I hate my butt !!!

Try this:

Get on your hands and knees (all fours). Place a dumbbell behind your knee (in the bend of your knee), now raise your leg by squeezing your glute, keeping the knee bent until your quad is parallel to the floor and in line with your hip flexor. Slowly lower back down. Do 8 complete reps then raise the leg once more and do 8 pulses at the top. Switch legs, repeat. Do a couple of sets of these and you'll feel it. Be sure to really squeeze the glute on the move, don't swing your leg and don't use momentum to get that leg up!

Good old fashioned squats and lunges do wonders too. I try to work my butt in one way or another every other day, that seems to keep it from outgrowing my chair! Good luck!

RE: Buttso anyway!

It must be genetic because I am the exact opposite of you! My butt bones stick out and make it painful for me to sit without cushioning even when I am overweight, while there is no hope that my stomach will EVER be flat, even though I've never had any kids. No matter how fit my ab muscles are, they will never show because there's always too much flesh covering them up. In all seriousness though, mogambo, I don't think you should use the word "hideous" when referring to any part of your body. I doubt that anyone who uses Cathe's tapes regularly can accurately be called "hideous". Don't mean to preach, okay, maybe I do! You work hard on your body and you should feel good about it. Okay, lecture over. :)

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