I Hate Cardio ~ July 13

Jana - What a relief! I am glad your DD is doing okay.

Michele - I hope the next kitty I get is like that! Lucy was like that, we are worried our next cat with be all aloof and not cuddly.

I am just watching the clock waiting to leave. DH should be home when I get home and miss the guy, even though has only been two nights.
You crack me up Diane! I swear I love when my DH leaves! I get the whole bed to myself and get to party all day with out him!!! haha!!
Diane, my DH won't be home until Sunday. I really miss him when he has to go to conferences so I know just how you feel.

I hope your next kitty is very cute and cuddly.
Too bad you don't live near me, Janjan. You could ditch your school work and go out to dinner with me. I really don't feel like cooking but I know if I go out I'll eat crappy. I have good, healthy food here, I just don't feel like cooking and cleaning up the mess. I want the food fairies to come and serve me a lovely dinner while I relax and read my book. *SIGH*
Can you send them over to my house too! I think it's only a 2 hour flight, I'll be right there! haha!
I feel like all I do in life is clean my kitchen.....it gets sooo old...
BTW- I don't want to hear about any more colon cleaning or anything else for that matter....but I do want to know if they at least have good reading material in the toilet while they are in there. Maybe they could give us some good tips from Martha or Oxygen....hahahaaa....STOP THE POOP TAlK!!!
Hi there!

Wow, lots of action over here at Cardiohatesville!

Michele - That sucks that you were having a bad day. It's good that you were able to get a good nap in. Naps are so awesome. Thank you so much for the mini-soap idea. The only problem is, how do you get pellets to form a cube? LMAO. I tried squishing to no avail. Glad to hear that you're getting so many new Cathe workouts. You'll have a great time shockin' the bod! I think of all the workouts I have of Cathe's the S&H series is probably my favorite for weights, and for cardio...well, as you know, I pretty much only have kickboxing so...but I'd recommend Blasts any day LOL. Ditto on what Kate said - cardio = more migraine. How about a light stretch day? Or a lazy walk around the block? Or better yet, another nap? LOL. Oh, and, I totally want your kitty.

Dana - How's your DS's fever doing? I hope it's down. Ahhhh, I remember the days of having a slight fever but still feeling totally great. What better kind of fever could there be, right? Haha, I hear you on the travel soap - just buy one, right? The particular facial soap I use is not available at stores - it's this natural this and that brand that my beauty salon friend is able to get for me through "secret special" connections (eye roll). So I buy a mongo amount at a time so I don't have to deal with it all. I think they have a travel soap, but it's a ridiculous price, so I figured I'd just use the normal size soap when it gets transparently thin. Only, in order to fit the large thin piece into my travel soap case,...pellets. As for S&H, I did those yesterday, which was Thursday! Today is Friday and I have...cardio. I have Powerstrike (kickbox) on the menu today. I think I'm the only one in the world who likes kickboxing who doesn't click with this workout. But I'm going to force myself to do it anyway. Or maybe I'll try out my Bodymax step portion again. Yeah on what Michele said - we miss having you around on a steady basis, so it's great to wake up and see you on the thread!

Kali - I hope your DS's ear ache gets better soon. Sounds like it's on the mend what with the fever going down. Fantastic about your husband so gung-ho about getting his health back! Talk about extra motivation for you, too!

Kate - How wild that you like Gym Legs over L&G! For me, Gym Legs just goes on and on and on. Or maybe that's because all the while I'm thinking, "I wonder if I should I stop doing these squats and lunges..." Or maybe it's because the Gym series was one of the first Cathe ones I got and just my image of it is that it's long in general just because I bought them back when I was used to doing only like 30 minutes of weights. That's probably it. LMAO about two hours of vomiting and then jumping on the bed! Too funny! Oh, I have that Janis workout. I only do it on days that I have a good grip on my mood LOL. The exercisers in the background bug the he!! out of me. It's like watching a really badly made porno - Oh yeah, baby! Ooh, I feel it! YEAH! YEAH! Can't stand that for very long.

