I Hate Cardio, 6/1

Miss Lee

Good morning haters!

Wow, I haven't started this thread in ages! I've gotten used to August doing it since she's about a half a day ahead of us--lol!

Okay, no cardio for me today. I just have abs and a stretch. I might squeeze in a Leslie Sansone DVD for good measure. I did LIS yesterday but it was a bit of a joke. I think I was still dehydrated from the day before when I had been sick and I had a very hard time getting through it. I did the whole thing but at a very low intensity. My heart just wasn't in it.

I went to dinner with my best friend last night. We went to our favorite book store afterward and guess what I bought? A copy of Sink Reflections by the Flylady--lol! Oh my, I may be beyond her help. I also picked up a little book called What Would Jackie Do? It's an amusing "guide" that shows you how to emulate Jackie Kennedy Onasis. It's very clever.

August, I use Simple Green Cleaner in the kitchen and bathrooms. It's an environmentally friendly, all purpose cleaner. It works as well as anything I guess. So, did you make it through your kickboxing work outs?

MJ, boy, I don't know what to tell you about the job thing. I think I would have to sit down and make a list of all the pros and cons and establish your priorities, then choose the one that fits best with how you want to order your life. I know, not much help--lol! When do you leave for the wedding? I wish a long and happy marriage for your brother.

Diane, thanks for your advice and encouragement yesterday. I know the post you were talking about but Cathe never replied to it. I'm not very imaginative when it comes to planning work outs and would love for Cathe to make up another rotation for us intermediate exercisers.

Dana, I cannot believe the crap that got dumped on you yesterday. OMG! Were you able to wade through it? I hope today is better.

Kate, I'm really proud of you and your push up success! You go girl!!
I might join your eating thread. I do well for awhile and then I start bingeing. It's a nightmare!

I need to run, chicas, I have a hair appointment. I sure wish I could find someone that knows a thing or two about how to cut and style curly hair;(

I'll check back later
Hey haters,

well I get to pop in for a few seconds here. Swim lessons are scheduled to be on today, but it is still raining. We have been pounded by rain for the last several days and as much as I like rain it is starting to get really old. Our grass sure is pretty and green! I have been working to finish out my last week of these 2 classes and ready to move on to the next block. I can't wait. I am over these 2 classes. I have been burning up the bike I bought last week, been on it every day for aboyt 40-50 mins a day and I feel pretty good. Pleased also to say DH is doing well with the new dinner choices. I made a killer pineapple rum chicken last night and it was healthy.

Anyway, I have got run and get DD ready for swim. I will check back with everyone later.

August-have I told you how much the pancake rocks?? I love it!

have a good one everyone
Nothing over here. I am sick. But I didn't catch it from Michele. I have a head cold. Ugh. Yuck.
I remember a bit on David Letterman where he opened a can and poured out the contents. What came out was a slow thick clear gel. He then said, "Doesn't this remind you of the worst cold you ever had?"
Always makes me feel better.
until tomorrow. Work out twice as long as you intend to. Okay, okay, don't hit me!!!
Hi Everyone -

No workout yesterday...again. I had to work late. I brought my gym bag to work today (couldn't wake up this morning because I worked so late) and hopefully I can squeeze in a workout today, but probably not. I am in danger of losing my running endurance again! I am not gaining endurance like I should be, just trying to keep it where it is. Boo.

Michele - Wow, adding cardio. Very proud. I can't wait to get my copy of Sink Reflections in the mail. The website is so jumbled (cluttered website about decluttering, how funny), and I am hoping that the book will present the system more clearly. I also changed my e-mail subscription to "digest" format, so I only get one email a day that has all the emails in it, so I can just scroll down to the ones I want. DH and I spent last night decluttering one "junk drawer" for 15 minutes. If we do that every night for a few days, there will no longer be any junk drawers :) Also, I think I saw a post from Cathe once only how often to do each type of workout each week, so you can just build a rotation from that. I think cardio was 4-5 a week, and hit each body part 1-2 times per week. Also abs 3-4 times a week, and stretching at least once.

Jana - This rain is really getting old. Good job on the biking! I'm glad that you DH is liking the healthy cooking. I really helps to just have one meal to cook.

Kate - I hope you are feeling better soon! Head colds are horrible, living in a fog.
Hi, guys!

I had Powerstrike Kickboxing out and ready to do......remember how I said in my last post, that after I post I'm going to scrub my sink? Well, I scrubbed my sink. Then I scrubbed the fridge. And the tables. And the bathroom. And the bathtub. Then I wiped off all the counters. And vaccumed. :eek: Then I started to go through every single drawer in my apartment and soon I was sorting through my closets. I'm not even joking! Hours and hours and hours of cleaning and it felt so good :eek: ! I was so into it, I realized it was time to do my workout (gotta watch the timing of my eating, after all - BFFM!)...so instead I put in my Kathy Kickboxing because it's just more easily done. So I did it, had my pancake :9, and then it was back to cleanup! I even found a couple pairs of pants that I hadn't worn in YEARS and when I tried them on (they fit, thankfully), the waist line was like under my bra strap :eek: :eek:!! I totally had to laugh - man, did I use to wear pants that went up that high?! It was so uncomfortable! Needless to say, bah-bye.

