i dont like the cardio from cardio&weights



after only twice doing the workout i can say that i dont like the cardio part its somewhat boring (forgive me all the girls who love cardio&weights) but i do like the weights part its very intense.
after buying a 4" and 6" step (i have the reabock deck step wich is 8" at the lowest) please tell me how to aprouch the imax2
it looks scary.meanwhile ill just keep doing the basic step and the low impact and the kick max
thank u:) :) :)
I really like the last step segment in this workout (the combo with the Buttercup song), but the other 3 step segments I feel myself counting the number of times we do it and thinking isn't this the sixth time yet? I don't know what it is about this particular workout, but I feel the same way. I don't have much advice for starting with Imax 2 I just jumped right in with both feet. You can always do the step only premix first just to know what is coming and then do the workout and do as much of the blasts as you can and march in place when you need a little break.

Hi, Sharona! Start I-Max 2 on a 4" step, and do as much as you can through each step and anaerobic blast, pausing as needed and making sure you have plenty of water and a towel handy. Don't expect yourself to be able to do it as Cathe & Crew do it the first time out. It's a workout that you need to work into.

After you have gotten good at it and can do all of the step and interval segments without modifications, then try raising your step to 6".

Good luck!

That's funny, because I've done exactly the same thing! I'm not new to Cathe but since I had to stop running, I'm finding a big fitness challenge in Cathe's workouts. C & W has some tough cardio. The third segment is hard for me, especially those uneven hamstring jump things. What keeps me going is that I love the weight portions so much.

IMAX2...I definitely recommend the lower (4") step height when you're first starting out. I've been doing the premixes where you only do half of the workout, that's plenty for me until I work my way up to finishing the whole thing.
I like to do the real high jumpy stuff of the IMAX videos on the rebounder. I set it off to the side where I have space, and when it is a segment with jacks, plies, tuck jumps, I do those on that. Easier on the legs, and a lot of fun.

It took me some time to master it, but when I did, it became one of my best workouts. Just spice it up with the suggestions you recieved and you will love it too.

Your name is so unique. May I use it for one of my Sims names? I'd ask if I could use it for my next babies name, but I'm tooooo old for that.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
It's OK if you don't like the cardio from Cardio and Weights. I love it, but I find the choreography from Step Works to be extremely boring. The second part of that workout seems to go on forever and the music is wretched.

It's interesting to hear other people's candid viewpoints.
hi janie
its the first time someone says my name is uniqu i'll tell my mom it will make her happy.i dont understand what is a "sims"?
thanks for the advise

thank u all u r all sooo great:) :) :) :)
My DD loves the Sims!! My favorite of the whole series is the "Makin Magic" one, where you can raise baby dragons!
I don't like the cardio from C&W either. She takes too long to teach the moves, and repeating the same routine 6 times drives me nuts! That's one of the reasons why my Terminator DVD doesn't get much use. There's a lot of C&W cardio in it.

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