I Hate Cardio - May 26



So you can see why it would be easy for me to start this thread every day (when I get to sleep like a normal person, that is). The beginning of my day is like the stroke of midnight for you guys!

Michele - Thanks for posting the barley recipe! I had a little laugh to myself because as I read I thought, "oh no, I have to use the blender?" but then I got down to your comment about just whisking it by hand and I felt some relief. I love basil and I love vinegar...By the way, I went to the store and as I suspected, I couldn't figured out what was what (labels are in a foreign language). I'll have to try out the import store. I did, however, buy 4 cartons of eggs. }(

Dana - Ohhhhh, man, that tortilla thingy you wrote about sounds dangerously yummy. I can totally imagine what that would taste like and I can totally imagine my becoming slave to it! One thing I haven't been able to find in Japan is a whole wheat tortilla. But if I ever find it, you know what's gonna be on my plate! Speaking of plates, did the salmon make it off of yours and into your stomach? I think it's great that you're giving it another go. Fishy fish is icky, even for a fish-maniac like me. I grilled up some fish just the day before yesterday and it was so fishy and gross that I had to quickly reconstruct my menu so that I could put it in some tomato sauce to hide the taste. Of course all this accomplished was to make a really disgusting fishy tomato sauce. It was hideous. And I ate it. But usually fish is really delish.

MJ - Oh man, I hate leg day. I used to despise squats and lunges (actually, I always skipped them). Now I merely hate them. But now that I'm getting a smidgen of muscle in my legs thanks to them, I'm inspired to do them. But I'm sure glad when they're over.

Diane - How'd the documents at the other firm go? Were you able to sneak out any good top secret info LOL? So what did you end up doing for lunch?

That reminds me. Yesterday was my cheat meal day. Nope. No cinnamon bun. As usual, I had my cheat meal during my business meeting which means YET AGAIN...my extra calories came from white rice. I know you're all disappointed in me, just as I am in myself ;) LOL.

But all joking aside, I'm just rounding out my 3rd full week on BFFM and I literally have not had a craving for chocolate. This just completely astounds me. I mean, this girl used to eat a chocolate bar EVERY DAY. I'm not even kidding. It was like a no-issue thing. If there was ever a day that went by without my eating a chocolate bar, it was because I was coming down with the flu. Finish dinner = Okay, where's my chocolate bar? So not even craving it now completely eludes me (and even makes me feel a little powerful }( ! LOL). My new healthy dessert - organic peanut butter on a date. It's amazing. (Many thanks to fellow forum writer, Mattea!)

Anyway, MIS - woo! That was great! The abs section was...looong but good. I felt I got a lot of good pointers for several of the exercises, and there were a bunch of moves I'd never done before. You were so right, Dana, great workout!

Ooh, hey, I just discovered that the top of my small step doubles as a really sturdy sofa tray for my tea. :)
Good morning fellow haters!

August - that fish concoction of yours sounded disgusting!!! I know what you mean though, sometimes I just force it down b/c I don't feel like making something else. I didn't make the fish last night. I'm making it tonight (along with some steak just in case the fish is fishy). I'm glad that you liked MIS. I haven't done that one in a long time. Although I do the ab section often.
You mentioned the labels being in a foreign language??? Do you speak Japanese?

MJ - I can totally relate about working u/b every day and neglecting the rest. I am getting better though. Little by little!

Michele - how'd you sleep last night? Thanks for posting that recipe. It sounds yummy. When I decide to make it, I think I"ll try to cut it in 1/2 since I'm probably the only one in my house that will eat it.

Diane - did you get a run in last night? How did your lunch go? Where you able to resist the dessert temptation?

Kate - what's up with you today? When are your kids last day of school?

Last night I did my HIIT workout on the elliptical. Good workout. I still need to make up the ab workout from Wed. I had all intentions of doing it after the elliptical but Gannon was so miserable, there was no way I'd get it done. He is in this stage right now where he will literally SCREAM with tears streaming down his face until you pick him up. Once you pick him up, he is fine. Go figure.

