YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! For the first time since I began working out with Cathe about two years ago I FINALLY made it across the Step lengthwise!!! You know, the up and across the step move!!! 

It's been mostly a mental thing - fear of falling off the step and spraining my ankles (I spent three months off and on spraining and respraining my ankles due to crappy orthotics last year).
You know what- flying over the step is FUN FUN FUN!!!! I was giggling as I was doing it during C&W!! Of course, I watched my feet the entire time as a safety precaution.
Wooohoooo!!!! I got past the fear and found the fun!!!
Oh happy day!
It's been mostly a mental thing - fear of falling off the step and spraining my ankles (I spent three months off and on spraining and respraining my ankles due to crappy orthotics last year).
You know what- flying over the step is FUN FUN FUN!!!! I was giggling as I was doing it during C&W!! Of course, I watched my feet the entire time as a safety precaution.
Wooohoooo!!!! I got past the fear and found the fun!!!
Oh happy day!