I didn't have any!!!!


A client of mine brought in 2 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts today when she dropped her dog off!!! I opened one of the boxes, took a big whiff, and walked away!!! They have been in the breakroom all day and still, I have no desire to have one. This is such a change for me; probably 1 month ago I would have somehow justified having at least one!! But since I have been working out as hard as I have, I just can't imagine a setback caused by a donut!!! Silly, but I feel that it is progress!!!:)
You're a better woman than me. Seriously, I can hold off unless I'm not prepared & forgot my lunch & my mini-meals. Congratulations.

I always have to have two. Especially if they're warm. Until there were Krispy Kremes up here (MA), my DH used to bring them back if they had them wherever he was traveling. No they weren't warm, but after 5 seconds in the microwave.....Luckily, there are no Krispy Kremes anywhere near where I am. There are still just a few of them up here.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
Rock on!! That's some iron will power you have there! One whiff of a Krispy Kreme sends my lower lip quivering!
Well, while you were walking away from Krispy Kremes, I was walking away from Girl Scout cookies! :) :)

>Well, while you were walking away from Krispy Kremes, I was
>walking away from Girl Scout cookies! :) :)

Ditto.:7 Although I can hear those thin mints calling my name...

Hooray for you! Krispy Kreme is a real test! You passes w/flying colors! Keep up the great work!

~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
That's great, good for you! I don't have too much trouble passing up food during the day but if those donuts were sitting at my house in the evening it would be another story! Way to go!
When I see krispy kreme donuts, I always picture a big fat cellulite butt and then I am so turned off that there is no way I will eat one.
Its all in the mind, it really is.
Good for you!
>When I see krispy kreme donuts, I always picture a big fat
>cellulite butt and then I am so turned off that there is no
>way I will eat one.
>Its all in the mind, it really is.
>Good for you!

I totatlly agree with Charlotte. All I have to do is think about the grease it's fried in and WHAM instant stomachachex( .
But nonetheless congrats on that WILL POWER.


God, for as long as I have been watching my diet and exercising, i STILL want the "bad" stuff...I don't know how you gals got your bodies to completely "turn-off" to it...I'm sooo jealous! :p
Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Way to go! Personally, I have never had one and decided I never would since I have made it this far and have no idea what I am missing.

Keep up the hard work!

that is not silly, it is progress as you said. Those are so irresistable. I'm shaking my head in visualizing them. Work is also my downfall. They eat constantly on the medical floors. Constantly.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
There's nothing silly about resisting doughnuts! LOL Good job!

I don't really like Krispy Kremes, but the ones we used to get every week from a local bakery...I could never resist a fresh plain cake! They are truly my strongest craving, along with chocolate. And yet I don't like chocolate doughnuts. So strange, personal tastes.

Anyway, you go girl! I'm proud of ya!


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