I have a problem with my 1RM cal...


This is so frustrating. :mad:I did what I thought to be pretty much all my 1rm along time ago.
Well, as I got into the program, I saw that some of them were a little off. I started going into the calculator in the workout manager and changing them so that when I print out my workout cards from then on, it will be right. Everything was going fine and then one day after an sts workout I knew I needed to change some things and I went to the 1rm cal at the top of the workout manager page and the only thing that would come up is the page that explains all the features of the workout manager and asks you either to login above or sign up. I thought that was weird so I went to login in and I was already logged in. Everything else in the workout manager is working fine. I have even tried to get help from the forum specifically for the workout manager problems. I have done everything they have said and nothing has worked. I know they are very busy and without being able to come to my house and fix it they are probably going to have a hard time through emails. :confused:I am hoping someone out there has had something similar happen and they can tell me what to do.
The thing that is so frustrating is that I have had to print out workout cards and some of them are not accurate and I noticed some do not have the 1rm figured yet. This makes it difficult to really get the full sts experience.:( If you know what I mean. Please help! I am desperate.
There could be numerous reasons for your problems. I would suggest cleaning out your cache, deleting cookies and closing and then reopening your browser as a first step. You may also want to check your firewall or internet security software.

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