Today's workout calls for upper body. I think that I'll do PUB tonight (after swimming lessons). Here are my meals:
1: 3 turkey sausage links, old fashioned oatmeal w/splenda, cinnamon and a handful of blueberries
2: 1/2c ff cottage cheese, apple
3: chicken, barley, green beans
4: strawberry shake
5: steak/salmon, 1 ear of corn, spinach/tomato/onion/mushroom salad w/ff dressing
6: 1/2 c ff cottage cheese w/ff yogurt

OK, so I"ve been up since 4:30. I had to make a cake for my boss' birthday. You should be so proud of me b/c I am not going to eat any! I made a homemade blueberry buckle coffee cake. I've made it before and it is delicious. She's in a meeting right now but as soon as she is done we're going to sing to her and I serve the cake. I took it out of the oven around 5:45 and it is still warm.

August, I think I'm getting like you with the willpower. I do love this cake but I will pass. Sunday is my free day and I'm taking the kids for breakfast after church. I already know what I am having, pancakes and bacon MMMMM!!!:9

Oh yeah, and what the heck is up with RICE being your cheat meal??? RICE, you cannot be serious????? I mean, it wasn't even the sticky rice. Oh, I am so disappointed in you. HA!

Well, better get going. I"ve been here for 30 minutes already and all I"ve done is drink a cup of coffee and socialize. Guess I better get some work done, huh? My pile of filing is overflowing.

I'll check back later. Have a good one!
Too funny, Dana, you're making steak AND salmon!!

Well, maybe you'll get a lunch out of it, too. (Unless you end up throwing the fish away ;-) )

Holy carp, my willpower is good but I'm not sure if I could withstand baking a cake and having it warm in front of my face :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :eek: :eek: . You are THE BOMB! That is amazing.

I would never, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER have thought that I would be eating my extra calories in the form of friggen white rice. Yeah, and not even the sticky kind!!! URGH! All I can say is that next week's cheat meal better fall on a day when I'll be by myself!!

You know, the funny thing - it's been nearly three weeks since I had anything truly evil to eat, and the thought of it sort of....scares me. :*

Oh, and yes, I do speak Japanese (not completely fluently, but enough to get by).

Have a great day!
OK, I tried a bite and that is what it was a TINY bite of the cake just to make sure I wasn't feeding my co-workers something horrible. It was delicious but I don't even want anymore!
What is BFFM?
Questions, questions, questions,
I know if I had been here at the start I wouldn't be so behind (and what a behind I have, don't want, etc etc).
How long are you in Japan, August? Where are you from? Whnat did you think of "Lost in Translation"?
School is out June 12th. The school has a big pool party on June 9th. All grades are included (K-8th) along with their siblings. I am going to miss everyone but I am really burned out on the field trip thing. Although next year, the 5th grade has an ice-skating trip to downtown where there is an outdoor rink in December. I am going on that one for sure even though skating is how I messed up my knee and wrists. Hey, my knee is shrinking really well and it does not hurt...just looks like I had a breast implant put in the wrong part of my body. Malpractice!
On another note, today is that impossible Leaner Legs along with some nasty step. I love step (ouch, my nose is getting longer and longer when I lie). I gotta get back into upper body stuff as soon as my wrists are perfect again. I hate upper body work!!!!! I can't build muscle and it does nothing for me. Nothing! It must be like cardio, boring but a must.
Today, we are cutting school because the K class went on an overnight field trip a few children are not participating so we are doing fun things with the other children to make up for it. Wheeeee.
Everyone have a great day. On to Leaner Legs!
Just wondering, what does everyone do for their upper body?
Hey Kate. When you say that the K class went on an overnight trip, did all of their parents go? Sorry this is just me, but there is no way I would allow Gabe to go to an overnight trip w/out me. I don't even let him spend the night at my in-laws.

I love working u/b. I don't follow a set rotation so I just pop in whatever DVD I'm in the mood for at that moment. I really love GS shoulders/back/biceps. Don't care much for GS chest/triceps b/c I don't like pushups. I have PUB and like that alot, as well as the Pure Strength series. Sometimes I just do the u/b portion from whole body workouts (like MIS or MM). The other night I did a workout from the BFL book. It took about 30 minutes and I was actually able to go heavier then I normally do. Go figure!
Apparently Dana and I have a lot of free time today. :D

BFFM - It's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle," an ebook that tells you how to "turn yo body into a fat-burnin' monsta-." Mostly it's plain and simple stuff about healthful nutrition and exercise and what you need to do to get the best body you can (or want). It's really inspiring stuff.

