<--- I don't wanna fall to pieces

<---shouts out a hearty heeellloooo to Kara
<---thinks Kara will surely pick up the twang if she lives in TN long enough
<---would not know the first thing about costume assembly and thinks it's probably a good thing she never had kids
<---wonders how much a spin bike costs?
<---also doesn't care for the gym scene
<---is too much of a dork, anyhoo;)
<---would also like an elliptical trainer but is thinking a bike would take up less space
<---says space is at a premium around here:-(
<---has to move several pieces of furniture out of the way and run all over her 2 story house just to collect her weights and step bench if she wants to do a weight training DVD
<---says her barbell is behind the couch, the step is upsatirs under her bed, the risers are in another room upstairs, the plates for the barbell are in a closet somewhere---you get the picture!?
<---says ^^^ scenario deters her from doing work outs because it's such a hassle
<---thinks she better save her whining for the "I Hate Cadio thread";)

<---edits to say hello to Ame and wish her well on her IUD appt.
<---thinks her trip sounds like fun
<---LOVES nachos:9

<-- hasn't left yet because <-- passed by the mirror to remember that <-- forgot to put any make-up on today :eek:
<-- thinks that would be criminal :7
<--waves HI to Amy :)
<--wishes her luck with IUD appointment
<--is so glad DH is clipped :)
<--welcomes Michele's whining :D
<--enjoys a good whine just about every day if not multiple times per day :eek:
<--tells Michele that spin bikes cost around $500-700, <-- thinks!
<--'s bike was a Christmas present :)
<--is running really LATE!!!
<--asks what all my fellow 18 year old students will do without me??
<--says HA!!!
<--had to explain the Patriot Act to them this week :eek:
<--thinks all their boozin' is killing too many brain cells :eek:
<--thinks they are awfully cute and innocent, though and feels sort of motherly towards them
<--thinks this is just sad :D
<--screams ACK--what is <--doing <-- IS LATE!
<--hoists on backpack, picks up lunchbox, and says LATER ladies:)
<---waves vigourously at everyone in Catheland
<---did Pyramid Upper Body last night and <---'s arms feel like Jell-o
<---got some yummy soda at the health food store yesterday in an attempt to curb the diet coke addiction (it's diet Hansen's Natural Soda with no calories, no sodium and made with Splenda)
<---is drinking the Tangarine Lime flavor right now
<---thinks Amy's trip sounds awesome!


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<-- agrees with Kristy doesn't that sound FUN????!!?!?!?!
<-- has gotten FASTER, too!!!! }(
<-- is taking today one thing at a time, and trying to focus on that first
<-- will be sooo upset if the iud doesn't work/fit/whatever
<-- is off to shower and EAT
<-- hasn't had soda since Christmas and <-- hasn't missed it hardly at all! Okay, <-- has missed it four times. But <-- used to drink 4-7 cans of various diet sodas a DAY!! Now <-- drinks water, tea, and sparkling water. :9
<-- yells LATER TATERS!!!!

PS <-- LOVES Clif Bloks!!!!! today was the first time <-- tried them. THEY ROCK!
<---head spinning, spinning in after reading thread <---says this is only spinning class <---will ever take
<---sends {{{HUGS}}}to those who needs hugs <---sends :) :) to all having a good day and fun plans coming up
<---wants brownies, a new car, vacation, booze, someone to go to OZ for me, already has a southern accent, doesn't care for soda, wishes her dudes still took naps, understands Tammy's play-phobia, is so glad our OZ is not a muscial versions, hopes Nancy doesn't break anything at mom's, knows where all her weights are:p , never feels guilty over sleep, snnnzzzzzz
<--- is back from lunch
<--- has eaten lunch out entirely too many times this week
<--- can't pass up the chance to see her SO though
<--- thinks he's smoking hot and a sweetheart to boot;)
<--- loves Melody's little cheerleader dude
<--- would love for Michele to show up on her doorstep
<--- would be thrilled for any of you to show up on her doorstep
<--- picks up accents super quick - goes to SC for a week and starts drawling:)
<--- had a British accent when she lived in the UK
<---waving to Shelley <---wonders what <---could say or do to lift Shelley's spirits
<---would love to show up on Shell's doorstep
<---can't do any accent but southern <---says wait, <---can do southern hick:7
<---been in these here mountains too long?????

ETA <---picked flowers for you Shelley
<---has a bit of a California valley girl accent
<---can do a pretty good southern accent though (lived in Tennessee for 3 years)


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<---is at the library
<---came into town to post really, REALLY good news (see that thread)
<---tells Shelley not to worry about the eating, she's not alone
<---drowned yesterday's failure to lock up food at home with eating binge
<---celebrated today's really,REALLY good new by eating binge
<---things the ROM sounds great - DS would love it
<---tells Tammy she is a GOOD mom because she is going to a high school production of Le Mis
<---wonders if Nancy and <---are long lost sister's? <---mom has a bad knee and is so OCD you can't leave a mug of coffee on the table before she washes it out and puts it away
<---congratulates Michele on the ongoing cardio
<---says Happy Anniversary and New Gym Membership to Wendy
<---skips out for a bit
<---wants to see what yoga workouts the library has
<---still jumping up and down over Robins happy, happy news
<---now can't wait til we all get to cheer for home internet
<---must eat now & see why things are so quiet at my house...
<---is now craving pizza and coke
<---is happy to see Melody finally, and wonders what in the world she was doing in Atlanta yesterday?
<---is so hopeful for Robin's DS and will not stop praying until his placement in a suitable home is a reality
<---gives Robin {{{{{{{BIG SQUEEZY HUGS}}}}}}} and tells her not to beat herself up over yesterday's spilled milk and doesn't know how she would ever manage your life. <---says she couldn't do it
<---is glad Robin stopped by the pubic liberry
<---is off to find pizza

<--hasn't been here in a while and decided to "check-in"
<--understands Tammy for not wanting to be stuck at school play for 3 hours!
<--ds had school play last week that was only 45 minutes!:D
<--thinks Wendy got a DEAL on the $25 running shoes
<--hopes Shelley and Sophie have fun at the ROM
<--tells Kara that <-- is also ACE certified and also doesn't care for the gym scene
<--hopes to utilize certification again one day also
<--tells Amy that <--received brochure for Ideafit and thought it looked VERY EXCITING but expensive :-(
<--is still thinking about going anyway, even if just for ONE day
<--says "WAy to go" to Kristy on PUB
<--is happy to hear Robin's good news!:)
<--waves hi and bye to all others....
<--is going to eat a salad for lunch now.....
<---says afternoon all
<---had fun at spinning
<---came home and gave HSTA a whirl for the first time
<---thinks that w/o is the epitome of leg press hell
<---looks down to see if legs are still attached...whew.
<---is having a playdate come over around 3
<---says, therapy available from now until then
<---*sits at table with sign and coin deposit can*
<---*wait wait wait*

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---leaving library now
<---will look forward to chatting more tomarrow
<---thanks to all for love and prayers
<---hugs back to all of you
<---by the by, asked DH about at-home-internet and he's working on it
<---personally does not need therapy but would like to refer a couple of the other <---posters if Debberalla has the time
<---says she thinks Melody, Shelley, Nance, Robin..um..Ame, Tammy...let me think...OH! Wendy (she's nicknamed herself after a cartoon character for crying out loud!), Kara could stand a little work. <---she thinks that about does it!
<---is now leaving to find pizza...and coke


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