I Hate Cardio - May 26

Oh Dana, come on! Join after your birthday--lol! Hey, I can't do even 1 perfect push up on my toes. I can't get my chest down to the floor, but I have a year to work on it since I just had my birthday. I'm lol at your eyebrow comment:7. No rush on the recipes--just whenever you have time. I know how much you have going on. So, are you joining you DH for the camping trip at all?

JanJan, you must be an expert by now on party planning. My gosh! You must thrive in high stress situations or something--lol! There's no way I'd be hosting a party if I had that much on my plate with school and everything! Congratulations on your bike purchase! I think you needed it. You can only take so much of the inferno dreadmill.

I hope you all have a great weekend. I don't know what we're doing yet.
I am thinking of doing the push up challenge too. I can't really do a full pushup on my toes yet either! But I just had my birthday. If I am truly supposed to double my number, that will be a lot of pushups! Any plan Michele on how you will meet your goal? I remember this thread a while back about how to build up your pushups.
Diane, I need to search for that thread. I'm so glad you mentioned it because I had forgotten all about it. Poor me, I'm 51 years old...that's a lot of pushups--lol! Let's do it, shall we? It'll be fun!
I couldn't find the thread, but I remember it went something like this:

Start on your knees doing 3 sets of 8 pushups on the step with 4 risers. Once that gets easy, go down to 3, 2, 1 risers etc.

Then work up to doing 3 sets of 8 on your toes on the step with 4 risers working until you remove all the risers and can do big girl pushups on the floor.

I might alter this by doing a first set of as many as I can do at that level before the 3 sets of 8. I am going to aim for doing pushups 5 times a week. In a year, I should have really buff arms and be able to do 50 pushups (hopefully).

Editted to say: I only have 4 risers total, not 8, so I will have to start at 2 risers each side. Wish me luck!
But why is it called Chicken Fried Steak? Why not just Fried Steak? Or Fried Steak Cutlet? Where's the chicken part?

Wait up here, did I say that I ate chocolate? Michele, where did I say that I ate chocolate? Did I eat it and not remember anymore? I thought I ate white rice?

Woah, woah! Pushup challenge? What are you talking about? Pushup challenge?! You, too, Diane?! Even when I'm doing them on my knees, after ten or so, for some reason I always end up having to readjust my body so that my hands - that started out straight down and under my shoulders - won't be up above me like I'm starting to dive off into a swimming pool.

This is a funny day, isn't it? Everyone's wigging out and all goofy!

Janjan - Hey, girl! I'm totally happy to hear that you like the pancake! Can you imagine that that thing is good for you?

All right, it's near 4am here now. I've got to get to sleep so that I can get up, do my KPC and then make my pancake }( .
Diane, I'll search for that thread and see if I can find it. I think maybe A-Jock posted those instructions. A-Jock--she knows everything--lol!

August, I didn't say you ate chocolate. I said you showed restraint in NOT eating it. I said I ate the chocolate. Then I specified that I ate dark chocolate so that was okay. :p :7

C'mon August, join in on the challenge. If I can do it you can. I'm an old fart! I don't know how old you are but I'll bet you're younger than me. I think this means I'm supposed to do 102 push ups. OMG! what have I gotten myself into!?:eek:

Edited to add it's called "chicken fried" because it's prepared like fried chicken.
August do you normally stay up all night? You've been popping in and out of here all day (or shall I say night)?

Michele you wanted to know if I am going on the camping trip? You asked so here is the saga:

Last night DH and his friend took our camper (picture it: 1978 with orange shag carpet) to the racetrack which is one hour away. DH drove the camper, his friend drove a truck w/a car attached. They left at 6:00 (therefore he did not go to Gabe's soccer game that started at 6:00) and did not get home til after 10:00!! (meanwhile I'm going crazy at home). He is there now and staying over. He wants me to drive down there tomorrow so Gabe can watch the races. Then I am coming home. He is staying over BUT on Sunday morning he is leaving in his truck with his car trailer so he can race at a different track near our home. I am planning on taking Gabe to our local amusement park but I have to be back (who knows when) to go down to the races with DH and the kids in his truck and I'm probably going to stay overnight and come home on Monday. The reason that he needs me to go is b/c I have to drive the truck home and he will bring the camper home. It is a totally ridiculous set up, huh?

JanJan - I'm so gladded you had a chance to pop in. Missed you and your goofiness today. Sounds like you all be having a good time over the weekend.

