I hate my butt !!!


New Member
Okay, I need serious help with this lumpy, sagging body part that scares me everytime I see it in the mirror! What do you recommend as the best exercises or workout tapes for the glutes and how often do I need to work "it" before I see some definition again?
I wish I had the answer for you Darli, but I do not. "Definition" and "butt" do not belong in the same sentence when talking about myself.

What I can tell you is that I have lost 23 pounds in a year and a half and I have definitely noticed that my butt is MUCH smaller and less "lumpy" and "sagging" than it was before, but it certainly does not have definition. I think my results came from the standard suggestions you always see on this forum of regular intense cardio and weight training, with smarter dietary choices.

Also, I think lifting as heavy as possible for lower body is important, although some people are worried about bulking up.

Well, let me know if you find the answer!

Good luck.
Light weights, kickboxing. But even then, you may still have some butt mush. Just wear the thong under your pants, not on the beach!
Buttso anyway!

If that is the area where you get fat, you can lose fat with more cardio/better diet, and you can make the glute just strong and huge, but it will almost certainly never look smoothe and defined. My butt is hideous, no matter what, even when I was anorexic, while my stomach stays flat as a board even when I am over ideal weight and returned to normal 2 months after childbirth.
Some of this is genetic, I'm afraid.
Static lunges, back lunges, walking lunges......did I say LUNGES!??? LOL!

Mix it up and try 'em off of a step. Also step-ups onto a step....and deadlifts. Works for me.
Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself!! Can't be all that bad....:)
Trevor :-jumpy
I've heard that callanetics works wonders. I've never tried callanetics myself but I should have a couple of books and the original video on the way to me next week.

Many have said it produces remarkable results in a short period of time. Many have also said it's BORING. Keeping this in mind, I'll be approaching it from the aspect of a time to relax and tone my body without feeling worn out by more traditional toning methods!

Dear, Trevor, that a very typical female reaction! I'm amost 53 and I know a lot of women would kill to be the shape I'm in! My weight is lower than it was when I was a freshman in high school, but I STILL hate to see pictures of myself! I know it's stupid

Unfortunately, a lot of women think they look like whales in the mirror or in pictures. Too much media attention on the merits of being skinny.
Actually, my rear end looks okay in my clothes and it IS in proportion to the rest of my body. I was whining I guess because it's summer and we're supposed to go boating with friends soon and I don't want to put a bathing suit on!

Rockette, what are callenetics? Boring or not, I'd try it if it works! Thanks everyone!
In addition to lunges and squats, I'd recommend walking up hills or real stairs (not the stairclimbers at the gym). Excellent cardio AND shaping in one workout.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-02 AT 11:34AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Darli,
Go to Collagevideo.com and check out the previews of the videos.
There are also close to a hundred or so reviews about the original video(and others) at amazon.com. It seems like you either love it or hate! The ones that swear by it,though, claim there's nothing like it. The reviews at amazon are definitely inspiring!

By the way, I checked out one of the newer books from the library and tried about 7 reps of only ONE of the leg exercises(plie). I felt the BURN and my legs felt weak for HOURS afterwards. I think this is going to be just what I need!

Hey Honey!
Yeah, I think I have heard "Does this make my butt look too big?" about a million times in my life!
Guys have their things they fret over too!!
Trevor :)
I recommend the FIRM for lower body work, especially the butt. I find that my butt gets softer and lower if I don't do FIRM step ups for a while. Since I've gotten back into the FIRM in the last 3 weeks (including their floorwork), I've seem my butt firm up and lift up again. My current weight rotation is Slow and HEavy chest/back, Firm legs and CTX shoulders/biceps/triceps.
Cardio and lunges have done it for me. I actually tuck my shirts in now. I used to resemble a scare crow or a chubby grunge band. Lots of flannels, lots of overalls. Not anymore. Try it! Cathe lifted my butt just when I thought it had landed on the ground for eternity!
No kidding? Guys fret over how they look,too? You mean when they get together they talk about what parts are squishy? I didn't think they did that. I know they aren't crazy about their love handles all the time. Is that the primary beef?
Bathing suits for sub-optimal butts

Those bottoms that look like shorts are soooo much better. They strap in the little stubborn jiggly lumps, and the elastic doesn't divide the ugly bits in the worst possible way the way "traditional" bathing suit bottoms do. And you don't have to deal with bikini line so much.
hi darli
i am new here and i cant say to much about this subject,
i have always teased about our mom took an overdose of
noassatall lol, i havent got a flat butt but i do have to work on what i do have lol, i carry my weight in my tummy area i wish we could move the areas around that we have like i would love to move my tummy to my butt and breast lol, i do beleive it is all genetic we have to work with what we have.
The Firm Standing Legs, Leaner Legs, lots of lunges, lots of squats, hiking is very good, and, of course, rollerblading......Good Luck!!!

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