her pollen infestation
<--- has today off
<--- will be around
<--- triple steps out of thread:)
<--waves a happy monday morning to all.
<--wants Robin to cheer up fast.
<--thinks a pollen coated house must be a country-livin' problem as <--has never experienced this.;)
<--hopes Shannon does something FUN after cleanmax.
<--wonders what's up with energizer bunny Shelley today?
<-- wants to get in and say hi before this thread is 180392 posts long
<-- waves wildly at everyone ^^^ and vvv
<-- is off to bootcamp
<--waves to Amy and says happy bootcamping!}(
<--wonders if EVER this thread could possibly be 180392 posts long!?!:p
<--says happy Monday ladies
<--thinks she may have solved her pilates dilemma based upon taking Wendy's recommendation
<--found a pilates studio that is only 12 blocks away from office, that starts you out one-on-one, but then has lots of group classes for only $15/per class! :D
<--thanks Wendy for pointing her in the right direction
<--is not looking forward to going back to work today
<--is feeling better than she did before the mini-vacation
<--wishes Shannon a great vacation
<--hopes Shelley enjoys her day off
<---isn't really as down as title would imply
<---just feeling Monday morning blahs after super busy, no rest weekend
<---tells Shannow to enjoy her vacation and cleaning workout
<---says Nancy's pilates one-on-one sounds nice
<---salutes to Amy and the bootcampers
<---has DOMS in legs from Sat. bootcamp
<---hadn't done that workout for ages
<---waves goodmorning to Tigger and hopes if she finally recovering from her illness
<---hopes Shelley enjoys her day off and can sleep well next 5
<---is nervous/excited about Rochester
<---'s DH thinks you all are ax murderers or perverts
<---can't wait to meet real live ax-murdering perverts
<---off to pour urine into skinny plastic tubes
<---speaking of skinney, how many others ate like a piggy all weekend?
<--- waves hi to Nancy and Amy
<--- tells Robin that she may be a pervert, but she's not an axe murderer... yet:p
<--- ate like he!! this weekend
<--- says Saturday was an out of control binge day
<--- is trying so hard to make today better but it's already started off poorly
<--- wishes her SO would just go to work already and stop being gloomy around her
<---yells "Happy Wonderfulday" to Robin, Shannon, Shelley, TiG, Ame, Nance, and all who follow
<---is so happy to "see" you gals! and she missed you so much
<---dug a brand new hidey hole for Robin, complete with humorus reading material and Jimmy Buffett music piped in through the built in sound system
<---tells Robin to settle in and get cozy and she will bring you a mimosa shortly
<---thinks Shannon infested the <--- with pollen because she now has itchy, watery eyes and she can't stop sneezing. <---hopes Shannon manages to have some fun on her vacation
<---wonders what Limey has planned for her day off and cannot wait for Shelley to post lots of pics post GTG
<---thinks Shelley should join Robin in the hidey hole to keep her entertained and she will be there shortly
<---sounds like TiGGeR is feeling much better and she is very happy about that
<---is glad Nance resolved her pilates dilemma and thinks 1 on 1 sessions sound like fun..as well as group classes. <---is envious because it's very hard to find classes like that in smaller cities
<---hopes Ame has a great BC today
<---had a stressful weekend and is really glad it's over. <---won't bore you with the details but SIL is lucky she let her live
<---ate her weight in chocolate and Resees's PB eggs and feels toxic this morning. <---drank over a gallon of H2O yesterday and still felt thirsty when she went to bed!!!!
<---does not want any more candy...for now;)
<---has a lot to do today and must get started!
<---edits to say she don't know about perverts, but she may well be an axe murderer...just ask her SIL}( :p

<--waves hi to Michele
<--can't bring herself to refer to Monday as "wonderful day"
<--is glad for Michele that her weekend is over
<--strongly suspects that Michele is one of those people who can't say "no" to anyone and is always doing too much for others
<--could teach Michele a thing or two about how to say "no" }( }( }(
<--assures Robin that we lovely Cathe ladies are more into lighter fluid than axes }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }(
<--is joking
<--but we ARE perverted
<--is not joking ;-)
<---wants to hear the gory details of Michele's weekend
<---wonder where she hid her SIL's body?
<---thinks the new and improved hidey hole sound maaaahvalous
<---jogs out singing "I am the urine queen, tra-la, ta-la"
<--- is now rethinking sharing a room with Robin this weekend
<--- isn't sure she wants to share anything with someone who calls herself "the urine queen":p
<--- also wants to know the gory details of Michele's weekend
<--- is hoping Michele didn't hide any bodies in the cozy new hidey-hole:p
<---is thinking she may have a butt glue problem today
<---assures Nance she can say "no" when she has too, but to have said it this weekend would've placed a burden on her MIL and FIL
<---does not know where to start with her #@$#$^@ lazy @$$ hole of a SIL
<---and her DH did ALL the shopping for the family Easter feast, delivered the groceries to the in-laws on Saturday, and showed up on Easter to cook....
<---'s SIL was sitting on her @$$ at the kitchen table doing nothing while we were working
<---gathered up all the plates and silverware and sat them right in front of SIL so she could set the table
<---then proceeded to prepare the salad. <---turned around to see if SIL was setting the table and what did she see, you ask!?!?!?! <---'s MIL (the one who was just in the CCU..the one who still gets short of breath) was setting the table and SIL was in the living room watching TV
<---says this was probably the most egregious offense but there were many other things that would be too hard to describe in this format
<---just ate a chocolate egg and she really needs to throw those #@%@#$ things away
<---wonders if Robin wears depends for her urine problem?