Michele - Thanks for the all-purpose cleaner suggestion. Unfortunately, specialty things like that are going to be difficult for me to find here (along with barley and quinoa! Haha, no, actually on those two items I'm just being lame). But I'm swinging by the market this weekend, so I'll keep my eyes open.

MJ - Hmm. Well, here's what I hear you saying:

Reasons to choose retail:
Regular paycheck
Crazy excitement
Something you're used to (something you consider your "entire working career)
A job you "like"

Reasons to choose real estate:
Can spend more time with daughter
Can spend more time exercising
Can plan your time the way you want
Can make more money
Work is close to home

I'm not sure why you'd be holding on to the retail work. The way you wrote your post makes me feel like you want to hear us to tell you choose real estate. Does that feel right?

As for vacation time, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that kind of system, so I have no idea what to say about that! But as for needing to ease into something, I don't think you need to ease - if you're going for it, take the dive! }( A dive right in is much more fulfilling than dipping your toes in.

Janjan - PANCAKE!! :p :9 :7 }( :* :D :) :9 :p :9 :7 }( :* :D :) :9

Kate - Urgh, so you did get a cold. That sucks. Hope you get better soon.

Diane - Sounds like you're really busy. That alone should count for cardio, eh?

Well, it's time for me to go to sleep now. I have 30 minutes of "cardio of choice" (which I guess will be, um, let me see here....well, I could choose from um,..what do I have here...oh yeah, kickbox x( ) plus Gym Style legs floor portion only.

I'm kinda hungry actually. But I'm going to be good.

Night night!
August - Wow, great job cleaning. That definitely counts as a workout. It is amazing out just the act of cleaning on thing really well (your sink) can make you want the rest of the house clean too. Did you check out the flylady.net website?
JanJan, I just realized I forgot to say hello to you today. Oooohhhh, I'm sorry. You know I love you:+ . Great job on the bike work outs, AND cleaning up your hubby's diet. I'd love that chcken recipe whenever you have time to post it. It sounds delish!

Kate, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It really sucks, doesn't it? I hope you feel better tomorrow.

August, I fear you've gone completely mad--lol! Well, when you're finshed at your place feel free to come to my house and dig in. I'm going to have to try your famous pancake. I was serious when I offered to ship some barley over to you--I will!

Diane, gosh I feel bad for you. It seems like everytime you start to get ahead with your running you fall 2 steps behind again. I think you needed to stay in bed and catch up on your sleep though. I think you would feel worse if you ran but were way behind on your rest. You'll catch up eventually. I have faith in you.

I'm home from my hair appointment. At least I don't feel like I have to redo it this time--lol. I'm going to take a 20 min nap, do my grocery shopping, then end the afternoon with my work out. TTFN
OMG Michele, how can I forgive you....ok well I will let you slide. I have been flaky with the check in this week due to being crazy.

Ok Pineapple rum Chicken (this is a Rachel Ray recp, with a few healthier sub's)

This serves 2: (if you want to make it for 4 just double the ingredients)

2 Chicken breasts
2 garlic cloves
1/2 whole pineapple, cored, peeled and sliced
1 cup chicken stock (or broth)
1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 small white or yellow onion
1/8 cup Captain Morgan spiced rum
1 TSP olive oil
salt & pepper (you be the judge on how much you want to use, I don't use salt only pepper)
1/4 cup parsley (I use flat leaf Italian)
1/4 cup cilantro

In one small to med sauce pan combine 1 tsp olive oil, onion, garlic and crushed red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. Sautee for about 2 mins. Add pineapple and its juice (no more than 1/4-1/2 cup of juice) and let cook for an additional 3 mins. Remove the pan from the heat and add in the rum. Return the pan to the heat and let alcohol cook away (about 1 min). Add the chicken stock and let cook until the sauce has thickened.

Now for the chicken you can grill it outside or on a grill pan or if you don't want to do either take the remainder 1 tsp of olive and cook the breasts about 6 mins per side. If you use a grill pan or outdoor pan I use the spray olive oil and a little garlic on my chicken. Once the chicken is done use a large skillet or pan to put chicken in and pour the pineapple sauce over the chicken and let it cook. Top with parsley and cilantro (makes it real yummy).

I serve it with brown rice and broccoli or sautéed spinach with garlic. It is absolutely divine and so yummy. My DH ate it up. I also grilled the left over pineapple with some spray pam and topped it with some plain yogurt for dessert. I was oh so yummy!

It is so easy and fast to make. It takes about 20-30 mins prep time and everything.

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