I Hate Cardio ~ July 13


Hey haters. I can't believe it is 8:15 and nobody has started this thread. What, are you all in bed???? I just read over yesterday's thread and was getting ready to start this one and my little stinker turned off the computer. Thought he was big stuff pushing the button. So anyway, I am home from work again today. Since he had a fever yesterday, Pa's Dept of Health regs state that the child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to a licensend facility. So here I am at home. He had a slight temp of 100.6 at 7:00 so I couldn't have sent him anyway. But, with the way he is acting, you would never know he is sick. Thank goodness I"m not too busy at work.

Michele: I am so sorry that you aren't feeling well. I can handle the heat but the humidity we've been having lately, combined with the rain, sucks! There is no way you can workout with a migraine. I give you permission to skip your cardio today! LOL Seriously though, how are you feeling? Where did your DH go this time? Does he normally travel this much or does it come in spurts?

Kate: So did you do GS Legs? I"m debating on whether to do GS Legs today or PLB? What do you think?

Char-Char: What insane workout are you going to do today? I"m with you on the DH not cooking. My DH's idea of cooking is ordering a pizza. HA!

Kali: What are you up to today? Did your DH get his meds? Hopefully with a combination of the meds and healthy eating his cholesterol will go down. Does he work out at all? If not, maybe you could get him to join you when you go walking.

August: I like S&H too. I'm not too fond of working LB but I don't mind S&H legs. Hmm, now I've got another choice for today's LB workout. LOL. And did you read Michele's idea about the butter cube for making the small soap? Much better then my crumble in a blob solution. Can I ask - why don't you just by a mini-bar of sample soap? Seems like a much easier solution! }( So what day did you do your S&H (Wed or Thurs)???

Jan-Jan & Diane: What are the Texas gals up to today? Have you 2 ever met? How far apart do you live?

Here is my menu for today:
1: 2 pc whole wheat toast, 1tbsp nat.pb., 3 pc turkey sausage, coffee (3 of them!!!)
2: Myoplex Lite Bar
3: 1/2 c. ff cottage cheese w/1 c. fresh fruit
4: pudding/protein/ff cool whip
5: 1 hamburger with x-tra lean ground beef on a whole-wheat bun, green beens, spinach salad
6: 1/2 c. ff cottage cheese mixed with ff yogurt

I did get in my workout yesterday HIIT & abs. Finished up at 8:00. I'm still debating on what LB workout to do today. Here are my choices: PS Legs, PLB, GS Legs or S&H Legs.

As I am sitting here in DH's FILTHY office, I think that I am going to clean up this mess as well. I also have to go to Wal-Mart at some point and I just got more paperwork to fill out for daycare assistance. I"ll check back later.

Have a great day ladies! :)
Good morning!!

I'm feeling better today but I still have a slight headache. It's raining again today;( . I can't wait for fall to get here. I ordered some new Cathe DVD's. I'm getting Cardio Hits and the Intensity series. I haven't ordered a new Cathe in ages and I don't have many of her workouts so I thought it was time to add to my collection. I'm planning to order Body Blast next month and some of the Hardcore series the month after that. I know I want Lowmax and all the GS. Which DVD's do you guys think are must haves? I don't see myself EVER doing Imax 3 :eek: . My DH does have a lot of meetings that require travel. He's in Chicago now.

Dana, I'm so sorry about your little one and I hope he's feeling better soon. It has been nice to see you around here. We missed you! It looks like you're doing really well and having great results. I'm proud of you! I don't know which workout to recommend because I don't have any of those, but I'm trying to amend that now. Your meals for the day look great.

I ate well yesterday and I'm hoping to repeat it again today. I'm having poached eggs and Ezekial bread for breakfast, chicken chili on a bed of spring lettuce for lunch, and a small Fillet Mignon with roasted vegetables and a spinach salad for dinner. I have lots of fruit and veggies and LF cheese for snacks.

Speaking of breakfast, I need to fix mine now. I'll be back to say hello to thr rest of you chickas later:)
Hi Dana and Michele and All to follow!

Dana I hope your little guy's fever stays down. My 8 year old is battling a low grade fever too. He had an ear ache Monday and he still isn't quite right. I'm just grateful his ear didn't hurt for very long. I'm actually doing GS legs today. Leaner Legs is on my rotation, but I haven't done GS in a while. We'll have to plan a day at Knobel's soon. The boys would love it! And they still like all the little rides.

