I Have Lyme Disease!

Hi Sparrow
I also live in CT and my DD got lyme disease when she was 5. She made a very quick recovery and has not shown any symptoms/problems since then. My neighbor also got it--a really bad case and he made a full recovery as well. I know there are horror stories out there and have heard many myself, but really if you take the antibiotics, your chances of having long term problems is really, really small.

As far as exercise goes, I think you're better off taking it easy and allowing your immune system to give 100% to fighting off the Lyme Infection along w/ the medicine. Don't push yourself--Lyme is a big deal and you don't want to take the chance of making a minor problem a major one. IIRC, the lyme spyrochetes have a 21 day life cycle so the first 3 weeks are the most important in terms of medicine/recovery. The last week is to kill anything left. (I'm assuming you're on a one month protocol).

Take care--
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I am so sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon. My DD got it and is now being treated for it. Her doctor said to "budget her energy. No gym class, and no ti kwon do for her for one month. He said to budget energy because if you use it all up one day she would be wiped out for the next few days. Please take it easy, follow the docs instructions, and be glad you found it early. You should be better soon. Hang in there!
That's so interesting about taking it easy while on the meds. I never felt bad; just had some weird little things going on and continued to work out the entire time. Back then I was doing Tae-bo. The dr, an LLMD, never said anything about stopping. He did wonder why I never got "sick" like most do with Lyme. I took abx for 9 mos though - 2 different kinds, plus an anti-fungal and probiotics. However, I'm sure your dr knows what he's doing so you should definitely take it easy for a while. GOOD LUCK!!!!

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