Don't feel like it's you. They try to make you feel like you're the only one that makes mistakes, and like you said, they make them too. So as hard as it is, just try to chill a little bit. You know you're doing the best you can and that is all that you can do.
Thank you B for your response.
I know it's not me all the time. I mean sometimes when you've apologize for your mistake, depending on the mishap, they're ready to tell the whole world. I will fess up and claim a mistake here & there but damn give me a break, acknowledge me as what I am and that is a human being. To err is human.
>What position do you hold? I'm an attorney and I always
>treated the secretaries like gold b/c they are the GATEKEEPER.
>They know all, they have all the prior memos/motions in their
>hardrive, they speak to judges' aids every day etc. etc. I
>have never understood the stupidity of treating others in a
>nasty way in a law firm. However, I have taken a break as it
>burned me out. (Too much adrenaline and posturing) Hope your
>day improves!
I am a legal secretary. I think I'm a little burnt myself as I have been a legal secretary since "85". However, this is the first time I've ever worked at a law firm. Prior to this, I worked for a huge corporation with in-house counsel.
How I wish I had you as an attorney..............Maybe it's time I take a break as well.?????????