Hey there Michele! Great choices on your new DVD's! The Body Blast series is great too. I don't have Imax 3 either and don't ever intend to. LOL. I ate good yesterday too. And plan to again today.

DH is at the DR right now. Yes he is looking forward to walking with me. He'll be fine. He's already found a bunch of great recipes and is already on the eat healthy wagon which is great for both of us.

We actually had a tornado watch here yesterday Dana! Nothing came of it tho thank goodness but we got a ton of rain again.

Well off to have breakfast and workout. Have a good day!

Hi to Kate, janjan, Diane and August! Sorry if I missed anyone!


Michele, you cannot work out with a headache, you will just make it worse. Oh, migraines, I can't think of anything worse. I don't know how people with migraines get by.
Regarding workouts, I like LowMax, Imax 2, Cardio Hits, GS Legs is better than any other leg workout because it contains slow motion lunges and has the longest and best floor work. I don't understand why people love Legs and Glutes, that is my least favorite and I never do it. If I didn't like KPC, I would have traded it long ago.
I don't understand how children can be sick and not act sick. I remember the first time my older daughter got the flu. I thought, "well at least I can get some rest". NO WAY. Two hours of vomiting and then jumping on the bed.
Hello to everyone this morning. If I work out today, I am doing Janis' Hardcore Circuit Kickbox with out the weights (too light) and then some Cathe kickbox so I gotta get going. Well, I gotta get going because my daughter cued up Project Runway and I LOVE PROJECT RUNWAY!
Until later
Kate - I love Project Runway too! I scrapped my whole "going to sleep early" plan and stayed up to watch it.

Dana - Sorry your baby is sick. At least you are able to be there to comfort him. Jana and I have not met each other yet! We live probably 30-40 min apart, not sure exactly.

Michele - Low Max is a definite, as are GS split. I think you will like the Intensity Series.

Well, I finally felt rested this morning, but didn't workout. But at least I got some sleep!
Michele - I love the Intensity Series. I don't have all of them though. Is Terminator and/or Guantlet on that one? If so, I think that is the only one that I am missing. You are going to love the GS. My fave is shoulders/back/biceps.

Kate - I totally forgot about L&G. It is an ok workout, not my fave but not my least fave. I think I"m going to do GS Legs.

Kali - just let me know when you would like to meet at Knoebels. Since I live so close to it, I'll leave it up to you to chose when you would like to go. Have you taken your boys to Camelbeach? I"m thinking of taking Gabe in August (if I can lose 10 more lbs that is). I didn't see that you had a tornado watch. Do you watch Channel 16 news? Joe Snedicker (or however you spell it) is such a fruit-loop, that is why I watch him every morning. HA!

I'm still cleaning DH's office so I'm going to go and finish up.

I'll check in tonight AFTER my workout.
Just got done w/ GS Legs. That is a GREAT workout. Went by pretty fast too!

Sounds good Dana. I'll check the calendar and see how soon we can swing it. We've never been to Camelbeach. Everyone I know that's gone loves it. Joe Snedeker is a trip! We watch him too!
Oh DH has to get tested again next week. Doc thinks the test was bad or tainted. He's never seen numbers like it. He probably has high cholestoral, but not what the test said. So he still wants to eat healthier and take better care of himself. So no meds yet till we see.

Going to clean up here too. Talk to you later.

Hello everyone!
I am here..finally!
I had PT again this morning and I am starting to like it more. Today I had a lot of 1 on 1 attention (Tues there were 2 other people) and I got a really good workout it. The knee is already feeling better and I am making good progress! yeah!

Yeah! That will be me soon!

I am going to order Turbo Jam today from QVC because I need a non-step workout and that is what I have decided on. It looks low enough impact for me to get started with and then I am going back to my Cathe workouts like Bootcamp and HSC.

We managed to only have a small crying fit last night with the teeth. I was armed and ready with the oraljel and it worked like a charm. Yeah! I am just hoping this tooth will pop on out soon! My poor little DD!

Dana, Ok you are making awesome progress! How is Gannon feeling? Oh poor little guy! Give him some big big big hugs for me! Diane and I have not met yet, but I am sure as soon a she gets preggo we will! I will have to take her to Babiesrus and go crazy with her in there! Since my family just moved we are about 20 mins (on the toll road) away from each other. I live wayyyyy out in the burbs now. We were living in the city not too far from Diane (I think, we were in Timbergrove, not sure how far that is from you Diane) but we packed it up and moved out here. It's the burbs what can I say???!!!

