I did the Wedding tape today for the first time...


....and I really liked it. I'm new to Cathe and I'm so glad I took everyone's suggestion to start with this tape. The cueing was great and the steps not too complicated (this is the first time I've done a step tape.)

I'm looking forward to many more sessions with Cathe!!!

Hi Deborah,

Me too! I did the Wedding tape for the first time yesterday and got an excellent workout. I enjoyed both the steps and music. It's part of a rotation that I'm doing and I can't wait to do it again. :7

Cheryl - I just HAVE to agree with you. I can't wait to do it again. I'm looking forward to the strength training portion of the video tomorrow!!!

Hi! Just wanted to mention that the chest flyes of TWV still kill me, even after using much heavier weights with PS, CTX and MIS!! I have switched to light weight high rep workouts for a 6 week rotation, and I just did the upper body weight section of TWV today. She goes all out on those pushups!
Have fun :)

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