Hey everyone!
I just wanted to start some discussion on the reduction of cardio and increase in heavy weights.
I am trying something very different than what I have been doing for the last several years.
I have a confession...I had Breast Augmentation surgery last August(one of the reasons I have not been on the forum) and throughout the healing process and recovery process I have gained about 17 lbs of fat..ugh! I was slowly gaining weight as I was having some issues with depression post-op and then letting my clean eating and consistant heavy weight work go out the window, and here I am...
So a week ago I started doing something new in addition to cleaning up my diet (still in the process of..lol)I started walking my dog in the morning first thing after eating for about 35-40 minutes (very brisk pace, 4.4 MPH) and then walking her again at night after dinner for about 35-45 minutes same brisk pace. Then I have been doing 1 heavy weight workout every other day:
Sunday:GS:Legs am/pm walk
Monday: Abs am/pm walk
Tuesday: GS Back, shoulders and biceps am/pm walk
Wed: Abs am/pm walk: 200 walking lunges
Thursday: GS: Chest and triceps am/pm walk
Friday: Yoga X am/pm walk
Saturday: Abs am/pm walk 200 walking lunges
Sunday: am walk/pm walk
I have always been a totally hardcore cardio person most all my life, and I have decided to try something a little different. I am sure that I will see incredible results.
Thanks for listening
I just wanted to start some discussion on the reduction of cardio and increase in heavy weights.
I am trying something very different than what I have been doing for the last several years.
I have a confession...I had Breast Augmentation surgery last August(one of the reasons I have not been on the forum) and throughout the healing process and recovery process I have gained about 17 lbs of fat..ugh! I was slowly gaining weight as I was having some issues with depression post-op and then letting my clean eating and consistant heavy weight work go out the window, and here I am...
So a week ago I started doing something new in addition to cleaning up my diet (still in the process of..lol)I started walking my dog in the morning first thing after eating for about 35-40 minutes (very brisk pace, 4.4 MPH) and then walking her again at night after dinner for about 35-45 minutes same brisk pace. Then I have been doing 1 heavy weight workout every other day:
Sunday:GS:Legs am/pm walk
Monday: Abs am/pm walk
Tuesday: GS Back, shoulders and biceps am/pm walk
Wed: Abs am/pm walk: 200 walking lunges
Thursday: GS: Chest and triceps am/pm walk
Friday: Yoga X am/pm walk
Saturday: Abs am/pm walk 200 walking lunges
Sunday: am walk/pm walk
I have always been a totally hardcore cardio person most all my life, and I have decided to try something a little different. I am sure that I will see incredible results.
Thanks for listening