OK, gotta go. Later chickies!
I am in for the push up challenge. Let's make it happen, some get the details. I think you are right Diane on how to do it. I remember reading the thread and it sounds right. When do we start?
Below is a cut and paste from the Ask Cathe section, and this was her response to help aid in push-ups. I think it is great advice and will be doing this along with the other listed above. Just a FYI~

I see that you have already gotten advice so let me just add that you can also try doing "negative push ups" to improve your strength. To do this start at the top of your push up position (straight leg up on toes) and lower your body down very slowly (for about 10 seconds down). When you reach the bottom, allow your body to make contact with the floor for a second and then assist yourself back up for another slow descending push up. Note than when you prop yourself back up to the starting position, you are assisting it with bent knees (or however is comfortable) but you are NOT pushing yourself back up the way you typically would.

Working a movement like this, on the negative phase of the contraction, helps to improve strength.

Try doing 2 sets of as many reps as you can like this three times a week. On JUST ONE of those three days, do two sets in the morning and then repeat it again at night. Within three weeks you should see nice improvements.
YAY JanJan!!! Thanks for finding that thread.

Okay, we're in...you, Diane, and me. (We'll eventually talk Dana into it, won't we Dana?--lol!) august hasn't committed to it yet but we'll talk her into it.

There's a Push up challenge check-in so I guess we just start posting in there.

I'm excited!

Dana, I know you're annoyed and you have every right to be. I couldn't help byt lol at your story though. Your description of the camper is priceless!
Yah this is exciting! A new goal. I think I will do a combo of the different methods, doing 3 X 8 of pushups on my knees on the step along with some negative on the toes pushups. Doing a single big girl push (I mean, all the way down and up, not the wimpy halfway ones I can do) is my first goal. 50 just seems too far away.
Ok wait I need some clarification...this maybe be a blonde moment here...but....on the push ups on the steps, is it your toes are on the steps while your arms are infron of the body, legs out straight...or is is bent knee with hands on the step...or is it straight leg with hands on step?????


I think you start out with your hands on the step and do straight leg if possible. I think the version with elevated legs is advanced. I can't even do 1 push up on my toes and go all the way to the floor. I've got a long way to go! Thank God I have a whole year to get there--lol!
Jana - You start out with pushups on your knees with hands on the step with four risers on each side of the step. Remove a riser each time it gets easier to do 3 sets of 8. Eventually, you will be doing 3 sets of 8 pushups on your knees with hands on the floor. Once this gets easy, do pushups on your toes with your hands on the step with four risers. Remove risers as it gets easier, and eventually you will be doing pushups on your toes with your hands on the floor. Then you can work up from there. After I can do 3 sets of 8 on my toes on the floor, I have no idea where to go from there. I guess make it sets of 10? Or just try to do as many as I can each time I do it?
Just jumping in here on your advice to Jana. Thank you. I am new to this forum. I was wondering if I would ever be able to do pushups. This looks to be doable and a great way to start. Now, I just have to get additional risers.
Ok thanks! I can do the bent knee ones pretty good. I can actually make it about 1/2-3/4 of the way through the drop sets in GS C&T, so I think I might try the hands on the step with the knees straight. I will try and let you guys know how it works out. I am sure I will fall flat on the step, but what the heck, I will get a good laugh at myself!
hahahahaaaa!!!!:p :p :p :p
Actually I can't take credit for it, we must give Cathe a big thanks. I cut and pasted her response to the question. But, thank you and please feel free to join us any time! We are all nice and friendly in here!!!
Hi juststarting and welcome! We'd be pleased to have you join our check-in. We all hate cardio but force ourselves to do it anyway, like some kind of a strange death wish--lol! Many of us tend to be a little klutzy with step work outs, but that just makes it more interesting.

Hey girls, I almost forgot about MJ! Oh MJ, please join us for the push up challenge:D

I think I'll start posting in the push up check-in challenge Monday.
Do we have one of those check in? Ummm...don't be sellin' us out over there missy!!! How about the "I hate cardio, I am a push up freak" check in
Hi haters:)

I haven't butted in for a while now so here I am. But I noticed y'all are talking about ability to improve straight-leg-on-the-toes pushups for the challenge, me too. Here's a recent question and response from Cathe regarding increasing strength for push ups. I'm going to try it.


BTW, I'm off to do a very long cardio workout - I just love that stuff!:eek: :p ;-) :7

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