I Hate Cardio - June 28th


Blah blah blah, same ol' thing. I overslept, didn't workout. Very frustruated with myself, since I tried really hard to go to sleep at a decent time last night and it didn't really work.

What is on everyones' schedules today?
I am in the same boat, overslept again by 30 mins.....must stop doing that...but did get 30 mins on the bike in today. Yeah, pat on the back.

Ok, I have got to go and take a shower...where is everyone???
I'm here, I'm here!! Janjan, check your email or PM, can't remember which one--lol! Diane, hang in there. Maybe you can catch up on your sleep over the weekend.

Same old rant for me... I am absolutely swamped with family stuff right now but I will get a reprieve after the 4th. I'm counting the days!!! I was supposed to tag along with my DH to a meeting later this summer but I'm happy to report a change in plans. He was supposed to receive an award at this particular meeting but they have decided to give it to him a bigger, international meeting in the fall. I'm so relieved, you have no idea. I did not want to go to the upcoming meeting AT ALL. There wouldn't have been anything for me to do there...no one to play with.

I'm bound and determined to get a workout in today if it's the last thing I do. I couldn't squeeze it in yesterday. I spent most of the day with family, then later in the evening my best friend called and we talked for almost THREE hours--UGH! Then one of my SIL's called and we talked for about 30 min. By the time I got off of the phone I had a raging migraine and an ear ache. I'm sticking close to home today. The fam damily is just going to have to fend for themselves because I need a break.

Okay, I've vented and now I feel better.

Hi Kate, Dana, and August!! I'll be back later.
Where is everyone today???

Michele - You CAN workout today, you WILL workout today - just do at least 15 min, you have time for that. And if you have time for 30 do that. 15 is not as good as an hour, but better than nothing.
I actually like Low Max in a weird way. It is kinda long though, I always get sick of it way before the last blast.
CASSADINE!!!! Welcome back!! LoMax is waaaaaay out of my league and I bow to your greatness.

I'm happy to report that I completed my first cardio work out in about 3 weeks and I'm very pleased with how I did. I was nervous about picking up where I left off so I did Basic Step thinking that LIS would kill me. Well, I breezed through it. I couldn't believe how easy it seemed. I don't know if you gals remember what a tough time I had trying to get through the knee ups around the step? Well tonight, NO PROBLEM! I'm really quite tickled with myself. I didn't realize how much progress I had made.:)
Great job Michele - it really does come back quicker than you think. Now you have no excuse to try LIS tomorrow :)

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