I got the JOB!!!!!!


I can 't beleive this! I have to go away in 10 days! I won't be able to sleep tonight...this is crazy!
I don't know if I had mentioned to you guys before but before I went away on vacation I knew that I didn't get the job.Then when I got home there was a message saying that I had to call them.I was on some sort of waiting list.I was next in line.
When I got home tonight there was a message saying that I had to call them.And thats about it.I leave in 10 days for 3 weeks.It is going to be hard but I have to better myself.I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight.
Thanks for all of your support.
Lori....p.s my boss didn't take it very well.....
I have to go to Calgary, Alberta.I am not sure if it is Edmonton or not.That could be a very bad thing b/c they have awesome shopping.I didn't sleep much last night.I was to excited and now I have to go to work later and face the lady with the sore face.But she looked like that yesterday to.....and the day before....and the month before that....:)

Getting a great job is hard work. You deserve it! Keep us posted on how things go as you start into it!

:7 :7 :7 :7

Congratulations! I am so happy for you!! :) Glad things are looking much brighter for you! NOW get some sleep! :7 :7

:+ :+ :+ Congratulations Lori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:+ :+ :+

I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be thrilled!

What exactly are you going to be doing? I don't remember the details!

What a fun weekend you will have this memorial day! What a reason to celebrate! Go have a brownie or something :) :+
Hey Lori,

Congrats! Where are you living now? I must have missed the first message, because I didn't get all the history. Are you moving to Calgary or Edmonton?

I grew up in Edmonton but am living in Montreal now. Do you know any people in Edmonton? My family still lives there, so if you need any info I could probably get it for you.

Congrats again!

I'm also orgininally from Edmonton? Are you going to Edmonton or Calgary? What is the job you got?
When you talk about shopping you must be talking about West Edmonton Mall.
Have fun.
>I'm also orgininally from Edmonton? Are you going to
>Edmonton or Calgary? What is the job you got?
>When you talk about shopping you must be talking about West
>Edmonton Mall.
>Have fun.

Hey, what part of Edmonton? I'm originally from there as well. I used to live by Westmount and then by West Edmonton Mall. What end were you from?

Nice to meet a fellow born & raised Edmontonian!
I won't be moving to Calgary, I will just be going there for training.I will be gone for 3 weeks.
I have heard that the training is a little tough, but I think they try to cram alot of training into 3 weeks.Besides for studing for exams I probably won't have alot of other things to do.I hope the hotel as a gym....I will miss my Cathe tapes.
I went away for work last year for 2 days and I was homesick but I was by myself and I am sure that I will meet lots of people while I am there.I am sure that I will have access to a computer so I will let everyone know how I am doing.
Thanks everyone,
Lori....not only that, but now my husband is going to look into RCMP training.Maybe after I get my training done then he will be gone for 6 monthes.;( But it would be an awesome carerr.I guess we won't have to think about having a baby if we don't ever get together.And if I do get pregnat then I will be in BIG trouble!!!!!:+ :+ :+ }( :7 :p

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