I'm originally from the NW, but have been living in Japan now for many fingers worth of time. Haha, "Lost in Translation." Mostly I thought it was fun to watch.

Jeez, your knee is swollen enough to make a joke like that? You must have really banged that sucker!

Upper body? I've got a whole slew of Cathe weightlifting DVDs, so I do whatever is in my rotation for upper body x( (I wish there was a rolly-eye icon). I love to do my upper body as that's one of the only things I can do without much discomfort ;)

Wait a minute. You don't like legs, you don't like upper, you don't like cardio, is that right? :D
Well TGIF and a long weekend at that! My gosh you gals are chatty this morning! My mouth is watering just thinking about that blueberry coffee cake. Dana, you may have to post that recipe:p :9. And I admire your willpower.

August, August, August. What are we going to do with you? NO MORE RICE, young lady! Kudos to you on your BFFM results. It's pretty remarkable when you can subdue your chocolate cravings. I'm glad you enjoyed MIS, and don't you just love it when you find other uses for your work out equipment!? For heaven's sake, PM me with your address and I'll send you a box of barley and a bag of WW tortillas--lol!

Dana I agree with you, August's fish concoction sounded truly disgusting--lol! I despise fish and seafood--I actually have an aversion to it. I will occasionally eat canned tuna but I prefer the Italian tuna in olive oil because it's much more palatable to me than that grainy stuff in water. I have to be in the mood for it, though. My DH loves seafood more than life. He does all the cooking when he wants seafood.

Kate, BFFM is a book by Tom Venuto--Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. It's an ebook you can buy and download from his website. It's supposed to be highly motivational. I have it but I haven't read it yet. I think August is the resident expert on BFFM. There's been a lot of discussion about it on the forums so a search might be useful. You are so funny, Kate! I'm LOL at your breast implant comment:7 . You better stay off the ice, young lady! (edited to say that I see August has addressed the BFFM question. I'm a very slow typist and several posts have posted since I started this--lol!)

MJ, I'm going to have to see if I can find some Levi's around here. I can sympathize with your butt glue dilemma. I've had that happen to me, too. It usually happens in front of my computer:eek: ;( .

Diane, how'd you fare at the recruiting lunch? It would take every ounce of inner personal strength I could muster to be good in the face of free food. I hope you have time to undo any damage today.

JanJan, where are you? I miss you darlin! You didn't post yesterday. Are you swamped with school stuff? When are you finished and will you be taking classes through the summer?

Okay, this is getting to be a book. I better get going and do some stuff around the house, like dust and vacuum. I'm doing LIS today at some point. I'm going to make pizza for dinner tonight using WW pita bread, Italian turkey sausage, and roasted onions and bell peppers.:9
Please Dana, please don't post that cake recipe! :eek: :eek: ;-)

Long ago my friend in the States sent me a box of Hostess. Ahhh, back in my days of evil... }( Now it's just banana oatmeal eggwhite pancakes and white friggen rice.
Hi Everyone!

I'm so happy it is Friday and Monday is a holiday. Two long weekends in a row for me.

Dana - please give us the recipe! sounds good. Good job on resisting temptation, I didn't do so well yesterday at lunch. I had a crab cake appetizer, just one, and it didn't seem too creamy, mostly just crab meat, but I know is has bad stuff in there b/c it tasted so good. Then I had a chicken salad, just mix greens with grilled chicken and avocado and some other veggies with a vingerette. The worst was that I ordered bread pudding for dessert, but I only ate 2 small bites. So it was not a healthy lunch per se, but better than everyone else at the table that got chicken fried steak!

Then last night I ran for 30 min! Woo hoo! It was actually really hard, and I probably pushed myself too much, but I know that I am able to do it now and will just pick back up where I left off. Tonight I will do some sort of circuit workout to get in some more cardio and hopefully build my endurance back up. I am not ready for Bootcamp yet, so maybe Cardio & Weights.
How in the he!! do you chicken fry a steak?!



I must be sleep-deprived or something.