Jana - Your emoticons are a riot. That's so fabulous about your knee getting better. What a relief! And now.......HUUUUGE MONGO GOOD VIBES OUT TO YOUR DD AND HER EYE!! (Oh, now I'm going down the posts and am reading that the doctor says it's a cyst and nothing more serious. Yeah!) Oh, and your last post about the colon cleansing thing is so timely! I woke up this morning thinking about that thread and thought to myself that today I was going to read the whole thread and find out information because it's really got me interested LOL! I mean, how does one know if one might have worms? Is there some tell-tale sign (aside from it coming halfway out your @ss)?

Diane - Good to hear you got some good sleep!

Okay, now I can post finally.

Any of you guys still awake? It's 9:45am now here.
OMG August....

that is me after reading about the worms coming out of the booty!!
That was soooooo funny!!!!!!

I think I have missed you these past couple of days. What is powerstrike and who's DVD is it? Give me more....
Avoiding doing homework again right now...trying to get motivated....not working out too well....

I thought for sure you guys had all gone to sleep, so I was figuring out my meals for today 'cause I was too much of a lazybutt last night.

Powerstrike is this super populare kickboxing workout that has I think like 3 series, the 3rd one being the least popular, and the 3rd one being the only one available on DVD.

Which do I have? The third one.

It's taught by two women who are fairly hard-core. I like them and the workout is great, except that they do like the first half hour is the left side, and the second half hour is the right side (slightly exaggerrated, but you get the idea). Something about that kind of set up feels loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. I like to do one exercise, get it finished, move on to the next. But everyone seems to LUSTY LOVE this workout, so I can't say too many bad things about it out of fear ;) .

I think I'll do Bodymax.

So homework's bringing you down? Lots left before you can go to sleep?
Oh, and SERIOUSLY about the worm thingy! :7

I ate raw chicken years ago and was sick like you wouldn't believe...and never went to the hospital or doctor...................could I have been feeding a worm all these years? Could a pet worm be the cause of digestion problems I've been having for the last number of years?

I tell you, I'd almost be happy if he peeked his little head out.
Oh honey, it's only 8:26 here. Me and Diane are on CST so we are 1 hour behind the rest of the girls and Kate is 2 hours behind us.

Where do you get the Powerstrike?? on collage???

Tons of homework. I have been really bad all week and had my head up my booty, maybe I need a cleaning, haha, and have not done much and it's a busy week. I am starting to get burnt out from school right now, but the show must go on.

I really wish the whole "lets clean our body" talk would stop, good god enough already!

I dont have bodymax what is the cardio in it?
Ok, true story....my adopted mom was having stomach problems for years, right, stomach always upset and just all kinds of problems. They thought it was her gall bladder so she had it removed, but was still have pains in her side, etc..so come to find out after running some major tests she had a bacteria for 10 years in her stomach that caused all the problems. They gave her major antibotics and she got rid of it and now is 100% better. Dr said it was from eating undercooked foods and not knowing it........ewwwwwww....
Oh, HELLO, you've told me about the time difference now like a jillion times...I'm just having a lapsing moment.

Yeah, I got Powerstrike from Collage. Bodymax is the one with step in it. The one I never do because I suck at step. But maybe the challenge would do me good. (a.k.a. I'm getting a little burnt out on kickboxing.)

Urgh, lots of piled up homework, eh? Is there some kind of weekly deadline, or is it all due in a clump?

Wow about the story about the bacteria! To think the poor woman had her gallbladder removed for nothin! But it's great they figured out the problem and that she's all better now. I started having some weirdness like maybe over 5 years ago. I've been changing my foods to try to figure out if it's some kind of food allergy. I tell you, it would be so much easier for it to be a friggen worm!

I've got to read that thread LOL.

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