Diane..speaking of you...have you been to Lucy lately? I need to get some new workout stuff. I am waiting for the coupon they send out every couple of months. Everytime I go there I end up dropping like $200-$300 for stuff. DH does not get happy about that..but hey, the stuff lasts forever.

Michele- How are you? How is your cardio coming along these days? Did you decide on a new one yet? I will let you know how Turbo jam is when I get it and can complete it if you want. I really like step, I just know I am banned from it for quite some time. Dr's orders!

Kate..Ok so with project runway..the winner last year, the chick that owns a store here called LOT 8..I have 2 dresses from there (before she was a big star!) and every time I wear the dresses, someone will stop and ask where I got it. She had the coolest store and great stuff! I have not been there since she won, I don't even know if it is still there, but man..she had good stuff! Expensive as all get out, but well worth it! I have not been watching this season, I need to get caught up.

Ok, I have got to get my booty in motion, I have 2 projects for school that are offically late.....bad, bad, bad.....and have to get ready for DD's eye apt today.

Big favor from everyone...can you guys say a little prayer for my DD today for her eye. If you look at my pic trail and the 4th pic look at her left eye on the outter side of it and you can kind of see the bump. Dr said it could be a small tumor or something like that. I am trying not to worry about it, but you know how it is when it is your kiddo. Fingers crossed it is nothing to worry about. So...we need some good vibes and prayers from everyone. Thanks!

Ok, so hey to Kali and August..I will be back after the Dr's apt this afternoon, which you guys will more than likely not be around, but I will post what the Dr says today.

You guys have a great day!
Hi everybody!

Thanks girls for all your input on the workouts. Dana, I didn't order the Terminator DVD with the Intensity Series. You had the option to get the series with or without it and I decided against it because I didn't think I would use it. I don't like all the high impact advanced cardio. This is what I'm trying to decide now about the Hardcore Series. I know I want all the Gym Styles, Lowmax, Coremax, and Stretchmax but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use Imax 3. I won't be ordering that one for a few months so I have time to mull it over. I'm just trying to save as much money as possible so I'm buying a whole series at a time if I think I will use all the workouts.

Janjan, I'll will keep your DD in my prayers. Do please post as soon as you get home. I'm glad to hear you're doing well in PT.
Ohhh Michele...you will love the GS series!! They are my favs!!!
I really like LowMax too, but again no step for me for sometime. Best advice on that one is...don't get frustrated with it because some of the moves are difficult. Just take your time and plan another workout first until you get the moves down. I still can't get my brain to function on one of the steps...once you get it you will like it. It is a booty burner!!!
Jana - Sending my prayers out for your DD. We will definitely have to go nuts in Babies R Us. That would be fun! There is that one off of I 10 in Katy, and they are also building a new one very near my house on Westheimer. Did I tell you we are thinking about starting in October now? Well, our anniversary is in October and we were thinking about trying then, but not really "trying" all the way for the rest of October, just kinda like a warm up. And if it works, it would be cute to say the baby was conceived on our anniversary.
Michele - I have just LowMax and Imax 2 for interval cardio and have been fine without the others. You only really need to do HIIT at most 2 times a week, but I only do it once a week at most so I just alternate them. You may also want to get Imax instead of Imax 3, because I heard it had less fancy footwork. That dvd also has MIC and Bodymax on it. But I would wait on that and see if you need it.
JanJan, you have been to the winner of PR 2? She took her money, expanded her store and is starting her own line. I was glad she won, she seems so sweet. She of course is not the madcap that Jay is but who cares. How cool to have been there and shopped there!
So here is the update:

DD is ok, she has a cyst and some kids get this, it's not that uncommon. She will need to have it removed before she is 3 or if the cyst gets any bigger. We see the Dr again in 6 mos to look at it, but he said she was ok....wiping sweat off my brow! So, for now we just wait to see how she does, but I think she is going to be ok!

Back to homework!
Hi Janjan,

Boy, what a relief! I'm so glad DD's lump is nothing to cause great concern. Now, get your homework done;) :*
I wish you gals could see my kitty cat. He's nestled all cozy in my lap and he will NOT budge. I can hardly type this post. It's so funny! He's such a cute, sweet kitty:+

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