Anyway, sounds like you had a great lunch! Even better than that is your run! Woo hoo! Well, that sure didn't take long to get back to 30 minutes.
Oh it is a popular southern dish. It is some kind of steak that is tenderized until flat and then breaded and fried. Then covered in cream gravy and served with mashed potatos. Very yummy. When I lived in California for a while, I realized for the first time that chicken fried steak is only in the South.
WOO HOO!! Diane, you go girl! I knew you'd recover your losses quickly. I don't think your lunch sounds too sinful. You demonstrated real restraint. Hmmmm, seems to be a theme here today. August with her chocolate, Dana with her bluberry coffee cake, and Diane at her lunch. I think I've been good...oh...I have had small amounts of chocolate, DARK chocolate, so that's not too bad}(

You can get chicken fried steak in Ohio. It's scrumptious--real comfort food. I think places like Bob Evans have it but it's probably not as good as what you'd get down south.

I roasted a whole chicken last night. I stuffed the inside with fresh thyme, lemon wedges, and a whole head of garlic. I served it with roasted sweet potatoes and stir fried cabbage. Then I made a pan sauce with white wine and chicken stock. It was delicious and my DH went crazy over it:+.
BFFM. Darn, I love to eat as most people do. My husband doesn't like eating. He thinks its a hassle. Of course, he eats alot because he does stucco and cannot sit for a minute. I really don't like about him. He is nice and good in other ways but I don't care for his "not being able to gain weight" problem.
Yesterday anchovy pizza. YUM YUM. Achovies, yum yum yum. Someday I want real New York pizza. Every New York transplant here complains about the pizza. I gotta have the good stuff.
Hey, the breast implant looks good on my knee. Not like the ones that are on Dr. 90210. I think he does the worst implants. Ugh. They are really phony looking. I should send him a pic of my B cup knee to advise him in the right direction.
On the overnight trip. Only six parents were chosen to go. The teacher chose. I didn't put in for it due to my bladder problem. I would be up all night, really tired the next day and mean as....well, you know what. Two of the children didn't want to go since their mothers were not chosen. Not too many people were pleased with the choices. Teachers pets, it seems. One of the mothers insisted that her daughter go even though she didn't want to go without her mother. The mother's feeling is that the child needs to grow up. The girl is six years old....I think she can grow up later. She thinks we are wrong not forcing our girls to go (there are three of us who opted out) and we think that she is wrong. We are right, of course!
Oh yeah, I love lower body weights, but Leaner Legs is just so.....Meaner Legs. Ugh, that one really does it. Ahhh.
Upper body is boring and cardio is something that would give you a smiliar feeling that if you were on a plane and the plane was doomed. I always think of those poor people who have to deal with that....the same feeling of terror-----arghhhh here comes cardio/.........
Diane, I'd be happy to box up a dinner to go--for two! I enjoy cooking and I have a DH that loves to eat. He'll eat whatever I put on the table.

Kate, I don't think parents should force 6 year olds to go on overnight trips. I don't have children but I'm sure I'd be every teacher's nightmare if I did. I think you can't be too careful in this day and age about who you leave in charge of your kids. My first thought was why on earth would 6 year olds be going on an overnight trip for school? It seems young to me.

I'm thinking about doing the push up challenge. Any of you game?
Michele there is no way that I'm doing the push-up challenge. I can do about 5 real push ups and then I have to go to my knees. Didn't someone mention about setting a goal to do your age in pushups by your b-day? My b-day is Aug 1 so there is no way!!! But we'll be rooting for you all the way!!!

I'll try to post the recipe this weekend. I"m home w/out DH tonight so if my boys go to bed early I might be able to get on the computer. DH is on my bad side today!!!

Diane - you just made me hungry for crabcakes. I have a recipe for crabcakes from cooking lite. They are sooooo yummy and if I remember correctly, under 200 calories for 2??? I'll post that one too.

Kate - just wanted to tell you that you crack me up!

No walk during lunch b/c it was pouring so I went and got my eyebrows waxed. I can't wait to go home to fix them b/c she left some boingers and I look like I have antenna's. How embarrassing!
Ok so I am finally here. Have about 2 seconds. How is everyone? Good hopefully and everyone has good plans for the holiday weekend. It will be party central again here....oh lord the messes......I swear we have the party house!!!

Ok so I am down to only the bike now so I went an bought one today. Add to my home gym collection, I think DH is over it! I am overly swampped with school Sh*t right now, trying to balance all the classes. Working on the next 2 while trying to finish out these last 2 that I have hated! I never get a break I swear.

Ok I am off once again DD getting cranky.

Have a fab weekend everyone!

PS-August the pancakes rock sista! I am hooked!!!!

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