<--waves Good Morning to all you lovely ladies :)
<--tells Shannon that <-- has same pollen problem, but <-- refuses to close windows, allergies and all!
<--wonders how Tig is feelin"
<--wishes Amy good luck and loads of fun at Bootcamp this morn
<--tells Robin that <-- rediscovered peanut M&M's yesterday :eek:
<--was invoted by supermom neighbor for nice cookout, but <-- and DH were the "new" couple and <-- is very self-conscious and dealt with that sooooo maturely by consuming everything in sight :eek:
<--needs to grow up :)
<--is glad that Michele survived her weekend and hopes SIL did, too ;-)
<--hopes Shelley enjoys her day off and wonders if she has any plans?
<--joins y'all in the cozy hole Michele made for us :)
<--adds that <-- is so a pervert :7
<--pleads the fifth on the murder thing
<---laughing with Michele, not at her, for SIL problems
<---has similar situation with her own SIL
<---used to spend a week at SIL's (she lives near VA Beach) every summer and we would pay for groceries all week, take them out for a very nice dinner and clean the house thoroughly before we left
<---SIL came for a weekend last fall, borrowed our car (they flew their own plane up) to drive to State College for a football game, didn't fill the gas tank they emptied,borrowed our warm clothing, and sat on their butts for all the meals we prepared
<---wonders why Kara had to rediscover peanut M&M's
<---never forget they existed
<---have to be very careful when hand goes into M&M bag at <---house
<---last time DH reached into M&M bag, a mouse jumped out
<---has mice that love chocolate
<---and 3 lazy, way to well fed cats
<---adds that <---would wear depends if it meant <---didn't have to do urinalysis at work
<---thinks Robin's SIL story is worse than hers
<---would be cured of chocolate bingeing if only a mouse would jump out of her bag-o-chocolate Easter eggs
<---says her kitty would love a mouse to "play" with
<---wildy waves to Kara and knows exactly what she means about the whole *new* girl in the neighborhood thing
<---has become a bit of a recluse in the hood and wonders if y'all are as bad as she is? <---will NOT answer the door unless she is expecting company. <---when she hears someone at the door she goes to a place where she can look out without being seen and will only answer if it's UPS or FedEx, or something like that. <---HATES it when people come over uninvited or unexpected. <---also gets a lot of door-to-door sales men and religious types...just about drives her over the edge!
<---wonders if Kara ever finished that #%@# paper
<---has to get going for now..has to go pay the (*&)(*^ city income tax
<---wonders if you guys have noticed that she's been doing a lot of $#%^#$ today?

<---waving a non-wonderful day but happy morning to Robin, Shelley TiG, Amy, Nancy, Shannon, Kara and all who follow or <---may have missed
<---prefers death by chocolate over ax or fire
<---is excited about you guys' Rochester GTG and will demand prompt posting of wild pics
<---totally gets Shannon's pollen issue.....aaaaachoooo
<---could feel at home with Robin as with 3 young DS urine flies a little too freely in bathrooms and outside:eek: :7
<---YAY, Nancy will be attending the pilates and upliftiing her spirits although <---isn't sure pilates reformer would lift <---'s spirits
<---could think of other perverted uses for reformer}(
<---just can't imagine leading bootcamp at the hour Amy does, thinks Amy has some of TiG's bionic parts
<---hopes that Shelley doesn't descend in to that urine infested hidey hole with Robin but rather has some fun today
<---just has to laugh at sis and the fam damily <---is happy to report <---must have gotten the good SILs from the "family tree"
<---will have to leave shortly as DS will be finished with fun-read time and <---must appear to be an appropriate school marm...haha
<---posted a couple new pics
<---whew...what's up now

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