I Hate Cardio - Aug 6

You're a songwriter? I have written some stuff too. Well, it is tongue-in-cheek kind of stuff. I have some of it on MySpace. Really, it is written in joking fashion.

Very cool, August!!!
I also wrote one called Creme Rinse and I wrote one called Left or Right. Left or Right conerns how men manage to wear their pants. I guess that is the best way to put it without getting thrown off the board. How late do you sleep in? I hope really late!
You're really not joking about the songs, eh, Kate? That's great. I love your ideas and the titles make me want to hear them!

Yeah, tell me about the sleeping in part. It's now 4am and I'm wide awake. I have to be out in the real world tomorrow at 2pm...but am meeting someone at 1pm...which means I leave my apartment around 12:15pm.

I've got my S&H shoulders plus Legs & Glutes (notice how I'm not doing the S&H Legs, eh?)...and at least two meals to finish before I leave. :D

I wonder when I'll be sleepy............
ahhhhhhhhhh. I have not been up that late in 15 years. Sure, I used to stay up til 5am, but that was college and no one ever went to bed before that. Who cared about morning classes? Just take it again next semester.
Yeah, I am sincere about my songs. They are not disgusting, just uh......suggestive. I used to be in a really bad band, we were more of a joke to curve boredom and I wrote the songs. They are quite awful
I will give you a sample of Kneading the Man

Get to a man's stomach
before you get to his heart
that was the advice mother gave me
mother had some smarts
I'll never forget what she said
it was simple to understand
making love is like baking bread
and most of all, knead your man

Now, you are a serious songwriter so don't be offended. But I have not musical talent and this is what I had to offer..........oh dear.
Well you girls have certainly been very busy today--ROTFLMAO!!

August, you're treading in dangerous waters here, talking about loving cardio. :eek:

Okay. I don't have much time so I'll just tell you what's been going on. My poor darlin' DH has been sick as a dog! He was feeling a little off Frinday when he got home from work and it all went south from there. He has some awful intestinal virus, and I swear, the poor man has been in the bathroom since Friday night. He's finally starting to feel human today and managed to eat a couple of popsicles and a bowl of soup. I'll beat him with a stick if I get this thing. Oh, and doctors make horrible patients!!

I did C&W the other day--just the step premix. I wish you all could've been there. Kate, I think we need to get busy with the Doofus DVD. My attempt at C&W would have been a priceless gem. By the last cardio segment, I was basically just meandering around my living room sucking down water while Cathe and her crew worked out. OMG!! I thought it was very hard. BUT--I do think I will love this one if EVER I can get through it. The last 2 cardio segments are the toughest. I did okay with the rest of it, though.

I need to get back to tending the sick and infirm:7 . I'll see you gals later:* :*

ROTHLMAO ROTFLMAO ROTFLMAO when I saw the vast number of spelling errors. I always hit "i" instead of "o" for some dumb reason.

Awww, August, I'd be happy to take care of you, but I'll just give you fair warning--I have a bit of a "Nurse Ratchet" reputation}( :7

I think you'll like C&W. I mean, as much as any of us CAN like cardio;)
Kate, all joking aside, I think your lyrics are awesome. They almost sound punk. Punk is great.

Did you make demos of your songs? You say they are on MySpace...like you can hear them on there? What kind of demos did you make - is it the old band playing it, or is it you and a.....well, those lyrics don't sound like they'd go with a strumming acoustic guitar, now do they.

I unfortunately can't say it's been ages since I was up at 4:30am, since it's not all that rare for me.........but I certainly prefer sleeping at a normal hour x(
Michele's here FINALLY!!!!

And running off?! Noooooo! Kate and I need attending to, too, you know!!

So funny you are feeding your sick DH popsicles. I guess that's good when you've got much mouth. Just don't give him a fudgsicle.

Hahah on the report on C&W. Don't scare me, you know I plan to get that one.

Oh great, now I'm getting hungry.
No, I just put some of my lyrics up because I couldn't come with any decent blogs. We never recorded anything. I tell you, we were awful and I was a terrible guitarist. I don't even remember some of the tunes. I wrote out the music but I lost it moving from place to place and I wrote so much bad stuff that I really didn't care after a few years. I post a new lyrics every couple of weeks. There is this really funny guy who made a couple of comments under a couple songs. He is the funniest person I have ever encountered. Lives in England.
So, that is that.
Go to bed, I am getting worried about you. You have Slow and Heavy. I get so bored with those slow lunges!
There are plenty of horrible guitarists in the world who have made it big. It's more personality than anything.

You could have been a staaaa!

Anyway, that's great that you still have...oh wait, you post "new" lyrics meaning you write new ones every couple weeks, or you mean you go through your old lyric books?

Okay, okay. You're right. I should at least make an attempt to go to sleep.

See you in the morning!

Oh, wait, it IS morning. x(

I am posting old right now but I am have been updating them. I am also writing more stuff, really out of boredom

Get to sleep, you have get up this afternoon!

Those two seconds of sleep I had last night were wonderful! ;(

All right, gonna eat, digest, do my thing and I'm out the door :) !

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